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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. Check out the isopure clear Protein drinks. I REALLY like them.... index For a protein/milk mix shake, I use Dymatize ELITE (Cafe Mocha). I never thought I would actually LIKE something like this, but I look forward to my shake every morning!!!
  2. If it's just you (not kids to watch), you won't need help. You don't need to be waited on because you need to be up and around fending for yourself. I didn't find it was a problem. I stayed with my Mom the firt 24 hours, then drove myself home (34 miles) and was alone from then on. No biggie at all.
  3. I do the same thing on weekends. For me...it's boredom. I'm in the house just piddling around and find I gravitate to the fridge constantly. I buy a LOT of those jello cups (the ones with 10 cal), fruit, etc. If I find it is getting really bad I leave the house and go somewhere.
  4. HELLO???? Take your pain meds! That's what they are there for. Don't be shy! They're not there for decoration. I took my pain meds faithfully for a week. And don't wait until you are in "agony" to take them either.
  5. kacee

    Length of surgery

    I was told the procedure itself was about 30 minutes.
  6. kacee

    salads anyone

    No, salads don't qualify as "soft" food. Cottage cheese and fish do though. I cut onions and green peppers up (very fine) and put them in the cottage cheese. It tastes WONDERFUL, especially when you let it sit in the refrig. overnight and "flavor up". That really saved me and made me felt I was eating real food. At a lot of fish filets too.
  7. kacee

    "Gorged" on Mexican food last night....

    I can relate! I went to Carrabas a while back...had saved up ALL day to gorge by not eating anything. Ordered this wonderful chicken dinner. Four bites and it was doggie bag city!
  8. kacee

    Sad News

    Frankly, I find that completely insane. Unfortunately many insurance companies are not recognizing the lapband yet. They will qualify you for a substantially more invasive, expensive procedure with potentially more complications.... Is this your primary care physician or your potential surgeon? Who is your insurance provider? On the other hand, at least your insurance pays for SOMETHING. A co-worker of mine is a bypass success story...three years out and 160 pounds down.
  9. kacee

    5 days post op......

    Yep, had no appetite for about a week. Then....watch out....
  10. Ports flip because you lose weight and they get "loose". It is not uncommon. Mine is "loosey goosey" as my nurse says, but it hasn't flipped. When and if it does, they try to "right it".
  11. kacee

    I was just wondering.......

    Naaahhhh...not a problem. I blend my protein shake every day and it is "bubble city". You just wind up burping. I even think drinking with a straw is okay if you figure out how to do it....suck and "spit" the air out and then take the liquid in.
  12. kacee

    Citric Acid A No-No?

    Yeah I have heard that about fruit drinks...it can cause distress. I didn't have a problem. I think it is an individual thing.
  13. kacee

    i did it

    YEAH BABEEE!!!!!!! You are officially on the green side of the fence (as in, the grass is always greener....it IS with us). WELCOME!!!!!!
  14. kacee

    I`m Melting......

    Let me tell you....it's GREAT!!!! I just went for my 4th fill yesterday. My surgeon was there and stopped in to say hi. When he saw I had lost 11 pounds in one month he wigggled his eyebrows up and down and said "It WORKS, doesn't it!" and I said It sure DOES!!!!!" I just graduated to size 14 pants (still have new size 16s and size 18s!!!!!). With me, I can get down on the floor to open file cabinets at work without CRAWLING up the cabinets to get on my feet!!!! :whoo:
  15. kacee

    Looking for encouragement

    Oh Lawanda...by the way. I developed eczema about 9 months ago on the back of my left arm....out of the blue. I went to the doctor and he said, "Oh yeah, this will come and go for the rest of your life" and I was insensed! I said "You can't cure this crap? This is insane!" I was HOT!!! After I was banded it went totally away. Never seen it since.
  16. kacee

    Big Con

    You just do it. You either split them in half (which is what I do with only my biggest horse pills because eventually all the others go down fine) or crush them up. Not an issue!
  17. kacee

    Risks of NOT doing Fluero?

    It is very typical for ports to start moving around as you lose weight. When I got my fill day before yesterday, the nurse said, "Hmm...you are wobbley, but you haven't gone into Loosey Goosey yet...." I think that's where the rubber meets the road, so to speak...you separate the men from the boys....those who are fill experts from those who are not.
  18. You are in the middle of bandster hell, so don't sweat it right now. Trick is....don't diet, don't worry about calories (too much), just concentrate on doing your liquids and mushies and healing. This is the healing time, and your band has not even BEGUN to work yet. You're being deprived now, but it is TEMPORARY. I dropped 23 pounds my first month and there was NOTHING that could dampen my excitement over THAT! Every time I got discouraged (which wasn't often....I was too excited about having completed the procedure and looking forward to life "on the other side") I thought of what my dad always told me...."You can put up with ANYTHING, if you know it is only temporary."
  19. kacee


