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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    BariatricEating.com Need Info please...

    Yes, I have. If you haven't ordered before, why don't you order the sample box. That's what I did. Also, for a protein drink (clear) I get Isopure (comes in about 8 flavors). It koolaid-y and not bad at all and has 42 g's of protein in a bottle (only drink 1/2 at a time cuz you cannot assimilate more than about 24 g's at once).
  2. kacee

    Pain following surgery

    Guys...trust me...this too shall pass. A large amount of this is attitude. Think of it this way...short of Plastic Surgery, what other kind of medical intervention could you possibly have that will turn your life around the way this is going to? You know the old adage "Beauty knows no pain." Well, it's true. It'd be different if you were sitting there with stitches after having a ruptured appendix out or something...you have nothing to show for it all except not being "sick" anymore.... this is the exact opposite! When I was banded on 05-23, I couldn't WAIT to get to the hospital, couldn't WAIT to get my IV, get put under, come out in recovery, go back to my room, walk....etc. the entire time thinking "My God, my whole life is fixing to do a 180 degree change and I need to relish every minute of this process!"
  3. kacee

    Losing friends...

    That's a CLASSIC case of "hurt them before they hurt me." And it is pathetic. If that is the level to which your friends sink to make themselves feel better, you are not losing anything at all. That is absolutely appalling.
  4. I heard some people had problems with lettuce but I have had no problem getting salads down at all.
  5. ** adjustability ** removability ** quick recuperation after surgery (I couldn't ever take 4-6 weeks off!) ** no resectioning of the gut
  6. Okay, so you've gotten to that "sweet spot"....so how long does that last? I don't mind going to the doctor every 30 days for the first two years while my fills are included in my self-pay for the surgery, but I'm gonna be upset if I have to start paying $200-300 a pop and only get 2 weeks of decent restriction at a stretch....
  7. kacee

    Self Payers

    $12,900. Includes all fills for the first year and if you reach 50% of your goal at the end of the first year the 2nd year's fills are free too. YEEEHAAA!!!! Worth every DAMN PENNY!!!!
  8. Also a biggie, and it was a surprise to me...going to the doctor, getting on the scale, and NOT HEARING THE CLANK OF THE WEIGHT BEING PUSHED TO THE 200 MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ** I am beginning to CARE about my appearance! I've gotten a new haircut and I am more aware of the clothes I pick out to wear. AND I actually stood in front of a full length mirror in the BUFF this morning and didn't throw up!!!! (Nothing I want to parade at the beach or in a pageant of course) ** I don't get so exhausted quickly. ** I don't need nearly as much sleep. ** I fit in the airplane seat without feeling both thighs rubbing on the sides of the seat! ** My fat neck is going away (being replaced by lines and s potential turkey waddle, but hey, that's what PS is for...) ** My dowager's hump is starting to go down (THANK GOD)
  10. kacee

    Alcohol and the Band

    Yep, I had an evening out with the family at a nice restaurant where we had wine (several glasses) and when I logged everything in I found that nearly 50% of my caloric content for the day was alcohol!!! Needless to day, the scale's downward trend came to a screeching halt and actually went back up two pounds in the next several days.
  11. I have been very very good about logging all my intake of food, my activities, and my weight every day (Note: I know a lot of people don't like to weigh every day. However, I find that I get very attentive to those .6 and .8 pound fluctuations and it keeps me in line better, rather than adjusting to seeing 1+ pound weight fluctuations over a week or so...my theory being that if you get used to the "pound-plus" on the scales you are more likely to backslide into 2-3-4 pound fluctuations....just my own philosophy). I have noticed a definite correlation between the days I "overeat" (over 950 cal) and the subsequent weight upswing within about 2-3 days. I was out on the web looking for guidance on just how long it takes before the "bad days" turn to noticeable weight gain. I found this interesting.... Temporary weight gain could appear quickly after a large meal or two, but that does not mean that if you've overdone it, you're doomed. After all, daily weight fluctuations are normal. Generally speaking though, if you keep your calories burned in line with your calories consumed over a week's time, you shouldn't gain -- 3,500 calories is equal to one pound. If you do have a surplus of 3,500 calories by the end of one week, most people will be up a pound from the prior week. The most worrisome is the gradual weight gain that people experience, which is more likely to represent new pounds that you truly gain over time. Keep a food diary to try and help combat this gradual weight gain and (you knew this was coming) exercise regularly!
  12. That being said, I love the report on "if every day were like today you would lose...." That is NEAT!
  13. I looked at myfooddiary.com and it looks like a great tool and I would consider using it, except it is so EXPENSIVE! That's $108 a year! FitDay regular is free, or the software is $19.
  14. kacee

    Where is everyone from?

