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Heather~ Sweetdreams

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heather~ Sweetdreams

  1. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    I am finally able to begin posting....

    I'm easy.. I like pretty much anything!
  2. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Still in Pain

    OMG!!! That is UNCALLED FOR! I'm only 1 week out, and so far, just having some pain in my left side that seems to be getting better daily. But, last year I had a hysterectomy. When the doc opened me up they found i had a HUGE hernia.. (not sure how this was missed with preop xrays, mri's and sonograms). They had to call another surgeon in to repair the hernia, and my obgyn did the hyster. They also ended up having to take 6 inches of skin all the way across my lower abdomen because they made hamburger meat out of it with the hernia repair. About 2 weeks late I had a lump just under my belly button that was the size of a cantelope. The doctor said it was a seroma. They sent me to the hospital radiologist, he attempted to drain it, for 4 HOURS! As I laid in an MRI machine. They pulled 2 liters of Fluid off of me. A week later I was back in the hospital. Dehydrated from fever. I had developed a severe infection from the attempt to drain, also, I had developed cellulitus all around the seroma. It was horrible. They did surgery the next day to get rid of it. I was left with an open incision that was packed with gauze. I had to go to wound care daily at the hospital. Eventually they put me on a wound vac.. it took 3 months to heal. IT was by far the most horrible experience of my life! I hope they can drain your seroma with no problems. I'm attaching a photo of the Seroma the day before surgery, and the opening about a month after surgery during wound care. Please keep an eye on it!
  3. Heather~ Sweetdreams


    You may want to contact your doctor. Anytime there is swelling in your feet and legs it has the possibility to be linked to a medical problem. I'm only a week out, so I can't offer any advise on it other than that. Hope you get to feeling better!!
  4. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    I am finally able to begin posting....

    You know, we aren't that far from each other. When we are both healed up, we should meet up for a lunch!
  5. Thank you! I'm trying.. just have to get past this side pain!

  6. I'm walking, I'm sipping, I'm eating! I'm 6 days out and STILL have this dang pain in my left side! My butt hurts from having to sleep only on my back...I wish it would ease up already!

  7. So glad you are out and doing well!! Keep us all posted when you start feeling better!!!

  8. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July Master List

    July 20 2ahealthierme singand_dance LeahG jennifer6791 PollyPoo Dee Dee We have some serious sleeving going on tomorrow!!! Good luck to all of the July 20th guys and gals who are getting your sleeves tomorrow!!! I will say an extra prayer for you that surgery is quick and easy, and recovery is pain free!!!
  9. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July Master List

    I'm so jealous!!! I spent 2 days in the hospital, am almost 6 days out ( in a few hours) and am STILL having pain in my left side! Glad you are out and doing great!! Walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip!!
  10. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    It's finally here! I found out that my date the 3rd week of June, and the time has been DRAGGGGGGING by! Here it is, tomorrow morning I check into the hospital at 5:15. Surgery is at 7:15. I'm a big ol' bundle of nerves right now. I've packed my essentials and am ready to go! Here's to everything going perfectly!!!
  11. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Day 5~ Still have significant pain on the left side. Hade my JP drain removed yesterday by the surgeon. That helped a bit, but I still hurt really bad. Still having to take pain meds fairly regularly. The upside, I'm having no other issues. Gas has not been a problem, Everything I drink or eat is staying down easily. If I could just get past this dang pain in my left side I'd be AWESOME! I was supposed to go back to work today, but called and told them there was no way I could manage it. Hope everyone else that was sleeved last week are having less issues than me!!!
  12. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Should this still hurt this much?

    I haven't had a BM yet, and I know that it is because I HAVE been taking the Lortab. I had too much pain not too, and apparently I've turned into a wuss, when I have always had great pain tolerance! I can't imagine having to cough all the time with this, bless your heart! I'm with you on the "easy way out" comments. Of course, no one has said that to me yet, and anyone that knows me knows better LOL... but there is NOTHING easy about this!!!
  13. Hey kids, I'm 4 days post op. I have had severe pain in my left side since waking in recovery. Everyday it get's a little better, but it is always there. It's a bit swollen, and the incision indents~ I have been walking with difficulty. Drinking, and taking in calories just fine. I have had some gas, a few times, nothing major. I have had no vomiting and very little nausea. But man my abdomen HURTS! I have to sleep sitting up, I still need help getting up if the furniture is too low, or I got too comfy. I can't bend over, I can barley (TMI WARNING) wipe myself after tinkling! Will this go away soon?? I do still have the JP drain in, but its in the middle of my tummy, not on the left side where I hurt so much. Did anyone else go through this kind of pain, or is it everyone and no one really talks about it? lol... I haven't seen much about it anywhere. Thanks!
  14. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Should this still hurt this much?

    Doc called so I went in and got the JP drain out... THANK GOD!!! A majority of my pain left with it! I'm still "surgery sore" but I think I'm going to live! LOL
  15. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Should this still hurt this much?

