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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. I have CIGNA. My paperwork was submitted April 19. There is still no word. The doctor's office said they had 30 days but usually when they deny it's within the first week or two. I'm interested in knowing if you were denied, how long before you got that word, and if you were approved, how long for that? My surgery is scheduled 5-23 and we're getting down to the wire here....
  2. I am almost 2 years into my band and I wouldn't change it for the WORLD. I got 25 pounds BELOW my doctor's goal and 10 pounds below MY goal. It gets easier and easier as you go along, but you HAVE to be vigilant about your fill and KEEP GOING BACK until you get it right! I have two friends who got the band and then stopped...never followed up to keep the fill correct. One has lost only about 25 pounds in a year and the other has actually put ON weight. You HAVE to follow through. The procedure is one thing...the follow up is everything. That being said, I cannot TELL you how my life has changed for the better. Yes, people treat me differently! I exude confidence now. I don't hide (I basically "hid" in my house for 25 years...how sad is that!). I actually LIKE myself...I LIKE looking in the mirror...I can actually stomach seeing me naked for the first time (though gravity and age has taken its toll, I am happier with my body now than I EVER was in my 20's or 30's!!!!!!!!
  3. kacee

    Dr. Spivak- Houston, TX

    He banded me a year and a half ago and I have surpassed ALL my possible dreams of success. He said "Get down to 160"....I thought..."I'll show YOU...I'll get down to 150!!!" and now I am 135, feeling fantastic....LOOKING fantastic....my life has totally started over for me. I could not be happier or more satisfied. I TOTALLY recommend him.
  4. Bunch of us, trust me. I was banded a year and a half ago. MORE than reached HIS goal (160!!!) and more than reached MY goal (150!!!).
  5. It can take 2-3-4 or more fills to get to the sweet spot. First fill generally does "nothing". Keep getting fills as needed. Trust me....even if you WANT to, you CAN'T eat too much if you have proper fill. It's not a single step process tho. You have to stay on top of it.
  6. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I couldn't sleep on my stomach BEFORE (big tits and big tummy!). I can sleep on my stomach now just fine.
  7. I know there are a gazillion protein drinks, shakes and powders out there. I also know everyone's taste is different....however, there are a lot of products that are just plain yucky to a LOT of people, and also some that are either NOT BAD or pretty good to many folks. Can you give me some feedback on the good, bad and the ugly on this? Thanks!
  8. <p>I was banded on 5-23. I was aware that there would eventually need to be some adjustments done on my various meds, including the three (Toprol, Diovan, Aceon) taken for blood pressure. However, I figured it would be after a substantial weight loss. I was wrong. I began being light headed this weekend, my sight was "vivid" and strange, I had "speckles" like before you pass out...I didn't feel "right". I attributed it to being hungry, but it didn't go away after I ate...I made the MISTAKE of driving 34 miles to my house Sunday and I should NOT have. Nothing happened, but several times I thought I might have to pull over to the side of the road. Because I was not "quite right" I was only partially aware that I was taking a big chance. I took my BP when I got home and it was about 62/46 on my cuff (which I assumed was wrong). Took it several more times and it was always below 90/60. Got up yesterday to go to work, and instead took only my Toprol. Even THAT was too much. BP through the day was extremely low, I was dizzy, speckles in the vision, etc. Went to the company nurse for confirmation and I was 88/50. Called my doctor and they fit me in immediately. I was heavily overdosed on my meds. I was cut back from 3 pills a day (including 100mg Toprol) to 50mg Toprol ONLY... My doctor said that you can need an adjustment after only a ten pound weight loss. (I have only lost about 20). Word to the wise folks on BP meds....be very aware of your reaction to your meds and stay in close touch with your GP. My situation could have easily been a disaster...passing out in the car, passing out at home or work and falling, etc.</p>
  9. kacee

    Hello from Houston

    You'll do fine. Just go with the program. I was VERY religious in my restrictions for the first 6 months, but then I got the hang of it and it was natural. Maybe I am unusual, but I found the weight FALLING off, and now I am 5 pounds BELOW the lowest goal I set for myself.
  10. Beware of pasta. It can expand and cause a problem. Just take it REALLY slow.
  11. kacee

    Very strange fill....

    I'dsay give it a week or two and then call them back for another fill.
  12. kacee

    Night Coughing ?????

    Chances are very good that you may need an unfill. If you are not having problems PB'ing, but doing the coughin, you may be on the edge. I was overfilled and was having horrible night coughing and waking up ready to vomit with lots of acid. The minute I got an unfill it went away. You need to call your doctor. I tried to "stick it out" and suffered for two months before I gave up and went and got the unfill. I'll never do that again.
  13. kacee

