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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tekila4red

  1. I dont post much but by gosh I read alot and its been helpful to know that everyone goes through their moments. I feel like Im kinda stuck where Im at, and not sure how to push past it. But I finally had one of those moments that was like WOW.... people have of course noticed and I always say thank you, but I had to recently pull out the winter jeans and I of course go through to start trying on what I can and cant wear, I have a whole new wardrobe of clothing that fits!!!! Woooo hooo jeans I havent had on my fat butt in 6+ years are now fitting perfectly if a little snug or a little loose depending on the style. Sweaters and Sweatshirts that people bought for me or I bought that never fit right or fit only once as I was climbing the scale on upward mobility. Now.... I have rubbermaid containers full of clothes that are too big and that Im scared to give away because I want to make sure that I am not going to climb the scale upward. :whoo::whoo::whoo:.

    My stuck part is that I have been at the same weight for a month now, not really seeing anything move, I know part of it is what Im eating as there are times I fee soooooooo tight that once I start the regurgitation process Im like that all day, and then by the next day Im back to normal. Im hoping someone knows what Im talkin about and can help me with some advice to get past it. It always starts in the morning and if I eat the wrong thing I get the bowling ball in the throat, then I spend the morning tossing it back up, and then I cant keep anything down all day. I get to sleep that night, and start fresh the next morning. :help::help: Me

  2. I had a fill almost a week ago, 1 cc in a 4 cc band. Overall I think it's a good fill, as the scale has moved. But in the morning I feel really tight and have to slowly sip my protien shake. By 1pm I can eat lunch and end up staying full for the rest of the day. I really only have protien shakes after that along with Water. Is it normal to be tight in the morning or do I need a slight unfill? Or should I just wait another week and see how I feel then. I'm scheduled for another fill the end of November, but I know if I feel anything like I do now I'm not going to need it.



    I notice I am tighter in the mornings as well, I dont drink or eat anything though until I have had at least 24 ounces of Water, makes my day easier if you know what I mean. Im concerned though that you are drinking so many shakes... and I know every dr is different but my drs goals was to get me off of the liquid diet.... perhaps check with your Doc/nurse and just let them know you are drinking lots of liquids and getting far less actual food down. Then they can tell you what they want you to do.

  3. Now im confused, nurse that called with the results said that I have Low ths which means that its a hyperthroid because its overworking...... i guess my concern is that here Ive lost 50lbs with the lap band and they want to put me on meds that will make me gain it again????? ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  4. Ummm ok been banded since Jan 30th, Ive officially lost 50lbs and had a friggin blast cleaning out rubber made containers and closets this weekend. Bad news? In a relatively routine discussion with my Gyn on Friday she says, you need to have a thyroid panel done, bone density scan, etc... Have the blood work done yesterday, choloestroal (sp) is freaking awesome and very normal!!!! wooo hooooo, butttttttt she says, my ths was low which is indicative of hyperthryoid...reading symptoms on the web, some fit some dont, but the one that caught my eye was that treatments will make you gain weight back....UM HELLLLLLLOOOOO I dont friggin think so.... Helppppppp has anyone had this still have this whats the story how are you effected with the lap band?????? Im freaking out here and would love for someone to set me straigt.........:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:

  5. Pfffftttttttt relax that is what you should do, look if it was easy to do this part unrestricted you wouldnt have had the surgery right? Im not encouraging you to eat a box of twinkies, Im telling you as you start getting your fills, you will find yourself controlled whether you want to be or not!!!! Two weeks after surgery I was eating as if I never had surgery, my doc says he expects this and its normal, Ive had 3 fills and lost 34 lbs..... Like I said if we could all do it with out having the restriction and on our own.... we wouldnt have had the surgery in the first place.....best of luck to you!!!!

