I know it's been a while since I logged in anyways, I had my surgery on august 4th in mexico with dr Almanza. Everything went great, I was the first one to be sleeve on that day out of the six patients scheduled. The first day was rough I was very nauseous and I threw up some but, the good thing about it I was in no pain. Whatever they used for pain over there was right on with me. The next morning they took three of us to the recovery house once I got there I took a shower and went to bed for a couple hours. The nurse came and wake me up she said that I needed to start walking to help with the gas pain. So I got up went downstairs and joined the others in my group and we started walking in the backyard. Later on we went shopping and I was bouncing from store to store almost forgot that I had surgery 24 hours ago. I did my Xray the following day I was told that everything looked fine no leak, we went shopping again before returning to the house, later on my drain was removed and it felt uncomfortable not painful just a weird feeling. It's been two weeks since the surgery I lost 9 lbs so far. I started on mushy foods at the end of my first week because, my sleeve don't like sugary foods I had a hard time with the shakes and juice and popsicles. Clear broth wasn't doing it for me so I started on thick creamy foods and my sleeve tolerate it just fine. I started solid food today and I didn't have any problem eating a piece of grilled tilapia a small piece of a broiled sweet potato and a tiny branch of steam broccoli I ate very slow and chew until there were nothing left to chew on and swallow. It's a new process and it's not easy I just need to get used to it. So far so good, the only down time I had was the incision where the drain was wouldn't close off but I started putting neosporin on it and let it air dry so it's almost close now. Thanks to everyone for your comments and your wishes.