    Four Points! Ship Rock! I love that area!
  15. kacee

    Where is everyone from?

    Clear Lake area...the only part of Houston worth living in (I can say that cuz I was raised in Houston....). Don't get me wrong. Texas is the bomb, but all things considered I'd rather be in the hill country!!!
  16. (post revised 1-28-08) I was banded 5-23-07 and am down about 61 pounds. I am 56.
  17. April 19 - seminar May 23 - surgery I would have done it earlier (I was self-pay) but I had to at least go through the motions for the insurance....just in case. Once I determined self-pay it was just a matter of days...
  18. kacee

    Getting banded tomorrow

    Just remember the golden rules of post-surgery....walk walk walk and sip sip sip and you'll do great. Main thing....WALK every single chance you get. You may not have gas pains now, but they could set in down the road a little so be prepared and proactive! Welcome to the club!
  19. Do they fill you using a flouroscope? That seems to be much more accurate for getting a good fill (my first was sans scope, the second was with scope).
  20. Don't feel alone. Me too. I've had 2 fills and the last week I have been knawing my leg off. Hanging on by my fingernails till I go in for another fill tomorrow morning. You may not be doing anything wrong. Keep the protein up, keep up liquids. You'll feel much better on the 3rd....and I think I will feel much better tomorrow!
  21. kacee

    darn plateau

    Go for the FitDay...when you track everything you see EXACTLY where you are. Compare to your weight to the intake and you will see a correlation you cannot ignore. Then adjust accordingly.
  22. kacee

    It doesn't seem possible

    <p>I totally agree with the "mini-goals". The prospect of a huge amount to lose was always self-defeating for me. It's funny, but after banding I was doing the happy dance after 5 pounds of weight loss....(I started at 218)...then I said Can I get to 210 this month? WOW! Yes! Then how about 205? YES! Then the BIGGIE....Wonderland....I cried when I hit 199. Now sitting on the cusp of 180's and that's all I can see right now...can I get into the 180's in the next two weeks? Hmmmmm. I have NEVER done this in my LIFE (always looked down the road and went...60 pounds? No way! Can't be done! Too far to go....) NOT TRUE! Live from week to week on the goals.....and TRACK YOUR FOOD religously! I RUSH home from work every day to fill out my FitDay Food Log. I rush to the scales every morning to weigh (good, bad or indifferent....you start to appreciate the .8, .6, .2.... and on the other side of it...I get shocked when it goes from .0 to .6 and I get my a@@ in high gear). Living from mini-goal to mini-goal is also a HUGE shot in the arm...you have MANY successes, instead of living for only one!!! So there are MULTIPLE pay-offs through the journey. How funny...I look back on those first five pounds and kindof think wow, I was so excited over that! And then I think...and I thought the world had stopped on its axis when I got to 199....and then I think....and lo and behold you are standing on the edge of the 180's....you would NEVER have thought you could get to there when you started! I'VE COME A LONG WAY BABEEEEE! I plan on four months from now looking back and marveling at how excited I was to be looking at the 180's!!!!</p>
  23. kacee

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    I'm a self-pay. Does anyone know what Spivak charges for fills AFTER the first two years? Another question....once you get a decent restriction (I have yet to do so...going in for fill three on Tuesday)...does it continue to dribble out like before? It's kindof scary thinking that a fill will only last 3-4 weeks.... or does it finally "settle" a little and stay around?
  24. kacee

    Getting banded tomorrow

    Why worry about the cath? Don't they put that in when you were asleep? I had to be catheterized 9 hours after surgery because I couldn't pee (prerequisite before leaving the hospital). When they started saying "we better get the foley" I started grimmacing...but it wasn't THAT bad. But you won't "be around" when they do it and it's nothing afterward..........

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