    Above was posted in a different thread!!!! You guys seriously need to relax, trust me when i say its harder for me to do than anyone Im so uptight about weight loss, its ridiculous...but DUDEEEEEEEE relax it didnt take you 5 weeks to get to obesity or morbid obesity and its going to take you more than 5 weeks to get used to your new life style and how things are going to work from here on out!!!! If you have not had a fill yet, then yeah your not restricted and your habits are your habits...wait til you have a fill and have all new stuff to freak out about......:omg:

  6. I tan and my scars aren't red. I think it just depends on the person.

    I agree, i use high pressure beds and started tanning two weeks after my surgery, you cant even see 3 of my scars and barely see the 4th and the 5th is where it got infected so....:omg:

  7. Morning --- not gonna say good morning this morning as Im soooooo tired I feel like Im gonna :faint: .........at any rate looking for someone to tell me what may be happening with me. last three nights in a row Ive been not able to get through the night with out tossing up the liquids I had before bed. Meaning, im drinking a bottle of Water or crystal light or some such thing before bed, I hit bed and with in 20 minutes I will spend the next 2 hours gettingup every twenty minutes to toss all the liquids up. Im ok if I sit straight up, tried this in the tub last night, however the minute my head hit the pillow I felt nauseous and with in several minutes I was rushing back to toss up the liquids....today other than being tired :notagree , i feel fine, and am certainly getting my liquids down, and even food.... am I doing something wrong?:cry

  8. I saw the doc today and he reassured me some lap banders do not lose tell the first or even second but said it will come off and said the band is wide open and lose and said in due time u will lose ..

    I guess i was hoping for maybe 10 lbs loss not 5 lbs but hey i am thinner than i was a month ago .. he said to exercise more and keep up the good work ..

    Yep thats what i was gonna say, I just posted in another thread that the first two weeks after surgery i was eating normally and had absolutley no restriction, since then Ive had 3 fills and have lost 34ish lbs, hang on til you get that fill!!!!!

  9. Pfffftttttttt relax that is what you should do, look if it was easy to do this part unrestricted you wouldnt have had the surgery right? Im not encouraging you to eat a box of twinkies, Im telling you as you start getting your fills, you will find yourself controlled whether you want to be or not!!!! Two weeks after surgery I was eating as if I never had surgery, my doc says he expects this and its normal, Ive had 3 fills and lost 34 lbs..... Like I said if we could all do it with out having the restriction and on our own.... we wouldnt have had the surgery in the first place.....best of luck to you!!!!

  10. Every one is different and Im told that guys lose better then women do, but you and I started at the same weight or pretty close to, although I am much shorter then you, and Im headed to the same goal mark!!!!! My doctor assures me my goal is not to extreme and I should have no problem, considering on March 5th I weighed in at 267.7 and am now 32lbs down from there I think Im well on my way, essesntially ive lost almost a third of what I want to lose!!!! Best of luck to you Ill be watching for you to tell us all how much you are losing and how much better you feel!!!!!

  11. I can barely get down 3 1/2 cup meals a day and feel peachy!!!! But the first month until my first fill I had absolutley no restriction and very little restriction after my first fill. I did have a fill that put me a little too tight where I couldnt even get liquids down, had them take a little out and Im all good. And boy if I try to push just even one extra bite my body is all about telling me to knock it off!

  12. Hi Ladies -- especially Tracey from Malleys board!!! Im from KC too and am a huge believer in Dr. Malley. He and his team are the bestest!!!!! That said, I went to the consult in November and was banded in January of 2007. I am the HR/Benefits coordinator so I knew we would cover and everything went really well, I did get a little too tight my last fill, and had to get a de-fill.... You know what??? I am so totally ok with that cuz.... Ive lost 35lbs since my first fill in March!!!! Wooooo hoooooooooo. At any rate, as an insurance coordinator my best piece of advise to you is call BCBS and find out where and who they will cover. I had my surgery adn Heartland who I have to also give huge kudos too. best of luck to you!!!

    ps Tracey tell me how you do the pictures I want to do it too what a fantastic idea!!!!!

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