    cant stop crying

    It is scarey...but my anticipation of my new life totally overrode any fear I could have had. I fairly bounced (a real feat!) into the hospital. When they took my blood pressure in the room before they took me down, it was something like 90 over 60. They laughed and said, "Wow, you aren't stressed about this at ALL are you!" and I said HECK NO...Bring it on!!!! But then they said my BP was too low and the anethesiologist wouldn't take me with that number, so I had to get up and march around until it went back up (hahah). Listen to me here folks....you are NOT giving up the foods you love. You are only giving up the GOBBLING, CRAMMING and INHALING of the foods you love. I can eat ANYTHING I could before....if I take ENOUGH time to do it. I too felt like I was giving up an old friend...until I woke up and I was just the same, except my NEW friend was helping me shed pounds like I have NEVER experienced before, and knowing it was permanent made it pleasureable (as you know, when dieting when you are overweight the goal is just a stopgap. You and I always know we'll just sail those numbers right back up within the year...it's pretty much a guarantee...so it's really hard to get excited about ANOTHER diet in a long list of diets we go through in our lives....). You will hear all kinds of stories on the forum, but I got my band at 55 years old, breezed through the surgery (WITH all the ammunition I had gained by researching before I went in...ALL my bases were covered and there was NOTHING that could surprise me...I was ready for everything), and I have to say all things considered breezed through this last year. All of a sudden it was over and I was at goal and I couldn't believe how fast it went and how great I felt and how happy I was!!!!! There is no substitute for knowledge prior to getting banded. You need to know, expect, anticipate EVERYTHING. Prepare for the worst and you could be pleasantly surprised. Prepare for the gas. That's probably the worst thing you will face. Get your gas-X and know your de-gassing positions. USE your pain meds as you need them. Don't be a martyr. Make sure everything you COULD possibly need is within arm's reach for the first two weeks and you will be fine. Better to be overprepared than underprepared. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all!!!:crying:
  14. kacee

    Getting hotter in here?

    Yep...sounds just like me too. I finally got sick of it all, and my moods were really out of control so I went to my GYN and now have a patch I wear around my belly button. OMG!!!!!!! Change was within 48 hours!!!! NO more hot flashes and I am pretty much a normal person now! WHEW!!!! Thank God for hormones!
  15. kacee

    Newbie from Houston area

    I was banded in May 2007 and have lost all my weight and then some. I used Dr. Hadar Spivak. He is excellent, and unlike Dr. Spiegel's office staff feedback I consistently hear about, Spivak's staff is GREAT. Never had problem one with the office, scheduling, getting in....anything. And he is one of the most experienced lap band doctors around.:crying:
  16. kacee

    Is Anyone Using Boniva?

    I don't take it, but my boss does so I know what it looks like. I could get a Boniva down. Some of my meds are close to that size. See if it's okay to split it. I was just splitting pills the first three months after surgery, then slowly introduced them back in, smallest at a time. I can now take a handful at a time, like I used to. I think that would be considered a Boniva+
  17. kacee

    New to site

    My knee pain totally went away. Had knee and foot pain initially and they both are gone now. I mean, hello....I just unloaded 8 10-lb bowling balls off my back!!!! The thought of carrying that is boggling!
  18. kacee


    I split my pills for the first three months (those that could be split) and thereafter I was able to take them in their whole form. You ned to be careful initially until you figure out how your system tolerates pills.
  19. kacee

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Wow, Boo Boo...you've changed your pictures!!!! You are lookin really really good girl! I've got to get some after pictures of myself and put them up. Amazing changes in the last year. I too am considering some ps work. Probably more in my face though....neck tightening and eyelids (the stuff we 'old ladies' have to mess with)...haha Good luck!
  20. kacee

    Help! What to do about vomiting

    You can still vomit with the band. However, I would be concerned about the dislodging business. Call your doctor. You need something for the nausea while your system goes through the bug.
  21. Bumping this up for all newbies and anyone else who should be aware!
  22. kacee

    How did you decide your goal weight?

    My doctor suggested 160 which I thought was WAY too high, but I think he was just being very conservative, Then I arbirarily put my own goal at 150, but by the time I got down there I realized I could get into the 40's pretty easily so I revised it to 140. Figured I didn't have a snowball's chance of getting any lower because of my age, but I was wrong. I don't want to get ANY lower than I am right now (135-137) because things are starting to droop. You gotta take into consideration your height and age.
  23. Here I am! Yep....I am part of the SPIVAK FAN CLUB! Last fill was this last spring, and glad to say I am nowhere filled near the limit of my band AND am below goal weight now.
  24. Just go in there with a BIG smile on your face and say Bandland here I come! My surgery day was so exciting for me...and NO trepidation whatsoever. I was in good hands...I was doing something RIGHT for myself finally. This entire past year has been the most exciting year of my life! EVERYTHING has changed! This is literally the first day of the rest of your NEW life...embrace it!
  25. kacee

    What should I expect tomorrow?

    Just guessing here, but it sounds like this is just a final checkup to make sure everything is going the direction it should be before surgery. I am very excited for you and humbled at your pre-op work you have done! I didn't have to do anything pre-op (except not gain weight)...of course I paid for it because I didn't want to have to wait 6-9 months to jump through hoops with my insurance, which probably would not have okayed me anyway. I consider myself to be a supreme success story with the band. I cannot say enough positive things about it. Everything I "went through" as a learning process has been totally worth it. I feel great, I look great, my health is good...LIFE is good! Welcome to Bandland!

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