    I didn't have a hernia repair with my VSG but, last year when I had my hysterectomy that found a SURPRISE hernia! Because of the damage the hernia had cause to my abdominal muscles, it took me about a week or so longer than anyone else I know to recover from that hyst. It was horrible. I also developed complications at that time. I've been sitting up more today with the heating pad either on my tummy, or on my back, about to take a walk, hopefully day 5 will be even better!!!
  16. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Should this still hurt this much?

    Thank you all so much. This makes me feel a little better. I have a call in to the doc to find out when I can come in and get the JP drain out, and I'm hoping that that will help A LOT. You are all so great! I can't wait to stop hurting!!! Thanks again!
  17. Thinking about you today!!!!

  18. I think I'm going to make my boyfriend open a "sleeve" friendly restaurant! LOL.. He makes the best mushies, and just the right sizes! Tonight for dinner, he mashed a half a red potato with low fat, low sodium beef broth, and added a spoonful of gerber beef and gravy dinner.. It was pretty yummy! Been walking about every 30 minutes or so, my back is killing me today!!!

  19. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    I've had constant pain. From the minute I woke up in recovery. I'm eating a bit of jello now, had half a scrambled egg earlier. I just came home yesterday afternoon so I know I'm not dehydrated! It feels like being kicked in the stomach really hard, it's sort of a pulling sensation. I've had some gas pain, am having some now actually, but, I'm only 3 days out, and read that some others have had it worse, and some better. I'm sure it's like anything else we have to each go at this differently I guess.
  20. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    I don't have a recliner any more, but I wish I did!! We've managed to make it through the night........ somehow, although I feel tired a lot. I do have a bit over stuffed chair I'm tempted to have my bf or one of the boys pull out, but it might be a pain to get out from where it is. Does everyone have this intense pain on the left side???
  21. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Hi kids, just a little update. I came home today! YAY! Recovery is much more comfortable from home, but oh how I wish I had an adjustable bed! Still having a lot of incision pain from the left side. Cannot stand up straight at all yet. I'm getting around better, back and forth to the bathroom on my own. I'm taking in liquids fine, and even completed a whole Protein shake in about 6 hours! I think I may just get this to work!!!' I wanted to thank everyone for their will wishes and encouragement!! It's a learning process, that's for sure!!!!
  22. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Soooo encouraged!

    I wish I could say I've been that fortunate. While I have not had a lot of nausea, and NO vomiting at all, I have had some significant pain from the surgery. Of course, I'm only 68 hours post post op, but I was hoping to go back to work Tuesday, and I am just not seeing that happening. Granted, I'm home now, and getting around better than I did at the hospital, mostly because I'm more comfortable here. I cannot stand up straight, I cannot stand for very long. I can walk down my short hall to the bathroom and am thankful that I needed to sit down by the time I get there, and it's the same coming back. Laying back in bed is painful. I can sort of lay on my right side a bit (which has helped with some of the gas) but I cannot lay on my left side at all. As a matter of fact, my left side is extremely painful. I'm taking in fluids fine, and was able to drink a whole 30 gram's of Protein (in intervals) after leaving the hospital. I really think it is just very very different for everyone! There is a bit more pain that what I had originally thought I would have, but I'm working past it. You will too if you have the same. It will all be worth it in a few months!!!
  23. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    Going home today!! YAY! Still really sore on the left side. But I got up and to the bathroom by myself. Drinking well. Not having any nausea. Just really ready to be home now. Thankful my doctor is so understanding! I would suggest her to anyone in the DFW area!!
  24. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Tomorrow is my big day!!!

    I'm a ding dong.. I Updated on the July Master List! Here is the post~ Update... After double checking my blood levels, blood sugar, and doing my leak test, no bleeders were found. The surgeon came in to let me know that she did irrigate me quite a bit during surgery because I did bleed a lot, but not at a dangerous level, and she feels that that is what is draining off. The amount, and frequency of draining has lessened considerably today. I've walked a bit, and am sitting up in a chair now. They started me on Isopure at about 2PM. So I'm finally no longer NPO! My gas pain still hasn't been bad, and I haven't had hardly any nausea. The incision on my left side burns like hellfire when I stand or even move though! Thank you all for your kid words and thoughts and prayers! LaVale, I'm sorry we won't have our surgiversary together too! But I do hope they get you in and done SOON!!
  25. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July Master List

    Update... After double checking my blood levels, blood sugar, and doing my leak test, no bleeders were found. The surgeon came in to let me know that she did irrigate me quite a bit during surgery because I did bleed a lot, but not at a dangerous level, and she feels that that is what is draining off. The amount, and frequency of draining has lessened considerably today. I've walked a bit, and am sitting up in a chair now. They started me on Isopure at about 2PM. So I'm finally no longer NPO! My gas pain still hasn't been bad, and I haven't had hardly any nausea. The incision on my left side burns like hellfire when I stand or even move though! Thank you all for your kid words and thoughts and prayers! LaVale, I'm sorry we won't have our surgiversary together too! But I do hope they get you in and done SOON!!

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