Sometimes we let what others think about us ruin the successes that we have in life. If people truly care for you, they wouldn't be judgmental on how you succeeded but that you did succeed. I was pretty nervous about telling some of my family members. I was relieved to find that they were very supportive of my decision. I know that I won't share that with everyone. But, if they do find out and they have something negative to say, then I will have to put them in their place. I don't need ANYONE to tell me what is right for ME. The only person that I needed their approval was my husband and no else. Putting boundaries up and pushing back may put people off, but they will respect you for it! Running is something I'm so excited to start up again, it has to be the most exhilarating and addictive (I do have an addictive personality) exercise there is. Keep up the great work, and hold your head up high!!!!!