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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    Good for you Carol! I too had what I consider an easy ride. I did take my pain meds, more as a preventive than as a reaction to pain. I've had minor gas, very little soreness and no problem whatsoever getting comfortable in bed and sleeping on my side from day one. I consider myself blessed, especially considering my age. So many people so much younger than me appear to have had a rough time of it....or....is it just that us old folks are more acclimated to "pain and discomfort" as a way of life now and we don't sweat the "small stuff"....(could be that too)...our bodies may be "breaking down" but we're used to it by now....second nature...so we don't expect much (?)....anyway, short of saying this was a cakewalk, it has really been quite a non-issue, and I am most thankful. Now waiting for my first fill in a week and a half and getting back on the losing bandwagon. I am not jumping on the scales in anticipation anymore because I recognize my hunger is up now. I'll just let it ride. I also don't find that this is much "hell" right now. I ignore the "beast" until it growls and then I feed it to appease it and it goes back into hibernation for a few hours....
  2. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi guys! Now that I am feeling significantly better, the old head hunger is coming back. I am finding I can eat pretty much as much as I want too. There is no "knot" anymore like I felt at first, which made me stop. My 1st visit with Dr. Spivak is on the 21st, I hope, to get my fill. I guess the next two weeks are going to be a struggle. I was getting on the scales every single day when the weight was sliding off, but now I recognize the hunger is setting in, so I don't want to disappoint myself. I'll do it once a week...especially since I am only 3 pounds away from breaking into ONEDERLAND for the first time in about 12 years....My port area feels okay...no problems. My steri-strips have all fallen off, except for the port one (which is looking rpetty gray and dirty). I guess it's time to start the exercise program....
  3. Every single time you get a stab of pain, hop (slowly) to your feet and walk....around the house, down the driveway...SOMEWHERE!!! Trust me....IT WORKS! Walk walk walk walk walk and more walk. There is NO substitute. You'll find within a few minutes that stuff starts to push its way out, both above and below....a wonderful feeling!
  4. You are SOOOO not being a selfish bitch!!! You and I are birds of a feather and I know EXACTLY where you are coming from (as a single female non-kid type person too)....tell her she is MORE THAN welcome to visit, but cannot stay with you. You just don't have the room and the resources to accommodate and it just wouldn't work out. PERIOD. Don't waffle and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. kacee

    Lap-band and your significant other

    Your so-called friend appears to have some agenda in this. I wonder if he is possibly jealous of attention you might get. If, in his eyes, the world revolves around food, this guy is TOXIC to you and you need to move on down the road PRONTO. No two ways about it. Sorry.
  6. Has anyone experienced this...I find that when my tummy starts growling (time to feed the beast) right on the heels of that comes a bout of gas (both ends). It seems to go hand in hand. Now I gotta tell you...this stomach growling thing is totally NEW for me...I have never experienced this before (I always ate when my HEAD said to and NEVER got to the point that my tummy NEEDED food), so I kindof look on this a a whole new bodily function to get used to and I just marvel at it (people give me a weird look when I stop and go "Hark! My stomach is talking to me!" with a rapt look on my face...). Anyway, am I alone in this....?
  7. kacee

    Fill and Flying

    TRACY!!!! Looking good girl! I noticed what I think is your new picture...you've lost that double chin there! I can't wait to lose mine....it's the bane of my existence! Those side by side mug-shots really tell the tale!
  8. kacee

    Growling and Gas

    I'm on "soft diet"...guess that is mushies. I'm 14 days post op and feeling great, and down 13.5 pounds from surgery date. My growling isn't very noisy externally, but in ME it feels like an 8 point earthquake! If I put food in it stops immediately.
  9. Has anyone experienced this...I find that when my tummy starts growling (time to feed the beast) right on the heels of that comes a bout of gas (both ends). It seems to go hand in hand. Now I gotta tell you...this stomach growling thing is totally NEW for me...I have never experienced this before (I always ate when my HEAD said to and NEVER got to the point that my tummy NEEDED food), so I kindof look on this a a whole new bolidy function to get used to and I just marvel at it (people give me a weird look when I stop and go "Hark! My stomach is talking to me!"). Anyway, am I alone in this....?
  10. kacee


    That's a big ol AMEN to that sister!
  11. kacee


    YOU GO GIRLFRIEND! MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY! I have ZERO qualms about telling ANYONE. You're either a supporter, or you're not. If you are, fall in line and join the party....YEEEHAAA!!! If not, get out of the way cuz I'm comin through! I wish everyone could get to this mind-set because it sure is refreshing. I'm just sorry so many people feel they have to give their power away to friends and family and be scared of judgment. I've told everyone but the garbageman what's going on, if they ask or make a comment. I have had ZERO negative response (and could care less if I did!). You know...a LOT of it has to do with the way YOU react. If you approach it apologetically, secretively...you are going to reap the exact same "karma" from the exterior...i.e. for those of you who haven't heard on Oprah or read the book....check out "The Secret". Not a new thing, yes, but it is TRUE.:biggrin1:
  12. <p><p><p>You can always check into home delivery food plans. There are quite a few. In Houston area we have one called Diet Gourmet (check on line) which is very good. They have a 1100 calorie plan. Full day is about $19 a day, which isn't too bad. The food is good. I've done that one before (but wound up eating two meals at once.....) I live in Clear Lake and there is a place in League City where it is delivered and I just go pick up my week's meals. May start back on that after I get to solids. They also have low-carb, and protein only and unlike some of the plans you can opt to NOT take breakfast, or lunch, or whatever. I have seen reviews of home delivery foods and Nutri-System and Jenny Craig are at the bottom of the list taste-wise.</p></p></p>
  13. kacee

