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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    I wish I had known...

    If you've ever had surgery, this is a given. The week before surgery I went out and got some "fat pants" (stretchy black leggings I could wear to the hospital and back and also for the first week at work). I could not wear a bra because of potential irritation in the port area, so I just wore things with jackets. Probably by the 10th day or so after surgery I was able to wear all my other clothes without a problem.
  2. kacee

    Scared to eat!

    You should be okay with the trip....just take it slow and stay away initially from things like breads, steaks, rice and pasta. I just made sure that the things I ate when I was in public early on were things I KNEW would work for me. I didn't experiment with potential problematic foods when I first ventured out. In restaurants I would do things like tuna, fish dishes, soups, stuff like that. Do your experimenting at home to see what you can and cannot eat.
  3. kacee

    Scared to eat!

    That's good for your liquid stage, but you don't want to get in the habit of liquifying all your foods after that's over with. Getting food stuck is kindof like getting a shot at the doctor...you agonize over it horribly before the experience...when it happens it's not THAT bad....but it's not something you particularly would CHOOSE to experience on any regular basis, given a choice in the matter!
  4. kacee

    Scared to eat!

    About two weeks into my band I tried some liquidy mashed potatoes. WHOA! They got major stuck. To tell you what the feeling was like...it was kindof like pushing a knuckle on your breastbone. It hurt for about 2 hours, but I never PB'd or slimed. I avoided mashed potatoes after that for a while, but I can eat them now, but I was scared of them for a while... You will all eventually have a run-in with some "stuck" food, but if you take SMALL bites and chew well, and don't eat too fast (put your fork down between bites), you will be less apt to experience it, and when you do, it will not be as bad as it could be if you guzzled your food. When it gets stuck you will ABSOLUTELY KNOW. It's kindof like the feeling when you first learn to ride a bike and everything goes wrong....and then all of a sudden you feel it and it works and you're balancing and everything goes smoothly and you go "So THAT'S what it feels like!" and you never forget that for the rest of your life...getting food stuck is much like that (but not in a good way, unfortunately).
  5. only4me...you could be taking too big a swallow. Your system is pretty delicate right now so you want to really baby it. Sometimes you will get a discomfort/pain in mid-chest which only stays for a minute or two and then you will feel the release as it goes down. Try sipping a little less. You will loosen up probably in about two weeks time (at least I did), but initially you will have wonderful restriction...I am assuming from the swelling left over from surgery...and you'll really need to be watchful of how quickly and how much you swallow.
  6. There's only one miracle drug for feeling poorly after surgery and that is to WALK. It absolutely positively can NOT be stressed enough. Every time my shoulder hurt, I got up and walked. Every time my incisions felt tight, I got up and walked. Just a turn around the house several times made a huge difference. You'll feel that gas start to shift. You will be burping and pooting and I mean a LOT for the first week. It what you WANT to do. And each time you walk you will feel that gas shift and look for a way out....blessed relief! I also took a lot of gas-X which helped.
  7. kacee

    Surgery Jitters

    First off, I've been under the knife for several abdominal surgeries and the laparoscopic procedure was COMPLETELY different. I didn't have the feeling that my guts had been invaded at all. (When you have abdominal surgery you kindof feel like someone has closed you up with purse strings that are all attached to internal stuff...everything kind of pulls and is tight...this was nothing like it.) It was just a slightly sore feeling, more local/topical than internal. For me, luckily I had been on the website for a few months and was VERY aware of the potential for the gas pains which was the single and ONLY discomfort I felt and I was anticipating them and prepared and knew what to do...and that can be remedied/lessened considerably if you follow the gas pain rules.....walk walk walk walk walk walk and last of all....walk more. I found that I bounced back from this surgery SUPER fast. I felt HUMAN on the 4th day, was back to work on the 7th, and within two weeks I felt pretty much normal.
  8. My incisions are closed with the loving touch of my outstanding surgeon!
  9. kacee


    Well, I just got down into the glorius 180's....haven't been there in 17 years (longer than you've been alive...). Every pound I drop is a new wonderful record for me.
  10. kacee

    High Blood Pressure Questions

    That is NOT something to take lightly. Anytime your BP goes into the 90's or higher for any sustained time at all you need to call your doctor and get in to see him/her quickly.
  11. kacee

    High Blood Pressure Questions

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/beware-aware-those-who-take-bp-meds-37114/ Check out my story.........
  12. kacee


    I'd say the Vitamin E, or scar oil or whatever is on the market, is a way to go. You are also looking at genetics playing a large part. I've been lifting my shirt for folks showing them what goes into the surgery (the number and size of incisions) and everyone has been amazed (I am 2 months post-surgery) and said things like "They just look like little scratches!" I think when they turn whiter down the road I will hardly be able to notice them after a while. I started out with some of the scar lotion stuff, but blew it off after a few weeks. My scars are beautiful (as in nice straight pink thin lines) and even now I hardly notice them. Of course, I also ran through a plate glass door in the 5th grade and have three extremely large scars on my legs where I had over 150 stitches to close the gashes. Scars don't bother me one whit. They are GREAT conversation pieces. WAR STORIES. Kindof like being in "THE CLUB" (the Club, if you don't know, are those folks who have the telltale scar under their chin.....many of us got them as children, it's a classic place to get a cut and makes for some great stories....I always look for peoples' "membership card" in the Club and ask them to tell their story...it's a real ice breaker).
  13. kacee


