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Liliana Arleen

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Liliana Arleen

  1. Liliana Arleen

    Easter Challenge!

    Tammy!!! I am IN :smile1: Love the idea SN : Liliana Arleen SW: 159 lbs GW: 144 lbs CW: 159 lbs to lose 15 lbs
  2. Liliana Arleen


    You look great sweetie Congrats!!!!
  3. Liliana Arleen

    Got My Sleeve Finally!

    Congrats Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery!!
  4. Liliana Arleen


    Girl,you are beautiful!!! How much more to get to your goal? you look like you are in your goal already!!
  5. I didn't had my surgery in Mexico but all I hear about Dr Almanza and Dr Alvarez is great things. I haven't hear people having problems going over there. Everything will be just fine… Good luck!!
  6. It will get better!!! The first days I felt like a truck hit me lol with the days going by, I started feeling better. Don't worry about weight now,your stomach still swollen.
  7. 960 calories burned today in cardio only,yay!!!

  8. Liliana Arleen

    Larger Bougie Size For Exbandits

    The bougie size is just a guide,It doesn't determine the size of your stomach . I am an example of a 38 bougie size and look at my weight loss progress in less than 3 months :wink1: If I am you won't worry much about the bougie size, you will do great!! Good luck !!!
  9. Liliana Arleen

    Just Stop It Already

    Not me!!! I been a good girl on this forum lol
  10. Liliana Arleen

    Showing Pcos Whose The Boss.

    I have PCOS and I almost 3 months post op. I struggled with infertility for almost 6 years. I have one daughter who is 2 and she is the light of my life. You will be fine I am off my metformin since before surgery and my insulin has been a bit high, I hope that for my 3 month post op check my insulin is better I wish you the best of luck and keep in touch!
  11. Liliana Arleen

    My First 25!

    wohooo congrats girl Keep it up
  12. Liliana Arleen

    50 Lb Weight Loss!

    Congrats!!! Is an amazing milestone :)
  13. I did horrible yesterday as for food choices and I gained 2 lbs but guess what? I am going to the gym and work it baby!!!!!!

  14. Liliana Arleen

    Scale Victories...sweet :)

    Congrats !!!!
  15. Liliana Arleen

    Favorite Blender?

    I have a hand shaker and I also have a Ninja blender I love it!!!! They have them at walmart!! http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=nija+blender&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#q=ninja+blender&hl=en&client=safari&pwst=1&rls=en&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=hhQ4T_vgBtG_2QXWscGNAg&ved=0CJQBEK0E&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=6913756a3e451e22&biw=1920&bih=1064
  16. 300 calories burned today with cardio plus I did all my weights yay for sundays!!!!

  17. Sunday,I am going for my sunday work out since I missed saturday, I hope I can do all my weights today =)

  18. Lol I love how Lortab trastes too ha ha ha I still have some from surgery .
  19. Liliana Arleen

    Preop Starts Tomorrow!

    LOL girl you are almost there!!!
  20. lol great info is good to know than I am taller than Asians,Indians,Brazilians etc lol I am latina/polish , I don't think I got my height for sure from my dad's side. But is good to know that I am not that short lol Thanks!!!
  21. Liliana Arleen

    Halfway Home!

    Way to go!! Congrats!!!
  22. I think 5'3 is short lol I compare myself to others and I look like midget
  23. Liliana Arleen

    Chili Tonite

    I need a good recipe for Chili,every time I make mine it tastes different lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
