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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. You must ignore your husband at this time. He IS scared. This is not about you, this is about him. HIS life is going to change and he's afraid of what it may entail. This is a typical phsychological reaction by those around the patient. In many men this manifests itself in a bad attitude about the surgery and trying to discourage it. What could REALLY be going on in his head is "She's gonna lose a bunch of weight and then she's gonna leave me for a hot guy." (I'm not kidding). Just make sure you tell him that you are not only doing this for yourself, you are doing it for him too. Good luck! Everything will be FINE.
  2. kacee

    Hicurps? Or Buccups?

    Oh yeah...your body is going to do wonderful things after surgery...hiccups, burps, (ahem) farts....you are not going to believe the air that comes out of you! I am 2.5 months out and I still seem to have a lot of air in me that comes out (more from the nether end now). You'll get used to it and it will lessen too. Nothing to be concerned about. Nana, great that you haven't had gas yet, just be prepared because some peoples' gas sets in several days down the road.
  3. Gas pains will come and go for several weeks. Walking helps a HUGE amount and you can also use a heating pad. I think as of week 3 I was still having intermittent gas pain bouts.
  4. kacee

    Please help!!!

    You can supplement what you are eating with protein shakes. They have become a staple in my life. If you can't get them locally (wherever you are) you can order on line, but there should be a health store somewhere you can get this stuff. I like Dymatize Elite Whey Protein isolate powder. Comes in several flavors and I like Cafe Mocha and mix with 8 oz of skim milk in a blender with ice. I drink that every morning and it gives me 23 gms of protein right off the bat. You should be getting in 50+ grams a day of protein.
  5. kacee

    Please help!!!

    Uh.....where do you live? I don't recognize half the foods you are mentioning..... If you are 3 weeks out you probably only have another week before being on solids, right? Most doctors get you on solids by 4 weeks...some stretch it out a little. Don't worry about being full. This is the healing time, and the band isn't working for you yet, and isn't supposed to. You won't feel the "full force" of the band until you've probably had about 2 fills (this is highly individual, though...I am just talking from "typical"). My doctor considered mushies/soft foods to include things like cottage cheese, baked fish, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, creamed Soups, cooked vegetables (not the fibrous kind like asparagus or broccoli stems), eggs, anything the consistency of baby food. I didn't have a specific diet to go on...it was just a list of soft foods that would work.
  6. kacee

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    Don't worry about it...just call the office. I got all KINDS of bills after surgery and just got on the phone and cleared it up (I was self-pay) and paid up front which messed everyone up FOR SOME REASON.
  7. kacee

    What do you tell people at work

    OHHH PULEEEEZ!!! If you work in TV you work in the entertainment business and that is the most surgery friendly, intervention friendly, plastic surgery friendly doctor-please-fix-my-looks friendly profession in the WORLD! If one person gives you a sideways glance about it they are the biggest hypocrite on the earth's surface. Remember the story of Star Jones and the mess she started by keeping her mouth shut. Had she just said what she was doing and been done with it people would have gone on about their business and not thought a thing of it...now look at her in the tabloids trying to tap dance around why she lied about it...(not that it's not your perogative). I certainly would NOT worry about what ANYONE at work says.
  8. kacee

    What do you tell people at work

    I informed everyone at work before I did the band (after I had my surgery date scheduled). Some of them said things like "Wow, do you feel you need that?" and I said "YEP! I sure do! It's the decision for me!" They have been very supportive. I learned the details of WLS from another person at work and that's what got be thinking about it in the first place. I bascially told everyone and also said if they had any friends who needed to get some info first hand to not hesitate to ask me. I still have people stopping me in the halls going "WOW! It is really coming off! What a change! You look so much younger!"
  9. kacee

    Headaches from "red" drinks?

