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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DoOver

  1. Can you take old fashion sudafed? The kind you have to show your license and swear on an oath to not take your 24 pack and turn it into meth. (Yes, it irritates me to death that people so abused the med that it takes an act of congress to buy it now.) I have had sinus issues for years. No worse now than before but I still use sudafed to decongest. Doctor said it was fine. In fact, the one negative before was that it raised my blood pressure but now it's so low, that's no longer a problem either.
  2. DoOver

    Definitely blew it today

    I realize how incredibly tight my sleeve is when I read something like this. Two week ago I had a "bad" day.I was just so sick of watching every bite. I bought a 1 piece chicken meal (leg) w/ those little cups of cole slaw and baked beans. It took me the whole day to eat it. And I'm over 5 months out. I don't want people to take this the wrong way, but the further out I get, the more often I wish I could eat a little more. Yes, it sets you up for having to be responsible. But this deprivation is getting old. It sometimes feels a little prisionish to not be able to even eat a normal size grilled chicken leg. So try to look at it that way. Yes, you will have to be a bit more responsible to make sure you eat right. But you can eat. And a few months from now, you might realize what a mental health gift that is because I really sometimes feel like a prision of war. And as a side point, I am not losing weight fast. My body knows this isn't right. So if you have a larger capacity, don't think it means less or slower weight loss. It doesn't. You will be able to do fine with this. Just not perfect and unfortunately it sometimes seems a lot of people are all about perfection. I'm more about being at peace with my decision.
  3. DoOver


    I'd wait if I were you. There may be people who are not bothered by it but as early out as you are, the caffeine could be a big acid reflux trigger. And in my experience, once the reflux starts it's hard to get it back under control. I occasionally have some coffee with caffeine now but it's a half caf about once every 10 days or so. I'm over 5 months out. The rule in my group was to wait 60 days minimum before you tried it. They preferred you didn't but they knew people would so they said 60 minimum, 90 better, never best. If you can't wait, at least start easy with 2/3 decaf, 1/3 caf for a week or so before you move to more.
  4. As I am weaning off PPI's I am starting to gurgle a lot. I've been on business calls talking and they hear my gurgle. Can you imagine? So have people learned tricks to control it? I don't want to take the PPI's just to stop the gurgle. But I have to tell you the gurgles are pretty loud. People don't know what to think since its not quite a burp but yet an uncomfortable body sound. Awkward...... Hints and tips appreciated.
  5. The PPI is to alleviate acid reflux condition. It's not a drug you want to be on if you don't need it for the acid reflux issue. I can't see any rhyme or reason as to why it's something there and sometimes not. For me, I can't tell any difference between before the PPI, on the PPI full time, and now weaning off. I've gurgled pretty much from the day I moved to mushies but not all the time. One of the worst, loudest is sometimes when I lay down at night to sleep. Mine reminds me of when you unplug a toliet and you get that woosh of the release of the plug. It's like there's something stuck toward the top an it suddenly breaks loose to move on through my stomach. I KNOW someone thought I was sick one day because she told me on a break that if I needed to go home, to please do so as my "being on the verge of vomiting" was making her nervous. I felt sooo bad. I know that feeling of anxiety of being around someone you think is sick. I was just glad she told me I was stressing her out. I excused the situation by telling her I was having a very difficult time adjusting to digesting my food after having my gall bladder out but that I felt fine. When we went back into the meeting I whispered to the guy beside me that I felt like I needed to make an announcement that I was not sick and to your point he said..."yea, just tell 'em you're a gas bag". It was a fun sleeve day. I sure hope this isn't a life time condition with this. I can tollerate it for a year, but I just hate to think I'm going to be like this forever.
  6. So diet soda is the only item I've really, really missed. So I deicded that I'd give one a shot. First, I only drank about 2 ounces, if that. Second, I don't see what the big deal is. Saying that, let me add that I am a sipper. I am drinking it for the bite, not because I am thirsty. If it's not got a lot of carbonation and is just a sweet taste, I don't want it. So I've never swigged it down. And with sipping that little bit as we rode home from work did nothing to me. No gas, discomfort pain, nothing. And I might add that I am weaning off the PPI and am only taking one every 3rd day or as needed. Last, I'm so glad I did this. I've been sooo missing it. Now I don't. It had a very chemical taste to me now. It wasn't horrid, but it wasn't anything to go back to wanting every day. And now that I've been away from it, it was nothing to miss. I'm not recommending anyone try this as it's against doctor's orders in almost all cases. But I just thought I'd share my experience on being a rebel. ---basically, it was a disappointing dud and I'm very happy it was! Oh, and I"m almost 5 months post op.
  7. DoOver