    I'll be 56 in November and I got my band May 23. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and diabetes runs (gallops, actually) in my family. I think there are a few folks online here who are in their 60's. As with any surgery, it depends on our overall health. Someone in their 20's could be a lot worse risk for surgery than one of us, based on their health issues. However, that being said, I FLEW through surgery, had much easier a time than MANY folks here half my age, rallied quickly and sailed back to work the 7th day and have healed wonderfully, lost weight quickly and steadily and had zero issues.
  14. Oh by the way...you will get used to the "growlies"....they'll become a part of your life. My stomach never growled before the band. Now it talks to me every 3 hours or so. It was distracting at first, but now it's just part of me.
  15. kacee


    Every bariatric surgeon is different, just like every dentist, cardiologist, internist, etc. They practice based on how they were taught, and their own experience in the field and lessons learned. You'll find this in all fields. Not every doctor agrees on process or procedure.
  16. kacee

    Help My husband is forcing me to eat.

    It's called "Tough Love"...Sarabluebell, you are an adult. You do NOT have to let someone FORCE you to do anything you don't want to do. PERIOD. Not only does it sound like he has major issues with your weight loss (is he the jealous type? I wonder if he is the type who will resent the new YOU) but you are forming extremely unhealthy habits that are sabotaging your success. You need to tell him that the band works a certain way and you are following doctor's orders. Period. Sounds to me like he needs a little lapband education on the process. If that's what it is, enlighten him. If not, it's not about you but about him and you need to steer clear of that negativity. Maybe you should have him go with you to your doctor and meet with him to explain what it is you need to be doing. Your hubby can argue with you, but he cannot argue with a medical professional.
  17. kacee

    How fast should one drink?

    And by the way Tim...how are you doing post-op? Have any gas pains? How's your recuperation going? I read your post the day of surgery.
  18. kacee

    How fast should one drink?

    Liquids aren't bulky so it's not really an issue...however, if you guzzle you may find yourself with a big knot mid-chest as it tries to go down (not fun...don't try it). If you drink fairly normally and don't feel a "pause" as it goes down, I'd say you are okay. Remember that your gut is swollen so be gentle with it, but you really shouldn't have to take "eraser-sized sips" I'd think. Just follow how it feels....
  19. kacee

    just got approved, timeline question

    I went in for surgery on Wednesday before Memorial Day. I went back to work the following Tuesday. I also sit at a desk and do computer stuff. It worked okay for me but I sure wouldn't have wanted to go back any sooner. That was six days. I think I actually felt pretty good by about the 8th day after surgery.
  20. kacee

    just got approved, timeline question

    No way you can get in any earlier? You might as well kiss of 30 days after surgery as far as food goes. Actually, if you are on mushies by that time you can probably eat somewhat....fish is about the only meat-like substance that fits that category, cottage cheese would work, jellos, etc. But for the most part you're gonna be limited bigtime to things like soups. Now that is based on what MY doctor orders....1 week solid liquids after surgery, remainder up to 30 days after surgery is "mushies". No solid foods prior to that. Doesn't leave a lot of leeway, but soups at restaurants, etc. are a good bet. I also had thinks like tuna salad during the mushie stage which worked fine. If you are at a trade show with a banquet thing you aren't going to be able to pick and choose (and they probably won't have soup)...if you are at a restaurant, you might be able to have some selection.
  21. kacee

    Would you do it again?

    I'm a self-pay and it was worth every nickel and dime I paid....and THEN SOME!!! I have ZERO regrets...and I mean ZERO...and I would do it again 10 times over. I am still new, but I am 30 pounds down...to a place I haven't seen in 17 years. There is NO substitute for that feeling. I paid $12,900 in Houston. PB is a "productive burp" (who the hell thought of that term?) which is like a barf without the stomach contractions. When I have PB'd, I just lean over and whatever is stuck in therre kindof rolls out (I know...TMI). You PB when you eat too fast, don't chew enough, and the food gets "stuck". You will KNOW it when it happens! Sliming is the excess salivation that happens when you start producing saliva (and mucus) to digest the food....that's stuck. Instead of it being produced in your tummy, it winds up in your throat, and you generally have to spit it out. It's part of the deal and for me anyway, it's not that big a deal when it happens, but you sure don't ever want to make a habit of it. Bad for your band, and not fun.
  22. OMG!!! Stood in front of the mirror today in the buff (Now THAT's SOMETHING!!! I've been like a vampire for 17 years....running from mirrors...) and what did I see? Some sort of MALFORMATION on ME!!!! What could it BE????? Do you think.....Noooooo....well MAYBEEEEEE.....I think it is the start of a.....drumroll please.....WAISTLINE!!!!! Thank you, thankyou very much....
  23. <p>Hey, I just realized the patch of exzema I had on my arm for the past 8 months totally went away! I haven't had to use any medicinal creams on it since I got the band! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/whoo.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Whoo" smilieid="339" class="inlineimg" /></p>
  24. kacee

    How long between fills?

    I think you can pretty much bank on needing fills from now on...at some point or other. I don't think we ever get to the point where a fill lasts forever. I just got my third fill two days ago and I already am not feeling it.
  25. kacee

    BariatricEating.com Need Info please...

    Elite Whey protein powder is also very good (I use cafe mocha and mix with skim milk).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