    Energy pills

    I'm interested in that too. I've been doing just great since my banding on the 23rd, but suddenly the last 2 days I can hardly function. I am being judicious about getting my protein in, but I am totally exhausted. I faded yesterday at work about 2:00 and could hardly make it. In bed by 7:30 dead to the world and I am STILL pooped. I've had a cup of coffee already (which I NEVER drink) just to keep me from being face down on my keyboard. I am taking my vitamins. I could crawl under my desk right now and sleep forever. Is there any safe JOLT of energy I can consume? :notagreezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  14. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    Good luck with mashed potatoes. I tried them and I thought I was GONNA DIE! Sat like a bowling ball in my chest for three hours.....YEOW!:welldoneclap:
  15. kacee

    Celebrities with lap band

    Randy Jackson too, I think.
  16. kacee

    Celebrities with lap band

    Sharon Osborne got her's in 1999 and is going to have her removed (if she hasn't already). Not sure why. I believe Rosanne Barr has a lap band.
  17. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    For you May banders... how long did it take for you to be able to wear a bra again? I am 10 days post op. I tried to wear a sport bra back to work on Tuesday and it was a no go....probably because I sit all day and my front was "scrunched up"....didn't HURT the incisions, but felt a lot of pressure and uncomfortable (stripped it off in Walgreens parking lot on the way to work....I'm sure it was a good show). I've been wearing my "fat pants" leggings and scrub shirts all week. Going to see "Spamalot" downtown Friday night and would like to be able to wear "real clothes". I wonder if a "real bra" would be better than a sport bra since the sport bra comes down farther (actually closer to the port area)....
  18. There was nothing really I wish I would have done before....except maybe not have gone hog wild and bought SOOOO much liquid stuff...for 2 weeks before surgery everytime I went to the store I would cart home $50 worth of drinks, jello, puddings....now my fridge is absolutely PACKED with drinks and I am on soft foods... well, if that's all I can bitch about I'm pretty darned happy!!!! I'd had surgery before so I knew what to expect. You talk about "PAIN"....surgery pain isn't that bad "more like having your guts kindof puckered up in a drawstring....tight, sore like sore muscles". The PAIN I think people talk about as being really obnoxious is the GAS pain. Most of us have had bad gas pains at least once or twice in our lives. I was on the forum for about a month before my surgery and there isn't anything I can think of that I didn't learn to my satisfaction. Anyone whose ever had surgery knows that just because you feel a little better in a week does NOT mean you get your stamina back....that's one of the things that always comes as a surprise to someone who hasn't had the "pleasure" of going under the knife. It takes a lot out of you and you have to build your steam back up.
  19. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    When do you remove your sterile strips from the incisions or are they just supposed to fall off eventually? Mine show NO sign of coming off by themselves. I am S(Surgery)-plus 8 days.
  20. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi guys! 9 days post-op and I am feeling GREAT! I can sleep any way I want (actually could almost from day one), gas pains are SOOOO MUCH better today. Everything is going really WELL! I have no reservations about any of this! None at all! Every time I feel a twinge of something I think....so would you like to trade those 11 pounds you just took off and go back to the way you were? NO WAY! Things are GOOD! Things are GREAT! I feel wonderful and I am really stoked!
  21. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi guys! 9 days post-op and I am feeling GREAT! I can sleep any way I want (actually could almost from day one), gas pains are SOOOO MUCH better today. Everything is going really WELL! I have no reservations about any of this! None at all! Every time I feel a twinge of something I think....so would you like to trade those 11 pounds you just took off and go back to the way you were? NO WAY! Things are GOOD! Things are GREAT! I feel wonderful and I am really stoked!
  22. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    One thing I really love is cottage cheese with guacamole mixed in YUM! I got the kind that comes in the two pouches (keeps for a long time when not opened). I cut the side of the pouch a sqeeze out a tube of guac into my cottage cheese. Yummy!!! (And not big time calories) makes a great meal. Had a Gordon (Groton?) fish filet the other night and put on it tbsp Hellman's Lite Mayo mixed with lemon juice and curry powder.....YUMMMMMMMM
  23. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    I left at 4:15 yesterday and probably will today too. Still the pain today, BUT I brought my heating pad which made a HUGE difference...along with my Gas-X. I sit at a computer all day too. I MAY try to go to the support group next week. Felt a lot better today though after that FIASCO with the mashed potatoes yesterday. I entered it in my journal and circled it with orange not to forget...so I remember to BEWARE :eek:in the future....either take it literally one bite at a time, or just forgo it altogether....
  24. kacee

    May 2007 Banders

    I left at 4:15 yesterday and probably will today too. Still the paint todayBUT I brought my heating pad which made a HUGE difference...along with my Gas-X. I sit at a computer all day too. I MAY try to go to the support group next week. Felt a lot better today though after that FIASCO with the mashed potatoes yesterday. I entered it in my journal and circled it with orange not to forget...so I remember to BEWARE :eek:in the future....either take it literally one bite at a time, or just forgo it altogether....
  25. kacee

    Big Medicine

    <p>I watched the young girl who had bypass and had all the hanging skin that had to be removed. Just confirmed my decision for the band. At least by going slower we have a fighting chance not to look like that in the end. Personally I'd rather NOT have to sink another $30K into plastic surgury to fix everything.</p>

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