    Test dropping back. You won't know if you can go without them until you try. I would ween off but you don't have to keep taking them. In fact it's better for your overall health to get off of them.
  8. I'm glad there are those who enjoy this but it's a real negative to me. I can't find any connection. I often girgle more on simple Fluid than I do with food. To me this is no different than letting out a big belch. I have business meetings and phone calls that are done on a head set. The people actually have heard it over the phone. I think it creates a very unprofessional image. I understand there's not a lot I can do about it but I can promise you that if I sat in a meeting room burping my head off, it would not be appreciated and I suspect this isn't either. I'm finding it very frustrating. I thought the further I got out, the less it would happen. it's actually happening more.
  9. DoOver


    This is such an interesting take on things. I also thought about "end times" but I figured I could survive much better because I would be in better shape and would take less to fuel my body without misery. I never once thought it would be a negative but then I could barely walk when I was at my heaviest weight and doing much, much better now. Interesting that this crosses so many minds apparently.
  10. DoOver


    Look at it this way. I have a niece who is a size 2. She eats an egg roll and she is stuffed. She loves food, she was just born with a very small stomach. Will her life be shortened? Nah. There are people who come by a smaller stomach naturally. I just needed a little assist to get there.
  11. Interesting. Mine forbid aspirin but said ibuprofen was okay in moderation.
  12. DoOver

    I Just Wanna POOP!

    That's the thing. I wouldn't mind going once a week if that was all I needed. And when I do go it's like trying to pass a brick. I've tried everything and so far no luck. I've taken miralax every day for the past week and NADA. It's making this whole experience miserable.
  13. An Mic Ultra is my next test. I'm not too concerned about liquids leading me down the garden path because I absolutely cannot drink anywhere near food. And it shocks me that I don't care. I thought it would drive me nuts. Now I'm sometimes 45 minutes out from food and suddenly go "oh, heck, I can drink again!" I just don't have a connection between food and liquids anymore. It's sooo nice. And this surgery also seems to have cured my dry mouth. Don't know how or why, but thrilled to death about it.
  14. Check with your doctor please. I also never had acid reflux until after the surgery. This is nothing like what I have experienced which is like having old faithful at the top of my stomach shooting acid up into my throat. I did just learn that you should wean off of the PPI's. I'm 5 months out and taking 1 every other day for a month or two, then will quit them. I never had any issue until I went to solid food. Do you still have your gall bladder? It's been known to get very pesky right after this surgery.
  15. DoOver

    Boyfriend's Leak

    Thank you for the update. I was wondering how things were going for him....and you. It's almost hard to believe what he's gone through. I understand your not being happy. It's so difficult when someone's struggle becomes yours even when it's someone you love. I've "nursed" my mom for years now and people who've had week long struggles don't understand that its very different when things drag on and on, especially when you don't see gradual improvements but more setbacks. I do hope this all works out for you both and he begins to get noticably better each week. You both really deserve a break.
  16. DoOver

    protein pills??

    No. The ones I've looked at would take a bottle a day to make any impact. And I'm taking enough pills as it is.
  17. DoOver


    Can the flax seed oil be taken in pill form? I'd think it could, so wondering why you picked liquid.
  18. DoOver

