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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by readytolive

  1. Okay.. day 3 at the same weight. I didn't think it was supposed to go this slow this early. One of my sleeve sisters is down almost 40lbs and I'm hanging out at 26. Trying to be grateful but so impatient!

  2. readytolive

    How soon can I swim?

    My doc was in Mexico so there isn't an opportunity for follow up really. I don't think I have a steri strip cuz I don't know what that is?
  3. readytolive

    need to eat more??

    I have the same problem! I am trying to keep up the protein shakes. Mostly I don't want to eat because I don't want to stop drinking water, I'm still having a hard time getting enough in since it's summer in the desert and I want to work out. I'm 2 weeks out also and have started back with 30 min cardio sessions. Curious when people started back with weight training or at least body weight training?
  4. readytolive

    Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours

    That is so funny! I bet that was one of the first exercise books I ever bought as a teenager. I haven't thought about it in decades! Will have to take another look. Thanks for the tips!
  5. readytolive

    Progressing to Mushy Foods

    Thanks Kelly for the clarification. I have found that to be totally true!
  6. Stall broken! I am now at the lowest weight my scale (it's only a year old) has ever seen me. So... next lb I lose it will start telling me I'm losing weight. Yay! Now I'm going to start looking for a charity for these size 20pants..

  7. readytolive

    Progressing to Mushy Foods

    I've learned that there are several differing opinions from docs and also that people progress and heal at different rates. Personally, I think the one whole week on each stage is a plan to progress you easily into a new way of eating and that is good. That being said, I also think it is conservative because they don't want to give you an inch and have you take a mile so to speak. I was healthy before surgery (no other co-morbidities) and I have progressed well thru the healing after my surgery. I think the veggies are nutritious but the main requirement needed is protein so I would always eat that first. After about a week of protein drinks I had soft foods. A little bit of scrambled egg and cheese went down fine. I just made sure to take tiny tiny bites and chew really well! I'm two weeks out today and yesterday I had some chicken. It was also fine using the same technique. I started walking the day after surgery and have done so every day and I really think this has helped my recovery. I'm back up to 45 min or so like before surgery. However, the key is progress at your own pace...everyone is different. You know your body and your comfort level. So take longer if you need to, my advice is to just be sure and get protein. I notice I am much more weak and tired if I skip the protein shake so I drink them daily!
  8. Hi Sue, I had surgery on 7/12 and I still need a nap each day. I've been drinking Protein since 4 days out per my surgeon. I think part of the tiredness is also the anesthesia being released from our body. I think that takes a few weeks to get entirely out of your system.
  9. readytolive

    Progressing to Mushy Foods

    Hi Kelly, I just started eating soft foods this week and my weight loss has stopped. Interesting what your doc said, but what the heck is a "soft calorie?" How long did it take for you to start losing again? When you did was it like 1 lb or did several come off at once? Thanks in advance and good luck Peony!
  10. Stall ...stall.. stall.. scale has been the same for 4 days. Yeah.. I know that is still a short one but I'm impatient. I started Jillian Michaels power yoga today so we'll see if I can break this sooner rather than later!

  11. Hi there! Thanks for the add.. enjoy the last meals! Do the pre-op diet though because it's so nice to get a jump start on the weight loss!

  12. Water.. Water.. Water... I can't get enough Water. 1 week out and I live in the desert people.. small sips are not doing it for me! Otherwise life is great.. down 24lbs

  13. Got a new haircut to go with the new me! However, no new photo yet because I'm still sporting this black eye from when I passed out after surgery and fell on the floor.

  14. There really is NO place like HOME! So happy the surgery is behind me and I am on the road to RECOVERY!

  15. readytolive

    post op pain meds

    It's Friday and I had my surgery on Tuesday. The made me take pain meds until Wed night but I haven't taken any since they made it my option. I've been doing a lot of walking and that has helped. However, I did take my first oral antibiotic this morning and then threw it up about 10 min later. Not fun! Think I'll have to forgo that.
  16. Hi Friends.. thanks for all your messages and prayers! Things have gone better than I expected! Drain is out, IV gone, leak test done and I am sitting at Lucerna breathing some fresh air!

  17. Hey friends.. I'm alive and sleeved! Still feeling it but am able to do some walking up and down the halls. Will post more later.

  18. readytolive


    Congrats! Thanks for posting this, it is just what I needed to read as I sit here and wait to be taken to the OR. Can't wait to be where you are! i know I have so much more to do in this life and I've been just hiding in shame because of my weight.
  19. Waiting .. waiting.. surgery was pushed to this afternoon around 2 or 3pm. Doc had a middle of the night call for another patient and now he is resting up for my procedure.

  20. I'm in Tijuana at the Florence Hospital and I just met Dr. Kelly! Here is the NEWSFLASH! THEY FED ME! Apparently there was no purpose for the 5 day liquid diet and they wanted me to eat before I have surgery tomorrow morning! I can't have anything at all after 10pm but I just had my first solid food in 5 days.

  21. Today I travel to Mexico, surgery tomorrow! My 5 yr old told me last night that I had bad breath.. I think the ketosis has kicked in and I'm going to make it to surgery! Am a little concerned that I am low on protein. Could not get those clear protein shots from costco down. Ugh!

  22. readytolive

    VST vs Hysterectomy

    Hi Dawn, Thanks so much for the encouragement! I'll go into this much more relaxed! I'm packing now.. leave tomorrow to travel to Mexico. Can't wait to be on that losers / recovery bench with you!
  23. readytolive

    VST vs Hysterectomy

    Hi Ladies! I'm looking for some feedback on the comparison between having a hysterectomy and doing the VST. Once I read that VST was a breeze compared to the hysterectomy but then I read another's post that freaked me out. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and when I woke up from that the pain was so bad I couldn't speak and what saved me was my husband sitting next to me telling me to push that morphine button every 10 min! I'm having surgery out of country with Dr. Kelly next month and for child care reasons I will likely be alone and now wondering if I can handle it! But.. I so want this so I'm doing it. Just hoping for some frank and real info on the comparison if you have experienced both. Thanks!
  24. Down 11lbs with the pre-op diet. I want a protein shake though! Don't understand this 3 days of clears when some surgeons let their patients eat a full meal the night before! Why no protien?

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