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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. It's not a question of "going away". It's whether you learn how to eat or not. If you continue to eat in the same fashion, no, it will not go away. There is definitely a learning curve to this. You HAVE to modify your behavior to accommodate the band. Some people are better at it than others....some never learn I imagine.
  2. kacee

    oh what could it be??

    I can go about 3 hours and then my stomach growls up a storm. I am actually thinking that it is because I am hungry. Now, I say, what is hunger? Never experienced it before. Not the same thing as HEAD hunger (appetite). I think it growls when it is empty and it's ready for some food. I THINK that is the way a normal stomach is. Then when I feed it, the growling goes away and I feel better. So it must be "hunger" in the strictest sense of the word. That is a word as foreign to many of us as "full" is.
  3. Hey Bloo....wouldn't think you'd have to worry too much because you have a furry tummy and that will help hide the scars. They will be very minimal. I am three months out and really don't notice mine at all. Even tho they are still kindof pink, within a year or so they will probably not be noticable at all.
  4. It's NOT like throwing up (which is accompanied by violent stomach contractions to push the food up and out). This is more like a drain that is clogged. Ever flushed a toilet and watched it start filling up the bowl instead of going down? That's exactly what happens. Problem is, it comes up your esophagus....it just starts backing up, sometimes fast, sometimes slow....but steady. It just comes up and spills out and there's not a darned thing you can do about it except find a place to put it (that's why the water bottle was so bad...it comes up in more bulk and faster than you could "spew" daintily into the top of a water bottle...)
  5. 23 pounds in the first 30 days after surgery before the first fill.
  6. Let me tell you, if you have a full blown PB, you do NOT want to be figuring out the logistics on how to get it to squeeze into a water bottle (that's what I had when this happened to me). It was the equivalent of projectile vomiting through a straw (not really, but you get my drift). Here's a link to where I ordered it.... REDEBAG a sickness collection bag for morning sickness and more I'll just keep it in my purse when I travel.
  7. Yep, not cheap. But unfortunately, I am one of the last of the red hot gizzy freaks and I love this kind of stuff. Also, I can't exactly drag around cups and stuff when I'm on the plane, on the road, etc. I wouldn't normally worry about it but I just got one WHALE of a fill on Thursday, and I am going to work with this, come hell or high water. I do NOT want to have an unfill because I know that it'll just be a matter of time before I lose more weight and the band gets looser anyway.
  8. Yeah, even I don't want to see what comes out of me...I like the idea of the black bag with the black liners. Discreet. I mean, can you see walking a clear sandwich bag over to a trash can? Yuck.
  9. Do you wear tampons too? That would be much more preferable to a pad I'd think. Tell your nurse when you get there what's going on and ask if you can keep your underware one. They are likely to say no (that's why the tampon) but it's worth asking. If you need to, get out of the house and drive around or go to a mall and walk around or something. Sometimes being at home just sitting is the worst thing you can do. Go run some errands before 1:30. Good luck! We'll be waiting to hear how it goes for you!
  10. I think I have hiccupped, but I am not really aware of it when it happens. I get this kindof pre "ick" feeling and all the thoughts race through my head..."Okay, I REALLY want another bite. If I dare is this going to threaten to come up?" I just had my 4th fill on Thursday and I am REALLY restricted. I am now finding that it is easier to "say no" because I am reacting like Pavlov's dog....I KNOW if I push it there will be consequences. But get this! Yesterday I was passing Taco Cabana and I went in and got a small margarita and a taco salad. Sat and had two sips of the margarita and about two bites of the taco salad and I felt ICK!!! Tossed the margarita, took the taco salad home....also PB'd into an empty water bottle on the way...that was interesting while trying not to let anyone see what I was doing....Got home and had two more bites of the taco salad and then tossed it! It was hysterical but I felt great after that....I GOT my taco salad fix...I actually GOT one....but after those two bites it jusdt didn't have the stranglehold on me that it usually does. Of course this could get very expensive. Buying food and tossing it. It's kindof cathartic for me, but definitely not good on the pocketbook. But I've noticed in the last few days I am really thinking a little harder before I commit to some food....like...is it worth it? Naaahhhh.
  11. kacee

    Is the Lap-Band kosher?

