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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    Big Con

    Savery, believe it or not, I actually see where you are coming from on some of this. It is a legitimate question. I've been told that after banding the trick is NOT to diet. Now, that being said, it isn't license for no behavior modification. We obese folks have extremely flawed mentality when it comes to eating. We head for all the WRONG foods in the WRONG amounts. Now, when you get banded, and I mean banded with a decent restriction, a portion of that battle is removed...the WRONG AMOUNT portion. You can still eat the wrong foods and defeat the band. That's why the band takes more "work" than, say, a bypass which in many cases can physically restrict you from eating the wrong amounts AND the wrong foods (i.e., dumping syndrome, etc. and many bypass people cannot eat surgars afterwards without a lot of distress). To put it simply, if you were told you had to stand on your head and knit a sweater, that would be a daunting task. However, if you were told that you didn't have to stand on your head...just knit the sweater...it's still work, but it sure looks easier to accomplish!
  2. kacee

    Hungry--2 Weeks Out

    TOTALLY normal. Remember this....the first 30 days (before your fill) are strictly for healing...the band doesn't work yet. So don't beat yourself up...just do the BEST you can within the guidelines of the 30 days (liquids and mushies). Just stay off the solids. If you lose your complete mind, you are better off having an ice cream shake or something soft than falling into something like chips and dip. And get PLENTY of protein. That also helps a lot.
  3. kacee

    I have a question.....

    I think your friend is in for a rude awakening.
  4. kacee

    weight loss

    I think most doctors say something like 1-2 pounds a week max is desireable. That could vary depending on how much you have to lose. If your weight is really up there you will probably lose faster and more for a while. As you get towards goal it will slow. I think I am averaging a little over a pound a week. I lost 23 before my first fill and another 15 in the 60 days following.
  5. kacee

    Removing stuck food...

    Just a suggestion...people talk about "meat tenderizer" helping. Well, you can get the same results with Clear Ease. You can find it on line. People who scuba dive use it for breaking up sinus mucus or something. They are papaya enzyme lozenges (an active ingredient in tenderizer) and you put them between your cheek and gum (sounds like Skoal) and let it dissolve. You could use this for "emergencies". I keep some in my purse. Never had to use it, but it's there just in case. Can't hurt. Might help.
  6. kacee

    Sneezing, Running nose when full?

    If you google Vagus Nerve Obesity you'll find all sorts of stuff on studies being done with "bilateral Vagus Nerve stimulation" via electronic implants for the treatment of obesity and compulsive eating. Fascinating reading. I think we are on the edge of many new wonders in the treatment of obesity, not the least of which is the new band coming out next year that is filled electronically. Fantastic stuff in this day and age!
  7. kacee

    Sneezing, Running nose when full?

    I have heard that referred to as a "soft stop" elsewhere on the forum. It is result of stimulation of the Vagus Nerve. It can manifest itself in coughing, sneezing, hiccuping, sighing and other ways. I personally wish I had a "sign" of some kind to show me when I am full. I have to wait for the telltale discomfort.
  8. kacee

    Second thoughts?

    GayleTx that sounds like a great idea. That way you don't have TWO people bumbling around making the mistakes and going "Drat...we'll know better next time..." Have one person who paves the way...the pioneer, if you will, and by the time hubby gets his the drill will be old hat....also, hubby will have some anticipation of what to expect by watching his wife beforehand.
  9. kacee

    Conflicting advice?

    Yeah, I've heard that fluctuation in caloric intake can really help a lot, so the body doesn't get settled in to a "routine".
  10. kacee

    About your PORT?

    Well, obviously because of my fat you couldn't see the port area at first. Now down over 35 pounds if I lay on my back there is a soft hump there...just a little.
  11. kacee

    Taking meds after banding

    I broke my breakable pills for the first 2 months after banding. Since then I have been able to swallow everything without any problem. You can always take with warm water too, which helps. I just steer clear of the largest horse pills.
  12. kacee

    Can anyone still gulp water?????

    When I get my fills, that's what they have me do...gulp water. Want to make sure the liquids go down easily.
  13. I've got 5 but only 4 show. One 1/3 in on the far left and far right, one about 1 inch for my port in the middle under my breastbone, a 1 inch one between the port and the far left one. He also went through my belly button for number 5, but I could NEVER see that, and cannot even find a scar. I am three months out and my scars are some of the prettiest, smallest, straightest and thinnest I've seen after looking at the scar thread. I agree with my surgeons nurse. She said it is awesome to see him at work...he is a consummate artist.
  14. kacee

    Soft Stop Anyone???

