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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lililinks

  1. Thanks guys :-)

    I probably don't drink enough Water.... rrunning around after two little ones, by the time I remember to drink, it's too close to a meal time and I can't drink. But, just had a big glass of Water and tummy was still growling, so warmed up some more mashed veggies. I hope my sleeve is not too "big". If I am already feeling hunger this soon after my surgery, i am really concerned

  2. I am 2.5 weeks out and the first week that I was on just liquids I felt starving the whole week. I was really panicking. Then I started eating some purees and it was great, I felt full and rarely felt hungry. Now that my stomach seems to be used to the purees, I feel hungry again after like 2 hours. An example of what I ate for dinner - I small fish fillet, minced up. about 1-2 tablespoons pureed veggies with cheese. I was full straight after I ate at 7:30pm... it's now nearly 9:30 and I feel hungry again. This can't be normal, can it?

    How far out from the op did you start feeling hunger again?

  3. That's what happened to me Tiff - I posted in Gastric Sleeve Support (maybe a different one?) thinking that it was a closed group and got a whole lot of messages from people saying they had seen it in case I wanted to keep it private cause they knew I was a private person and also wishing me well. I was mortified and deleted the post.

    I would love an invitation to the closed groups - will PM you now :-) Thank you

  4. Thanks you ALL so much for your words of wisdom :-) MexicaliVSG, your words are inspiring. It's morning time here in Aus and my baby needs some attention, but I will go hunting for your posts when I have a chance.

    I need to change my attitude from panic to gratitude and like you said, curiosity.

    Really, it CAN'T be hunger, because I don't wake up in the night feeling hungry (like others I have heard of), I wake up feeling full and the hunger only starts once I start eating, so it must be acid, right? I think I need to give my surgeon a call for some anti-reflux meds. I wonder if he will just give them to me happily.

    Thank you all again for being there and helping to make me feel better. Sending love across the ocean! :-)

  5. Thanks so much Megin, it's so good to hear that it's probably normal biggrin.gif

    I think I need to ring my surgeon and get a stronger antacid - I am taking Zantac, but only one a day and then not even everyday. When I was pregnant not all that long ago, I was taking THREE a day just to try ease the burn... so you're right, it may just be all the acid in my stomach.

    Hope you're right about the healing too, lol... cool.gif

    Thanks so much ffor your quick reply and kind words

  6. Hi Guys,

    I was sleeved one week ago and pretty much since day 2 or 3 I have felt hungry. Now I know it could be reflux and I've tried taking meds with no change. I can easily drink 250ml of Soup (that's a cup) or a Protein shake, and then still be hungry an hour later. I never have that full feeling that so many people speak about. Today I triied gulping a few sips of Water and I had no problem with that either.

    I am really panicking that my sleeve has not worked.

    I think about food all the time, wondering what I will have for my next "meal" which is still liquids anyyway. I really have to keep myself in check all the time and I just really did not expect this one week out from surgery - I was expecting to not want much to eat at all and to struggle getting food in.

    I feel so disheartened that my sleeve may not have worked.

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