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Heather~ Sweetdreams

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heather~ Sweetdreams

  1. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Surgery was yesterday morning. It took about an hour and a half. I was in recovery for a long while, because my room wasn't ready. I've had a lot of incision pain, and gas pain.I've been NPO since I had surgery. They did my leak test at 9:30 this morning. Waiting for the doc to okay some ice chips. Nausea only got bad once, but no vomiting. Thank goodness!
  2. Well, I'm sleeved as of yesterday morning. My nausea hasn't been as bad as some, but I'm having a lot of pain.

  3. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July Master List

    Oh LaVale, I'm so sorry. I feel bad that you weren't able to go through with it today. It makes me feel kind of bad, since I did. Surgery was at 7:15 this morning. I'm having a few issues. Drain is filling VERY quickly, and repeatedly, so they just did a blood draw to check my levels.Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have a bleeder. The nausea isn't terrible, it really only hits me when I move to the side of the bed to stand. I've only been able to get up twice. I'm restricted from fluids of any kind other than my IV. My gas hasn't been all that bad. Those gas-x strips really do work!!! lol K... dozing in and out again...more later
  4. Well, I just have a few more hours before I have to be at the hospital. 9 actually! AHHH.. K, I'm starting to freak out!!!

  5. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Farewell Meal

    I had ONE food funeral. I have a weakness for Prime Rib... really good prime rib. And my favorite place that makes it, well, its such a huge amount, there is no way I will ever be able to eat it, or even go in there again. So, my boyfriend took me for my "last meal" before I started my liquid diet. I had a 10 oz prime rib (that he had to help me finish) with lobster, mushroom sauce, steamed veggies and a salad. It was by far, the very best prime rib I have, or will ever eat in my life! Yes, eating habits are hard to change, and it is best to start before undergoing this life changing procedure, but, there is always room for goodbye!!!!
  6. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Thank you EVERYONE for your well wishes! I will be updating as soon as I can. I only have to stay one night at the hospital (hopefully) so I will update once I'm home if I can't while I'm there! About to be on the losers bench!!!!
  7. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Thank you Wendy! I'm usually pretty good with surgery. I was up and at 'em after each of my last 2 C-Sections because I learned my lesson from the first one! Even after my hysterectomy/hernia repair/tummy tuck, I was only really down for about a week, and would have been fine after that if I hadn't had further complications. So overall, I'm an awesome surgical candidate! I just KNOW this is going to be AWESOME!!!!
  8. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Farewell Meal

    Rizz, I just picked up this "Super Protein shot" today at Walmart in the pharmacy isles. I haven't tried it yet. But it is 110 calories, 26 g protein and 1 carb! It's only 3 oz.!! I'm sharing for 2 reasons. 1, I'm just nice like that LOL. and 2, I kind of want someone else to try it before I do in case it's nasty! HAHA! Glad you are doing so well, and hope you get all good reports at your checkup!
  9. YAY!! It's finally down to the wire! Have to be at the hossy at 5:15AM! Thinking I should take a nap!

  10. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Thank you both. I'm sure I won't sleep a wink tonight! Especially since I have to leave by 4 AM to get to the hospital on time. This all fell into place so well, I know that it was meant to happen and am soooooooooo excited!!!
  11. Thank you so much! I'm really starting to get nervous now! I can hardly believe it!

  12. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    How long did you wait to have sex

    LOL! Unfortunately I'm a grumpy guss from being on this liquid diet... I don't know if I could get in the mood if I wanted too!
  13. AHHH.. I have to be at the hospital in 37 short hours! I am sooooo ready to have this done and over with! I just want to get through the painful part so I can start working on the new me!!!

  14. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Firecrackers Week of July 11

    Thank you Kim!!
  15. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Firecrackers Week of July 11

    Well, I'm off of full liquids, and on to clear liquids for tomorrow. Surgery first thing Thursday morning with Dr. Kennedy at Methodist Dallas! The anxiety has taken control.. I have butterflies so bad I couldn't eat if I wanted to! Good luck to everyone else this week. We are on our way to super fabulousness!!
  16. We have a sleever there right now that should be going into surgery any minute! Readytolive. They brought her food last night and told her that there no reason to be on a liquid diet! We were both shocked! I'm having my surgery locally, and my surgeon has had me on preop liquids since last Thursday! Just another 2 days for me, then I'll be on the losers bench!!!
  17. HI! I'm in Texas too and having my surgery this Thursday the 14th!! Hope to see you in the posts more! Good luck!!

  18. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July 19th surgery date

    Make sure you let your doc know that you have issues with nausea, maybe they will give you a prescription for phenergan for when you are at home.
  19. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Surgery today

    So happy for you Robin, you are about to start a great new life!! Hopefully you won't be in pain long! Sending special thoughts your way!!!
  20. Had a big jump on my weight basically overnight! 6 pounds gone! I haven't been this weight since my hysterectomy last year!! 2 and 1/2 days til surgery!!!

  21. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Surgery today

    YAY!! Can't wait to hear how you are doing since I'm going in on Thursday for mine!! PLEASE keep us posted! Praying for a quick recovery!
  22. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July 19th surgery date

    I drive a school bus too! I'm actually working summer school. I go in tomorrow and Wednesday and am having surgery on Thursday. I'm going to try and go back on Tuesday, since I only have to be there a 4 hours, and only drive in 30 hour increments with 30 minute breaks. I think I can manage, but they have a backup plan in case I'm not up for it!
  23. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Are you ready July 11th-15th Sleevers??

    One of my friends on here is flying to Tijuana tomorrow for hers. Maybe you two will be at the same place. She is on my friends list as readytolive if you want to talk with someone!
  24. Just a few hours til your surgery!!! I'm so excited for you!!

  25. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Are you ready July 11th-15th Sleevers??

    Ha! Most likely you will be too nervous to eat anyway! I know I have always been before surgeries. I have to do clear liquids all day wednesday. Thank goodness I get to work all week before surgery. I've been off this past week during my liquid diet and it has made it more difficult! You got this honey! Hang in there!!

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