    I second that, Green! (she said sipping her Chardonnay after a long day at work).....aaaaahhhhhhhhh
  20. Thanks again to Wendell for posting this elsewhere. It deserves its own thread. Great information to educate us... This may help you in understanding the restrictive mechanism of a Lap-Band. The INAMED protocol for Lap-Band fills calls for a six-week delay after surgery, prior to any fills. The purpose for the six-week delay is for the patient’s stomach to heal from the surgery, as well as allowing time for the Lap-Band to “Seat” or “Nestle” into the fat pad between the stomach wall and the interior wall of the Lap-Band. Prior to receiving an EFFECTIVE fill, it is VERY uncommon to have any restriction from a Lap-Band. Some patients will NOT lose weight, or may even GAIN weight until they have received an effective fill in their Lap-Band. Normal weight loss with a properly restricted Lap-Band is between 1 and 2 pounds per week. The normal cycle of fills, restriction and weight loss is as follows: 1. The patient's Lap-Band constricts when the patient receives a fill. Swelling for a few days after receiving a fill is very common. Many doctors require a patient to go on a liquid diet for a day or two after receiving a fill. A fill may have a “Delayed Action” of up to two weeks. A “Delayed-Action” means that the fill may not become effective for up to two weeks after the fill. That is why the INAMED protocol states that fills should not be performed on patients who will not have access to medical care for at least two weeks after a fill. 2. The patient's stomach capacity is lessened as a result of the restriction caused by the Lap-Band. 3. The patient loses weight because they cannot eat as much food. 4. The residual fat-pad between the inside of the Lap-Band and the outside of the patient's stomach reduces in size because of the overall weight loss in the patient. 5. The reduction of the residual fat-pad causes the Lap-Band to become loose again. 6. At that point, the patient needs another fill, because the Lap-Band is loose, and the patient has a loss of restriction, which allows the patient to eat larger amounts of food. 7. The patient receives another fill and the process starts all over again. Most Lap-Band patients receive several fills to adjust the Lap-Band as their weight loss progresses, and there is less and less residual fat-pad between the inside of the Lap-Band and the exterior of the stomach wall. Once a patient has lost all of their residual fat-pad, fills become less common. As the Lap-Band patient progresses in their weight loss, the effect of very tiny fills (Less than .2ccs) becomes greater and greater. It is not uncommon for a late-stage Lap-Band patient to experience a significant difference in restriction with as little as .05cc of fill.
  21. kacee

    Looking for encouragement

    Oh and by the way, I was 55 before I "gave in to the easy way"....what a CROCK! I never listen to that! If I could have done this in my 20's I would have without batting an eye. I have hidden in obesity my WHOLE LIFE. Well....I've got a few more good years in me, and I'm going to enjoy them as a healthy person at a decent weight. No more "large cuffs" at the doctor's office for blood pressure, no more "X plus" sizes...I'm gonna shop at a (GASP!) department store (for the first time in over 15 years!). YEEHAA!!!!
  22. kacee

    Looking for encouragement

    With obesity comes those nasty co-dependencies. Being your age doesn't exclude you from the ravages of it. As your weight goes up, those things will creep into your life...high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, aching joints, being out of breath, lethargy, sleep apnea....nasty things a girl your age should never have to experience and hopefully won't see at all, or until well into your elder years. It's not just about your looks, though at your age that's the major issue, and that is understandable. Until I was 40 I was invincible and would live forever. The raw fear of mortality was one reason I got the band. I am 55 and saw an early demise where I was headed. So you may be more concerned with your looks now, but your health will come along too, along with loss of weight. That's numberone for me...maybe number two for you, but it's part and parcel to the same package. What a gift! You sound like you were trying to be the "fat happy girl". We've all done that to cope. You want to be THE one who says "Screw em. I'm big AND beautiful!" (as we slide past the mirror with our eyes averted). You're not betryaing anyone. You are opening your eyes to reality. If you want a full life, you're gonna have to knock that weight off. PERIOD. End of story. Reality check. If you have the support and wherewithall to do it now, go for it kiddo.
  23. kacee

    Looking for encouragement

    If you are that age and have been overweight since your age was in single digits, I would say that you are heading for deep doo doo in the future with your weight. I too was a relatively low BMI (38), and truth be told only had to lose about 75 pounds (58 if you go by the goal that my doctor wanted me at, which I firmly believe is too high for my height). I too have been overweight since about the age of 7. Believe me, if you are fighting now, you have no IDEA what kind of a fight lays in store for you as you mature and your metabolism slows down, not to mention having children, etc. Take a look at your family. Do you have other members in your immediate family with potential weight issues? Does it run in your family? If you are sitting there eating ding dongs and going "Okay, this is great, I'll just dump this money and then I will be like Kate Moss forever!" you better rethink the idea. This is not "plastic surgery". Believe me...you will work to get the weight off and then you will work the rest of your life to keep it off...it will just be done by behavior modification made easier by the band. I appluad that you are doing your homework.
  24. kacee

    Unexpected results

    Lindsay, check these out. They have the same/more grams of protein than a shake and are more like fruit drinks. They are not bad and can be cut with water if you think it's too sweet (I don't do sweets, but they are allright for me). Isopure Clear Protein Drinks.... index
  25. kacee

    Milestone hit today....

    I'm right on the cusp of being overweight myself. Isn't it glorious! Can you just see some stranger looking in on this forum and going "WHHHHAATTTTT????" It really makes me laugh!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
