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irish princess

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About irish princess

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    Intermediate Member

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    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wb8G2aY/">

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  1. irish princess

    When did you feel good post op

    Why the heck are you drinking pop so early on. I'm not sure that is good for you or the sleeve. Just sayin'
  2. irish princess


    I am soooo glad to hear that you feel the same way. I think it SUCKS too. I keep telling myself that it will get better and honestly, I thought by now, that I would be feelin' a little better than I do, but I know from what everyone says that after you can start eating soft foods, it will be a brand new day! I never thought I was gonna look forward so much to some cream of wheat but to me that is gonna be like having a huge juicy steak!!!! Best of luck to you. Hang in there!!!!
  3. Hi all you fellow sleevers!!! I'm on the other side now!!! :>) I survived the surgery and all the lovely gas pain for the first couple days post. I am now 5 days post-op and have been following my clear liquid diet perfectly and have even been getting in about 40 grams of protein per day. SF popsicles have been my lifesavers but I am starting to get a little tired of them. By 9:00pm I am absolutely starving... stomach growling, feel weak, and just want to eat some solid foods. Is this hunger pains or could it be acid? I take one Prilosec a day in the morning. I see my doc on Thursday for my first post op visit and am pretty sure that he will advance me to full liquids and pureeds. Will I still have these same feelings once I can advance to a little more solid food. I really am interested in hearing what all you expert sleevers have to say! I'm goin' out of my mind! Thanks!
  4. irish princess

    Doing fine

    Hi Tina! Glad to hear that you are doing ok. I had my surgery 4 days ago as well. The toughest time for me is in the morning... lots of aches and pains that have to work their way out of my system. Used to be a huge Ibuprofen junkie... so not being able to take that first thing in the morning is a bit tough. Are you getting all your protein in? Which ones do you like? I'm goin' for a Lo Carb Banana Smoothie today from Smoothie King (39 grams protein/7 carbs) to see how that works. I am not a huge fan of anything I've tried so far. Hang in there and keep up the positive attitude!!!
  5. irish princess

    How come I'm so nervous???

    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I am now on Day #3 Post Op and get to feeling a little better every day. I'm finding it very helpful to share experiences with everyone. I am looking forward to moving to the next stage in a couple of days and be proud that I have made it this far. Thanks again for your kind words!
  6. irish princess

    How come I'm so nervous???

    Thanks Marie. I had my surgery on Wednesday and I am home now! I'm pretty tired and have been really struggling to get in the fluids. Nothing really tastes that good at all and leaves a pretty uncomfortable feeling if you don't sip it just the right way. Regardless, I know this is only temporary and that the end will totally justify the means. I am so grateful to have support out there like yourself. Great job on your weight loss! Keep it up! BTW.... I love Michigan.... have spent every summer up there since I was born near South Haven or WhiteHall. Just love it!
  7. irish princess

    What was the worst part after surgery ?

    Hi there, I just had my surgery on Wednesday so I am 2 days post. Everyone's experience is so unique and yours will be too. I spent hours on this site beforehand which was helpful in explaining some of my post op experiences but I found that there were a lot that I thought I would have but so far haven't been an issue. The biggest problem for me was the shoulder pain on the night after the surgery. I must have walked over a few miles and it still didn't resolve until I went home and got in my own bed. It's almost all gone now but it helped a lot to know that it was temporary and that a lot of other people also experienced it. Good Luck to you.. I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. You are so close to your date and it will be all over before you know it. Please let us know how it went for you!!!
  8. irish princess

    How come I'm so nervous???

    Thanks Sas! Just finished the ol' Hibiclens shower and getting ready to walk out the door to begin this next part of my journey. Surgery is in 3 hours and I think I'll be ok. Thanks for your reply. You have done so well in your journey and that's a great inspiration to me. Thanks for paying it forward!
  9. Hi. I'm a newbie and I'm finally getting my surgery tomorrow. I thought I was ready and have been waiting for this day for so long. I'm not nervous so much about the operation or any of the unpleasant things afterwards during the post op stage. I am nervous that I am going to fail and fall off the wagon like I have always done in the past. I have always started a diet with the same motivation, dedication and determination then get bored or frustrated around the 3rd week and fall off the wagon. I want so bad to have this work but am really afraid that I will get sick of all the restrictions. I have read so many of these posts and most have helped and are so uplifting but the ones who have encountered all the problems with stalls, protein supplement intolerance, etc. are really getting me down. Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought I was. Help!
  10. irish princess

    Scheduled for NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!

    First post... mine is the 27th too! Trying to get through all the material on what I am going to need in terms of Vitamins and Protein powders. Very excited !
  11. I have serious pain in both knees and both feet due to my weight. Getting sleeved on 7/27/2011. Will the pain decrease after I start losing weight?

  12. Welcome to the Vertical Sleeve Talk forums irish princess! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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