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Heather~ Sweetdreams

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heather~ Sweetdreams

  1. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    what are sliders?

    OMG I've become a watermelon junkie...I'm only 4 weeks out, and it's just so good, and sweet, and feels so good in my mouth! My sleeve lets it just pile up in there! LOL... I've had to cut back on it too, but once a week I still get a container of fresh cut watermelon!
  2. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    BIG secret... good or bad?

    it's a personal choice. I told everyone.. Family, friends, my bosses, and co workers! I have struggled with my weight for so long I knew they would be supportive. I've not gotten any negative responses, and everyone had been there for me pushing me, and loving me all the way through this! It's been such an exciting journey so far, and I can't wait til I get to see the new me at the end of loosing all this extra weight!
  3. Officially ONE month post op tomorrow and 48 pounds GONE!!! It is utterly amazing to me! Still having no problems with my sleeve and feel very fortunate that I'm one of the lucky ones! This has been the best thing I've EVER done for myself!!!!

  4. Our trip to Gruene and the Guadalupe was UTTERLY FANTASTIC!!! We stayed at a BEAUTIFUL bed and breakfast called the Keubler Waldrip house! We floated the river and just lazed around with our awesome group of friends! We had such a good time we didn't want to leave!!

  5. Heather~ Sweetdreams


    Congrats!!! Don't you just love Dr. Kennedy!!! I have recommended her to SEVERAL people now!
  6. Had my 2 week visit with my surgeon today.. Everything is right on track! Going tubing down the Guadalupe this weekend, well, if there's any water left in it I am!

  7. Honestly, I'm a little shocked at some of the reasons for regret. I'm 18 days post op. I've not had a single regret at any time. Surely you didn't go into this without realizing this was going to change your entire way of eating!? Did you really think that you would lose weight by still being able to eat full meals? Isn't that what got us into this mess? Not all of us, but a mass majority of us had no control over our portions, or the things we chose to eat. So now your regret is that you cannot sit down and eat an entire meal with a friend!? I... well, I'm sad for you about that. I went to dinner with a friend just a couple of days ago, and I was ecstatic that I could only order a piece of fish, and more ecstatic that I could only eat a small portion of it! It was THRILLING! There was a time when I would go to that same restaurant and scarf down an entire meal.... that put me at over 300 pounds! Why would I NOT want to give that up? From what I've read, all the things we go through for the first few months are NOT permanent. Yeah, it sucks that you have to have liquids for a couple of weeks, and pudding, and mushy stuff for a month, but its temporary. This is a long term change that will change your entire life! There is NOTHING embarrassing about eating a small portion of food! If ANYTHING your friends probably wish they got full on such a small amount! Embrace this change... and expect nothing but greatness from it.. because in the end, that is what you are going to have... a GREAT NEW YOU!
  8. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Hey Dallas Divas!!!

    Just thought I would update today. I'm two weeks and a day post op. I'm still having left side pain, and going to see my doc on Monday. She says it takes some folks 3-4 weeks.... I HOPE NOT! Other than that, I'm struggling to get my protein in. I'm golden with the fluid intake, but I'm sooooo sick of protein shakes. My sister and I (she had lapband 2 years ago) are going shopping tomorrow to see if we can find some easier ways to get it in. I'm struggling to take in more than an ounce of anything at a time! I realize I'm still healing, but I cant just sit and drink and snack all day long! I don't have that kind of time!
  9. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Hey Dallas Divas!!!

    Your SOUTHERN! You could have easily claimed it was the VAPORS!! LOL
  10. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Got my DATE!!! WOO HOO!!!!!

    Congrats! Your life will change so much! All for the better!!!!
  11. Just popping in to see how you are feeling!

  12. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    My surgery date is August 23rd!