    Amen to what Bubble said... caffeine deprivation is notorious for giving headaches, especially if you have been imbibing in it for a long time. Try drinking a caffeinated tea when you get headaches (if you are not a coffee drinker). You may just find it knocks them out.
  10. kacee


    And by the way Nana....how are you doing in your recovery!?
  11. kacee


    NanaRenan...you and I sound very similar. I have pretty much told everyone (including my pharmacist...who was fascinated) and I have had a LOT of people shyly come to me and ask for the details, which I am more than happy to reveal, including my incision scars (I know...I have no shame at all hahaha!). I know I have helped some people. My GP's assistant (of all people!) was totally unaware of the band. I told her all about it and how much I liked my doctor and she asked me for his name and gave his business card to a friend of hers who is in the same predicament. I look at it this way...it will never be an awkward situation unless I LET it be so (and I won't), and the only other thing that can come of it is educating someone else and opening their eyes.
  12. djmath - check out my thread on this.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/beware-aware-those-who-take-bp-meds-37114/
  13. YEOW! If I went much of 1000 my loss would stop completely. I stay between 700 and 1000 (max). Get with a good food journal program (FitDay, SparkPeople) and log your food religiously and start trying to drop those calories down and you'll see some action.
  14. <p>Isn't FMLA non-paid? You could always just simply take a leave without pay. I cannot imagine that your supervisor wouldn't let you do that. Also, a lot of places let you go in the hole up to a certain number of vacation hours....check on that (we can go in the hole up to 40 where I work).</p>
  15. kacee

    New thing....nausea

    At first I thought maybe I had some bad meat, but it was several kinds of meats. Actually it doesn't bother me too much. I am just a little shy-er with my meat consumption right now. There is nothing that can discourage me to dampen my enthusiasm. I weigh less now than I weighed 20 years ago, and there is not a whole lot I wouldn't trade for that! :whoo:
  16. This is very strange. For the past week when I eat meat I get horribly nauseated. This is not like being stuck or anything. I tried to eat some ground beef yesterday, had about 2 bites and all of a sudden I was running for the bathroom. I got the same feeling tonight when I tried a few pieces (SMALL pieces, well chewed). It also happened when I ate some luncheon meat (deli ham and deli turkey, both of which I love)...again, it is NOTHING like anything getting stuck. It was really an amazing feeling. Once it all came up I felt fine. Has anyone experienced this?
  17. kacee


    I wouldn't worry about it. I know a lot of people would prefer to be private about it, but this is a rather life changing event and it is pretty hard to hide. I also find that if I don't tell people and I suddenly start losing a bunch of weight...no one will say anything for fear that you are sick (not trying to lose weight) and even if you were to go from 300 to 150 overnight they won't say a WORD about it for fear of getting into an awkward situation. Personally if I see someone losing weight I want to go up and say WAY TO GO!!!! but if it is someone who has never lost weight in the past, has always been big...secretly in my mind I go (Geez, what if I congratulate them and they have cancer or something!). If they know it is an intentional act, they tend to say things like "You GO girlfriend!" and give you encouragement.
  18. kacee


    You'll be able to drink. And you'll be able to eat. You won't be able to PIG OUT....that's the difference.
  19. kacee

    Surgery Date - Aug 22

    For me, the difference is that when I get surgery that's for ME, for my betterment, it truly is that "Beauty Knows No Pain". I've had several RK eye surgeries (waaaaay back when they were first doing them.....with a scalpel no less). There was pain but I was just so excited at what I was doing and how it was going to be in the future, the pain meant NOTHING to me. That's the way this was. I SAILED through surgery, post op, and yes, there was discomfort....but the whole time I was hurting I was going This is a GOOD HURT! YEAH! This means things are gonna change! When I hit my optimum weight I intend to get some thigh lipo and possibly get my neck done, and it'll be the same thing with those....sweet pain for doing something wonderful for myself.
  20. The best thing is that I am looking at this as a PERMANENT change, as opposed to a temporary change in weight, which is how my whole life has been....lose, gain, lose, gain, lose, gain....the thing that IRKS me is that I am (in my opinion) not LEARNING fast enough to get with the program. Don't get me wrong, I am doing GREAT, but I still FILL my plate....I still wonder if I will have enough to eat when I order in the restaurant...that's always been my mindset and it is a bitch to break! On the plus side...the weight loss has been couple by an unbridled optimism....even when I hit plateaus I am not discouraged (wow, there's a first!).
  21. I don't know where she got that idea about milk but it isn't true. I am a big milk drinker and always have been. I have my protein shake every morning with 8 oz of skim milk...7 days a week. It does absolutely nothing. I drank milk during my liquid stage as well.
  22. kacee

    1 week!

    Steer clear of noodles, rice, bread...all those things tend to swell once they get in you. I wouldn't mess with the noodles now.
  23. I ask that because you are ripe for gas about now. It could be that....you didn't mention having any gas pains yet....
  24. Does the pain move around or is it in EXACTLY the same place all the time?

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