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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. :unsure:Hey all ! I was just sleeved on Wed 8/10/11. I had the lap band removed and the sleeve done at the same time. Surgery wasn't the greatest. although the doc say's i did a great job.. i had ALOT of nausea. If i was awake i had nausea.eww My blood Pressure shot up high high.. and heart rate lowlow.. but all is stable and i'm home ! i'm trying to back off of pain pills because they do tend to make me sick to my stomach although knock on wood i have not vomited. I did come home with a drain which Doc said he will be removing on thursday when i have my one week follow up...I'm having a really hard time getting liquids in. What i've been doing because i figured i need some kind of protein is drinking the carnation sugar free instant breakfast. It's taking me almost an enitre day to get in 8 -16oz but i'm taking a sip here and sip there. It feels like 2 sips is all i can take before i feel so full i can't stomach it ! i'm constantly napping.. Please tell me this will get better soon !

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