    I'm in Tx too and I also have BCBS! I had my surgery in Dallas 2 weeks ago! Wishing you the best of luck!
  13. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    First week out

    Sorry you had a rough time in the hospital, mine was smoooooth. I slept so much I felt refreshed! I had a lot of pain after surgery, so they kept me pretty medicated, which is why I slept so much. My wonderful boyfriend stayed with me both nights! I am so grateful to him for that! It was probably the best hospital stay I've ever had!
  14. I'm feeling utterly AWESOME today! Down 35 pounds since my last visit at my PCP, and down 15 since surgery! I'm so flipping excited! Everything is going great! Go for my 2 week checkup with the surgeon on Monday! I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

  15. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Worried about my drain...

    I had mine out 4 days post op, and it didn't hurt. It was a strange feeling. Once it was out, my doc said, " is your shoulder pain gone?" I was amazed that it was!
  16. Heather~ Sweetdreams


    I fluctuated with my weight horribly during my 6 months. I ranged between 310 and 292 for the entire 6 months, my last weigh in before sending in for insurance approval on June 2 was 302. I think it is more to prove to insurance that you CAN NOT lose weight on a regular diet. At least, that is my assumption. I wouldn't stress too much. My last pcp visit was June2, I got my approval the following week, and was sleeved July 14th!
  17. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Hey Dallas Divas!!!

    That is SOOOO fantastic!! I can't wait until I can boast a 100 pound weight loss!! SO very excited for you!!!!
  18. Heather~ Sweetdreams


    Hey everyone! Just an update. I'm doing GREAT! Surgery went well, and healing has been going pretty smoothly. I haven't had all the nausea and vomiting that some get. Even my gas pain hasn't been very bad. I did have a lot of pain from the surgery itself, and am still healing from that. I am finally going back to work on Tuesday! THANK GOODNESS! I'm so tired of being stuck at home! lol. I'm afraid to get on the scale... I have to admit. I started with my last official weight in June of 302, and was 292 after surgery, which is 12 pounds more than what I was a week prior... so, I don't want to see that number in case I'm still retaining some fluid, or something. I go back to my surgeon on the 1st for my 2 week check up.. Guess I'll know something then!
  19. Today is going to be a great day.... because I SAID SO! 2 more days and I go back to work. I'm glad, because, well, I just can't sit around this house ANYMORE! Feeling good. Still have a bit of pulling in the left side, but it is increasingly better than a few days ago. Ready to start going, going, going!

  20. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Hey Dallas Divas!!!

    That is AWESOME! It's great to meet you! I had my nut class before surgery with another of Dr. Castro's patients, but he was having bypass, and seemed concerned that he should have the sleeve instead. I didn't get to talk to him much, and now I wish I had gotten his email or something, since he isn't due for surgery until the end of the month so I could tell him how great it is!
  21. Heather~ Sweetdreams


    I just had my surgery a week ago Thursday, and am going back to work this week. I hadn't planned on taking any time off at all, but my boss insisted that I rest for a full week before coming back. 4 weeks is a lot. Maybe if you ask for 2 they will be a little more understanding.
  22. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Antimicobial Skin Cleaner

    When I went in for my preop labwork, they gave me a bottle of hibiclens, and told me to wash with it the night before and the morning of surgery. I'm prone to skin infections, so I was still concerned. I'm a week and 1 day out, and my incisions are healing perfectly! I didn't use any cloths I just rubbed it on for a couple of minutes with the water off, then rinsed.
  23. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    I got my date (FINALLY!)

    Congratulations! I remember how excited I was to get my date, and the nerves that built up all the way until surgery day! I just had mine last Thursday, and am still excited! Now, it's to see the results that are to come! Good luck!!!
  24. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    Just had surgery 1 week ago and have questions

    It's the same for me.. I am 8 days out, and noticed that I've had some bad breath. I too can intake a lot of liquids at a time. I think a lot of this is that everyone just works so differently even with the same surgery. I'm sure you are doing fine, and I'm glad you are getting plenty of liquids!
  25. Heather~ Sweetdreams

    July Master List

    I don't think doctors like to work on Fridays! lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
