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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by readytolive

  1. It's been forever since I've been on this forum. Life is always so busy but I really appreciated LilMissDivas message today about stalls. I've been the same weight for 3mos just trying to break into 1derland. Thought I would be there long ago and have been wondering if this weight is where I'm stuck and if I was doing everything wrong. Will work on changing things up!

  2. It's been forever since I've been on this forum. Life is always so busy but I really appreciated LilMissDivas message today about stalls. I've been the same weight for 3mos just trying to break into 1derland. Thought I would be there long ago and have been wondering if this weight is where I'm stuck and if I was doing everything wrong. Will work on changing things up!

  3. It's been forever since I've been on this forum. Life is always so busy but I really appreciated LilMissDivas message today about stalls. I've been the same weight for 3mos just trying to break into 1derland. Thought I would be there long ago and have been wondering if this weight is where I'm stuck and if I was doing everything wrong. Will work on changing things up!

  4. alex..still trying to figure this board out and how to use it

  5. Hi there.. love that you did the bike ride! Now I have to ask about your occupation comment.. training people on how to give away money? Do tell!

  6. Liquids only starts today! Embrace the struggle right... people have endured way more than just 5 days of liquids..right?

  7. Hi Friends.. thanks for all your messages and prayers! Things have gone better than I expected! Drain is out, IV gone, leak test done and I am sitting at Lucerna breathing some fresh air!

  8. That is funny.. what a great way to explain your job! I'm still learning how to use this message board so apologize if this info is somewhere and I'm not seeing it but when did you get your sleeve? How is it going for you so far?

  9. I am so thankful for all of you in this forum. It is so wonderful to read your posts and hear your ups and downs and know that we are not in this alone!

  10. Been a long time since I've been on here but coming up to my 90 day mark. Things are going fairly well, down 40lbs. Should be down more but am still a sugar addict.

  11. Today's the day! I'm doing a happy dance for you! Enjoy those meds..soon you won't be hungry anymore!

  12. Day 2 of liquid diet.. well this is a challenge for those of us who are used to a full belly. Dieting was never my forte or I wouldn't be in this position. I just need to make it thru a training presentation with my bosses and serving a group of people lunch. NO problem.. right?

  13. Hi peppercma.. I just read your post in the Mexico forum. I'm going to see Dr. Kelly on 7/13. I'll be gone before you get there but keep in touch and I'll give you the low down. I've had surgery before and a catheter is not that bad. They put it in while you are "out" and then it's kind of a relief because I didn't want to get out of bed the first day after. Kelly L sys we won't have one tho.

  14. Thanks for your detailed story posts! I am going to see Dr. Kelly on 7/13 and it was nice to have more info!

  15. Crashed my husband's doctors support group last night. There were some lap bands, some gastric by pass patients and only 2 other sleevies. But it was fun to hear their stories. One girl was down from 300lbs to a size 4. Amazing!

  16. Well.. it's official, I'll be going to Mexico alone. Not crazy about it but am committed to doing whatever it takes. Now crossing fingers the passport gets here in time!

  17. How does it happen that the scale is barely moving but I'm in smaller pants? I'm grateful.. I'm just sayin...

  18. Congratulations on waking up in onederland!

  19. Yay! So when are you having your procedure or did you already? I'm scheduled for 7/13 and can hardly wait! Of course my excitement is to get to the other side.. not this pre op stuff. LOL!

    Where are you / did you have it done?

  20. Hi there.. sorry just got your message that you are having it in Dallas. So you start your pre-op diet on 7/7? Yes.. insurance will not pay for me.. first because my bmi was 39 and then went to 40 and they changed their rules and wouldn't pay for it at all. Whatever! Anyway.. it's about 16-20k in the states and only $5500 in Mexico so yes... I am going to be a medical tourist!

  21. Hi dreams.. I have a 5 day liquid diet that starts Thursday. Then I stay in the hospital for 2 nights and then the recovery hotel for another night or two. Did I tell you that I'm having my surgery in Mexico? Kind of funny when there is a perfectly good bariatric surgeon across the street from where I work. Insurance won't pay so I have to and that is why.

  22. So.. I was trying to get in all my lunch dates with mom and friends before I can't eat again. Everyone is flaking on me this week. Of course they don't know... you asked me how long I'll be out of work and I just took a week vacation starting the day I leave for Mexico. I'll be back to work next week but I have mostly a desk job so I'm hoping I'll be ok.

  23. Stall ...stall.. stall.. scale has been the same for 4 days. Yeah.. I know that is still a short one but I'm impatient. I started Jillian Michaels power yoga today so we'll see if I can break this sooner rather than later!

  24. Time to get serious... want to be in 1derland in 6 weeks and have 15lbs to go.

  25. 3 days left of liquid diet.. moved to clears today. Took my required laxative and now feeling a little nauseous. (I was going to say crappy but that would be bad..right?)

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