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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About thinkinthin

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  1. thinkinthin

    Pre-op Prep for Surgery Diet

    Thanks so much your very helpful.... I am really getting nervous how about you? My biggest fear is that I will be throwing up. I REALLY HATE to throw up or dry heave or have nausea. ANd I really hate the dizzies that come with it.... I Pray that does not happen!!!
  2. thinkinthin

    Pre-op Prep for Surgery Diet

    I need a grocery list of things to have in my house following surgery.Specifics would be great. I will be unable to get out to the store and my hubby will be working so what to have here? I know my protein shakes and chicken broth, sugar free popcicles...What else?
  3. My surgery is on July 11, and I too am only able to take 1 week off. I am worried but will try very hard to push thru it. I am planing to take it easy and not over do it. I basically sit at a desk and can take breaks, If I get tired I will "hide" for a little "rest". This is my plan...We will see. Keep me posted I also feel your emotions. I guess this is all part of the Journey!!! Good Luck
  4. Hello all, From my title you can see I am experiencing many emotions. I assume this is normal. I have contemplated this surgery for 4 years. I have researched and went to 3different doctors and chickened out 2 times. I always thought I dont weight THAT much I can loose this on my own. Then I would diet and gain more than I lost every time. I am5 ft tall and weight 204 today. I was finally approved and had my endoscopy done this morning. I am still confident that I am doing the right thing for me. My battle is that most people look at me and say, your not that fat, your crazy why would you do something this drastic? I laugh at them and just say that I know this is right for me. I dont want to continue with the yo-yo dieting and ending up weighing more and increasingly becoming very unhealthy. My energy level is very low. I am a couch potato. I work FT but at the end of the day I just veg.. I have a 10 year old already showing some signs of unhealthy eatiting and is in the 90th percentile for his age and weight. I want to have the energy to keep him active. So I am doing this for me and for him. Is that unhealthy thinking? Anyway I am scheduled for the Sleeve July 11. And am struggling with this pre-op diet. I have this terrible headache and slightly dizzy. Has everyone stuck strickly to this 2 week preop plan. I know this is a lifestyle change and I am committed to the long term efforts, It is just that I cant take ecedrin for the headache and tylenol does not work. I just feel like I need to eat.... Support is what I need. My BFF is very upset that I am doing this. I think it is because she knows she is going to loose her eatting buddy. My husband is supportive but scared of the extreme of it. And I refuse to tell my In Laws they are so opinionated. Well I willl continue later with my journey. Just feeling Excited, Scared, Embarrassed and Anxious!!!
  5. Hello, I am new and reading your posts.I am getting scared also! I think I Only weigh 202 and am 5 ft tall. Do I really need surgery? But then I know I have tried every diet and spent awful amounts of money on diets, gyms, infomercials, etc... And still I am 200+and still 5ft tall. My question is that I can only take one week off from work. I am having surgery July 11 (monday) and returning to work the following Monday. I really dont work physically hard, I sit at a desk and am in meetings for the most part. So what do you think Am I crazy? Any and all advise welcomed. BTW,my BFF is really not happy that I am having this done and is trying to talk me out of it with horror stories.
  6. Welcome to the Vertical Sleeve Talk forums thinkinthin! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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