    Considering instead of placation

    Amazing. With "good" insurance, mine was close to $5k out of pocket. It wiped me out for the year but I knew I'd never get a better deal as my insurance isn't going to change and I needed to stay in the US. You know, I'd never heard of placation until a month ago. I can't see bothering with half way on this. Even if I had known about it, I would have stayed with being sleeved. I'm very happy with this choice. It took a few months to get to this point, but as of today, it's a good fit for me.
  19. I used mine about 3 or 4 times a day. I kept it beside my "tv" chair and would do it when I was watching the news...(yea, the news, not the Big Bang Theory...) I don't know that I did any set number of breaths, I would just pick it up and do a few. I had no issues with taking deep breaths. Minimum, you should do that a few times...just take a very deep breath and push it out. Really no need to use that device if that's what's holding you back. I had no lung issues and didn't/don't smoke so it wasn't too much of an issue to me since I was up and moving around from 6 hours after surgery and had no issues.
  20. The scales budged just enough today to give me 57 pounds pre surgery and 57 after, totally a loss of 114. Sadly, I have another 50 to go. But I'll get there.
  21. I'm sure you know there are no staples like in the old days. That bothersome old tummy will be a thing of the past. Depends on the program and how much you need to lose. Mine required steady loss from the time you started the program until surgery. Trust me, it was why a lot of people sprinted to their surgery day. If it was only 2 pounds a month, they were okay. But absolutely no gaining. They cancelled on more than one person in my support group. The only thing my program absolutely required was full compliance to the pre-surgery diet, which for most is a 10 day liquid fast. And for me it wasn't too bad because I knew it would get me safely to the other side. And about 5 months out now, I'm pretty happy to be sleeved. There are hard days and hard times. But the good is far more than the bad. Go for it!
  22. First, I was not diagnosed BED because I didn't do extreme BED. I've never eaten until I was sick. I've never eaten until the fridge was bare. And I only did what I considered to be BED about once a week. But there was no doubt in my mind that they were defining BED too strictly and even the experts don't understand what it's about. For instance, my Mom is in the last days of her life with dementia. Very stressful to visit her and she's been in advanced stages for years. I'd go and have dinner with her and then, on the way home, hit a drive through for a double burger and fries. Because it stopped there they considered it emotional eating not BED. But they didn't get that it stopped there because I have a very stressful job and I had to go to bed and sleep so I could get up at 5:30 the next morning and start it all over again. If I had been a person who could have gone home and continued eating, I'm absolutely certain I would have. The fact that I was so fat was the answer to me. I ate very healthy and sane most of the time EXCEPT these episodes. Now I will say that I've learned since this surgery that I have a very poor metabolism. But even with a great one, I would have still been 75 pounds overweight. So here's the good news. I worried about this. Without the diagnosis, I could not get counciling. It was really my only pre-surgery worry. Well, I'm now almost 5 months out and it's been the biggest and best surprise of this whole ride. I seem to no longer need to binge. Others talk about getting a lack of hunger. Well, I didn't get that. But I'm happy to have my hunger and NOT have a need to binge. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I wish I could hope into a time caspule and go back for one more food party. But it passes pretty fast. Especially for anyone reading this who has not yet had the surgery, you have to know how bad this is for you Is it really bad, or just something you occasionall resort to? And how much will your life change after you lose some weight? I told myself that if I could get through the first 6 months I'd make it. And I think that's true. I am going to get back to golf next spring. I am going to a social group once a week. I found a alzhiermer's support group I go to that I really enjoy. I'm finding other things that distract me from wanting to use food. Ask yourself these questions and considering getting some things that will make you happy lined up now. No one breaks habits, as our society thinks. We exchange them. So knowing you have to give up BED, my best advice is to try and find something else you can get pleasure from. You can't go your entire life without doing something to create a relaxed, fun feeling in your life. There are just other ways than food. Good luck!
  23. DoOver

    "Starving" to death

    Exactly. It's a protection mode but doesn't last forever.
  24. I had the same feeling, adding a little cramping at the site. My doctor just said it was nothing to worry about, no real explanation. Not saying you shouldn't worry, but he said it would go away and it did. I'd say it was maybe 2 months when I completely no longer noticed it.
  25. While I completely agree that high end is sized larger...and this is REALLY true for shoes....it irritates the thunder out of me that the same manufacturer can have huge discrepancies. What I find amusing is that I used to love spandex. Now it drives me nuts. I want 100% cotton on all pants especially. With having lost over 100 from my highest weight, I need the 100% cotton to act as a girdle to firm me up! Spandex only helps the jiggle!

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