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Heather~ Sweetdreams

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Heather~ Sweetdreams

  1. I think I'm going to make my boyfriend open a "sleeve" friendly restaurant! LOL.. He makes the best mushies, and just the right sizes! Tonight for dinner, he mashed a half a red potato with low fat, low sodium beef broth, and added a spoonful of gerber beef and gravy dinner.. It was pretty yummy! Been walking about every 30 minutes or so, my back is killing me today!!!

  2. Well, I'm sleeved as of yesterday morning. My nausea hasn't been as bad as some, but I'm having a lot of pain.

  3. Well, I just have a few more hours before I have to be at the hospital. 9 actually! AHHH.. K, I'm starting to freak out!!!

  4. YAY!! It's finally down to the wire! Have to be at the hossy at 5:15AM! Thinking I should take a nap!

  5. Thank you so much! I'm really starting to get nervous now! I can hardly believe it!

  6. AHHH.. I have to be at the hospital in 37 short hours! I am sooooo ready to have this done and over with! I just want to get through the painful part so I can start working on the new me!!!

  7. HI! I'm in Texas too and having my surgery this Thursday the 14th!! Hope to see you in the posts more! Good luck!!

  8. Had a big jump on my weight basically overnight! 6 pounds gone! I haven't been this weight since my hysterectomy last year!! 2 and 1/2 days til surgery!!!

  9. Just a few hours til your surgery!!! I'm so excited for you!!

  10. I just caught part of your thread from last month and wanted to check in and see how you were doing! I hear Dr. Kim is AWESOME, unfortunately he isn't in my insurance plan :(. But I have a GREAT surgeon too, and am being sleeved on the 14th!!

  11. AHHH!! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new healthier you!!! I'm jealous!! I have to wait until Thursday!!!! LOL. Good luck tomorrow sweetie! I'll be thinking about you!!

  12. Tomorrow is your big day!!!! Wishing you luck and a speedy recovery!!!

  13. Day 3 liquid diet.. I survived a birthday party!! lol

  14. Day 2 of liquid diet and it sucks bigtime! My boyfriend is being very supportive, every say "I'm soooo hungry", he gets up and makes me broth, or brings me a shake.. Oh how I love that man!!

  15. Congrats on the 9 pounds! That's no small feat! I'm starting to get really nervous. I know I'm grating on my boyfriend, and kids last nerves! lol

  16. Liquid diet starts today... sorry, I just can't get excited about that. BUT I WILL NOT CHEAT! I'm determined!!! 7 days til surgery!!

  17. Well, it is officially July 6th, since it is 1:20 in the morning here in Texas! I have 8 days until Surgery, and 1 day to have a final food funeral before starting my liquid diet tomorrow (the 7th)! I'M ABSOLUTELY ECSTATIC!!!

  18. We are having our sleeve's on the same day! I was wondering what area you are in? I'm having mine in Dallas, Texas! Good luck!

  19. I know what you mean! It's after midnight, so I guess I'm technically starting my liquid diet tomorrow! 7 days of yuck! lol...

  20. Thanks for adding me!! I'm getting sleeved 4 days before you!! So excited!!

  21. Already lost 14 pounds, but don't start my preop diet until Thursday the 7th. Surgery on the 14th!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

  22. Thanks! That's what she is worried about. Although, since I got my approval and surgery date, she has started back on her diet and got a fill on her LB, and has last a little more. She said I inspired her to work harder to meet her goal, and the fact that she is doing the liquid diet with me let's me know that she really won't be jealous... okay, maybe a little.. LOL

  23. YAY, another Texas sleever!! Congrats again on getting your approval!!

  24. OOoo 11 days til my VSG!! READY BABY!!!

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