    That is absolutely FASCINATING!!!!! I'm trying to think of what kindof signal I get...sometimes I get a little nauseus for a second. Kindof wish I got a specific soft stop like a runny nose or a hiccup because that would be like a big fat stop sign waving in front of me. Whatever I get is very subtle. I think I need to start listening to my body a little closer and see what it is saying to me....
  15. You are just about to go on solid foods. My doctor has us on "soft foods" the last three weeks. That includes things like cottage cheese and fish. I would absolutely steer clear of any breads, pastas, rice. But if there are fish dishes you can get, you can probably have those. Especially with some kind of sauce to help soften it. Don't touch any fruit with a skin (like grapes) or any pulpy fruits...that could be bad. Really, just judge the consistency of stuff and be sensible. You are so close to being on solids that if you see something you want I imagine you could have it if you are careful. To be quite honest, I followed my doctor's orders to the LETTER about the 30 days before solids. When I went in to get my fill and I told them I had just started solid foods on day 31 they were SHOCKED. They said MOST people don't follow it to the letter.
  16. As far as the drive home from the hospital. Take a travel pillow with you. Hold it over your tummy area and then put the seatbelt on top. You may even want to drag a little pillow around with you at home...kindof like a little security blankie...it helps when you hold the pillow to your stomach area and gives you a more secure feeling those first 24 hours or so after surgery. My doctor has "travel pillow" as one of the "must haves" to bring for the ride home.
  17. kacee

    New Telemetric Band in January

    Wow, I just read about that. It sounds fantastic! Being able to adjust the band electronically. I wonder if you still have to go into the doctor for that... My only concern would be that if it stops working it would mean surgery to go in and fix or replace it. Sounds like it is still pretty new on the market. Not sure if I would want to be one of the "control" group.
  18. kacee

    Removing stuck food...

    You are always going to have SOMEONE out there who doesn't use their head and pushes the envelope. This will NOT happen to you if you follow the instructions. I ate a hot dog on my first week of solids. I took the bread off and ate the dog. I TOOK MY TIME and had no problems. Remember, most of us are used to GULPING our food...and some of us are worse than others.
  19. kacee

    Conflicting advice?

    Your doc sounds much more like the "norm". I was on clear liquids for 2 days, mushi liquids up to the first week and soft foods (which included cottage cheese and fish) after that up to the 30 days. To expect someone to be on full liquids for 30 days just sounds like too much. I also drink milk (skim). If I couldn't have milk I would be a very sad person. On almost any list rice, pasta and bread are to be viewed with grave suspicion. However, that being said, I have actually HAD some rice (only a little) and eaten two pieces of sourdough bread once (it actually caused no problem....I think that says I am due for a fill). I'd also be really leary of anyone who said it was okay to drink most of your calories. That's what they stress most of all....steer clear of liquid calories because THAT is what defeats the band. The three protein shakes a day sounds like something you would do during the liquid stage only. You can actually get protein fairly easily without having to resort to that when you are on solids. And protein shakes are probably going to run about 200 calories apiece. If you have three of them a day everyday, it doesn't leave much wiggle room for calories of REAL food. I find I cannot go over 1000 calories a day and continue to lose.
  20. Claramae...you GO girlfriend! You are over the big hurdle and you are a real TROUPER! Now you just concentrate on getting better every day. You are officially in BandLand. You know the old saying "The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence (or Hill)". With us it is totally true. Your fence was just a little higher than some other folks....some people had step stools, some folks had a 50 foot knoted rope they had to shinny up. The operative word here is you have LANDED and nobody can stop you now girl! :whoo:
  21. That was my experience too. I was astounded at how LITTLE discomfort I had locally where the incisions and the work was done. It was ALL GAS. And when the air starts coming out from BOTH ends you think HALLELULIAH! When it would start moving out for me, my family could hear me in the back of the house yelling "YEAH BABEEE!"
  22. I think this is a CLASSIC example of ONE doctor's opinion. I wonder how many bypasses this guy has done and if he conveniently not mentioning the stats nothing that bypass patients typically gain weight back after a period of years because they stretch out the pouch. First of all, if he is basing his stats for stopping the lapband on TWO patients..this guy doesn't have NEAR enough experience and you have no business going to him anyway. If you have ever watched "Big Medicine" on TV, the doctors readily admit that every doctor has his own preference of procedures. Some prefer bypass, some prefer lapband. I wouldn't think twice, or listen to this guy....I'd head on down the road to somewhere else.
  23. kacee

    Second thoughts?

    I think I had about a half a nano-second of a second thought and then I said "Damn the Cheeseburgers! Full waddle ahead!" Never looked back. ZERO regrets!
  24. kacee

    Removing stuck food...

    Believe me, if after walking around, stretching, etc. it still feels firmly in there...it's time to go to the bathroom and hang your head over the toilet. Nature will totally take care of it.
  25. I bought a digital wrist cuff, I think from the drugstore, or even from the grocery store. I assumed it was probably not all THAT accurate, but it actually was.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