    Okay, let me preface all this by saying I am not Jewish so I am not that educated in the religion, but, I thought kosher was having to do with the acceptable preparation of FOODS or something having to do with the slaughter of animals in preparation of food. Why would a lap band be any different than a tooth filling or a heart stent? I doubt that you have to ask if those are kosher. It's not like the band touches any food that is eaten. What gives?
  12. HAHA! Never met a man in my life who didn't love being waited on when he was feeling poorly! (That is being said with all affection, David). Hope you are getting perkier and are up and around in no time. Moving around is the best thing you can do for yourself.
  13. The drinking thing is pretty much just a habit. I still have to remind myself not to automatically drink right after my meal...but you know, it's not because it's so HARD....I just forget. If I remind myself (like the old "You can't go swimming for one hour after eating!" we used to get in the 50's from our parents) I remember and don't do it, and I'm just fine.
  14. kacee

    Dizzy / Lightheaded???

    Check out my thread "Beware and Be Aware-Those taking BP meds". I just bumped it up. Not to be taken lightly!
  15. kacee

    be honest

    SOOOOO not a good idea! It doesn't matter that you have "been on liquids for a month". You had surgery FOUR FREAKIN DAYS AGO!!!! Heck NO you can't have solids! And yes, you can do damage if you screw up. For probably 30 days (typical time with most docs) you need to abide by the liquids, mushies and soft foods your doctor puts you on. Why potentially defeat the purpose of the whole procedure?
  16. I guess I fall into one of the "results not typical" categories, because I was banded 3 months ago and I have lost OVER 50% of the weight I needed to lose since then. I hear about all these folks who lose 10 pounds in a year or two...I am wondering....what on earth are you eating and do you do anything but sit? IF you are eating the proper things and IF you are eating the proper amounts, how can you NOT lose weight? I have plateaued two times since banding and I know damn well WHY I did. I weigh every day and I log my food every day and I can put my finger RIGHT ON IT and tell you where I screwed up. No mystery there at all!
  17. I found the Big Medicine surgeon....it's John LoMonaco. He's in the medical center. TLC :: Big Medicine :: Bios I don't have money yet either. My big loan from my 401K for my car will be paid off in 2009 and then I'll be able to pull money for this stuff.
  18. I was allowed on mushies after my first week. Mushies includes things like fish (fish filets) and cottage cheese. Both of those make you feel like you are actually EATING and I had a LOT of fish and cottage cheese during those weeks. It satisfied the craving to chew and I was getting GOOD protein in each time too. I love the Grotons flavored (Cajun) fish filets. They are exactly the right size (size of a pack of ciagarettes) and taste wonderful.
  19. kacee

    Those of you that drink alcohol

    To be honest, when I go out and have a nice meal, I have my wine with my dinner. It's not like you will spontaneously combust if you do. It's my choice. I prefer the company and a good glass of wine with a fine meal. This isn't something I do every day, so I don't worry about it one whit. Since you are in the wine business are you CONSTANTLY having dinners with people? I guess that's what you'd call an occupational hazard...if you can keep the instances down to a dull roar, and just have one glass of wine, it would probably be okay if you are careful the rest of the time. Much as I love wine, they are definitely empty calories.
  20. kacee

    What would you do???

    2bthinagn - Amen to that. I didn't tell my PCP until I went to have my BP meds adjusted after 30 days. She was practically jumping for joy when she saw my weight loss, but I don't know how receptive she would have been had I approached her before banding. I am finding that a LOT of professionals are pretty in the dark about banding. They know bypass, but NOT banding!
  21. Yep! You've lost that nice warm eskimo blubber coat you've been wearing (one that made ME constantly HOT no matter where I was). I love having my temperature lowered for a change. It's bad enough going through menopause being hot, but with all that fat I was out of control toasty! This is a welcome change! It's a lot easier to put clothes ON cuz you can only strip so far if you're HOT!
  22. kacee

    Surgery on Monday

    We'll be thinking about all you guys! I remember when I was the one going "any day now!" and just about to bite myself, I was so excited!!!! Your lives are fixing to start completely over and you are going to LOVE your new life!!!! It just gets me all excited all over again!
  23. kacee

    The Lifestyle Lift

    I mentioned to TerriDoodle in her thread....Dr. Heller comes to talk to Spivak's group. He was there last Tuesday but I couldn't make it. I think he'll be there in October some time. Wanda at Spivak's office just had some fairly extensive work done I think last week. He's one I am going to check out. We have a guy here in Clear Lake named Dr. Todd Adam I have heard good things about. There's also that guy on the TV show Big Medicine who does the post-bariatric surgery PS clean-up that they show. Not sure where his office is in town.
  24. kacee

    The Lifestyle Lift

    Yeah I was checking them out too, and saw a lot of negative reviews. You have to have the perfect skin consistency for it or you are not a candidate. I think I would probably just find an outstanding surgeon and then talk to him about options. Betsy Jane....Both TerriDoodle and I are in the market for a good surgeon here in Houston, so let's keep tabs together on that!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
