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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee


    You will know it when it happens. It's different from sliming alone, but is accompanied by sliming.
  2. kacee


    If you've ever flushed a toilet and then watch it start to slowly rise instead of go down....that's kindof like a PB. The food in your pouch starts to rise and there is NOTHING you can do about it except let it come out. It's not really like a full blown vomit where contractions in your stomach cause the food to be pushed up and out. This is more like a backed up drain that is still trying to fill. The mucus adds to the food and it starts which causes it to expand and it has nowhere to go but up and out.
  3. My doctor put me on NO restrictions after surgery. I was operated on on Wednesday. Friday morning I drove myself home from my Mom's....34 miles across town. It was a non-issue, though I was a little anxious initially with the "sitting" part. It wasn't a bother at all.
  4. kacee

    Surgery Date Thursday

    Either I don't find that the change was THAT drastic, or else I just adapt easily. I had mixed emotions beforehand, but now 3 months out I am so thankful every day that I have the band.
  5. kacee

    Question about grapes

    I can eat three or four grapes with the skin on, but then I have to stop for a while.
  6. kacee


    Hey Crash, I notice that in all your pictures you have NO SMILE on your face. My friend, THAT will change! Please keep us informed with your progress and join our community. I commend you on your life-changing behaviors. You are quite a brave soul at such a young age! Good for you! You are SOOOOOO not going to regret this!
  7. I was just fixing to echo that same comment when I saw yours, shelli16415! We can't even BEGIN to compare our metabolism with men. They have a larger capacity for food and caloric intake than we do. What would pack on 50 pounds for us would be the equivalent of "maintenance" for them. No comparison whatsoever.
  8. My gosh....that seems the height of vanity to me to feel the need to greasepaint yourself up for surgery? And just who are you going to impress?...the doctor who has you spread out like a slab of fish on a cutting board?
  9. kacee

    did my dr really band me?

    Oh please....That ranks up there with the guy who gets drunk in the bar and winds up in the bathtub of ice without a kidney....In some back alley third world country these things might happen, but not normally, not mainstream. You'd have a much better chance getting struck by lightening or eaten by a shark.
  10. kacee

    did my dr really band me?

    Check out index You can get clear Protein drinks and they are actually good. Each bottle has 42mg of protein and these are great for the liquids and mushies stage. I had these just post surgery and they are fine for the clear liquid stage.
  11. kacee

    Would you or wouldn't you...

    For me it would definitely be a GO for the holiday time. Otherwise you're probably just going to stuff your face through the holiday period. Why start out 5 pounds heavier just because of the holidays? And holidays definitely give me license to eat anything. It's always been like a "get out of jail free" card for some reason. I have zero control over the holidays and have never even TRIED to keep myself from eating everything in sight. This is a great time to start.
  12. kacee

    What do you tell people at work

    Just had a typical instance at work yesterday. Someone was leaving and they were having a breakfast down the hall. I went down to say hi. A lot of these folks I had not seen in months...since way before banding. As I walked up I got a lot of raised eyebrows from folks and a bunch came up to me and commented that I was losing so much weight and how was I doing it. I told them straight out. "I got a lapband and it was the best decision of my life!" Without exception the response was more questions about the procedure. One woman said "Hey, I saw an advertisement on that just this morning on TV!" Honestly folks....it's like karma....what you sow so shall you reap...I am perfectly comfortable telling people and you know what they all say? They say, "You are so bubbley now!" I am so positive about it and about everything, I have never gotten so much as a lukewarm response! Even if someone didn't like that for a decision for themselves, they are happy for me in my excitement and happiness!
  13. Hey cagstorm...welcome dude! You are to be commended for being proactive and getting this done at this time in your life. I agree 100% about setting an example for your kids. I see so many obese parents with obese kids...it's one thing to do it to yourself, but to allow a child to get in that predicament is a crime. Your boys will have a healthy father to raise them and get them pointed in the right direction. Good for you and welcome to the club!
  14. I didn't set out to have a last meal, but I did have Chinese and I really regretted it. I ate WAY too much and had a stomach ache all night before surgery. It was STUPID STUPID STUPID!!! I half expected my doctor to scold me after the operation. A few bites of something is one thing, but some kind of weird panic mode set in and I proceeded to eat everything but the kitchen sink. It was a BAD CHOICE.
  15. kacee

    dr. recommended STAGES...

    You're going to love Dr. S....he's wonderful! You can also have cottage cheese and fish as "soft" foods. The fish was wonderful because it was the most "solid" feeling food. I got a lot of the Grotons flavored (Cajun mainly for me) fish filets...just the right size. I didn't do solids until the 30 days. Maybe he has changed the protocol recently.
  16. How did you find him? I'm gonna be game for lipo on my thighs and a neck lift, at the bare minimum. Don't you just LOVE Spivak? He's a cutie!
  17. You can feel, and sometimes see the port, and the port ONLY. The band is way down deep and around your stomach. No way could you see that. This guy sounds weird. I'd switch doctors.
  18. We're all here for you, so don't you get all bummed out. You've done it kiddo! You're on the green side of the fence! Take your pain meds and take them regularly. WALK for the gas pains. Sip sip sip liquids constantly! This too shall pass and you'll be up and motoring around in no time. It always just seems kindof bleak when you're trying to do it by yourself. Keep a stiff upper lip kiddo! We're all here and cheering you on!
  19. kacee

    Getting stuck on chicken

    White meat of any kind, especially chicken and turkey, are big offenders because they are naturally dry. Too bad because I ONLY eat white meat. It takes some concentration.
  20. I had a "situation" this weekend. I stopped at (I know, I know) at Taco Cabana (it's what you call an "impulse buy") and was going to have a small frozen margarita and taco salad. Had two sips of margarita and two bites of salad and had to leave quick. PB'd into an empty water bottle in the car...now THAT takes TALENT my friends! Started thinking about it and thought I better get some emergency supplies, especially since I am going to California for a week in October and will be on the road and eating out every day. I found something on line called the REDEBAG which is for motion sickness, sickness because of meds, morning sickness, etc. It's a little black clutch with discreet black liners. Now THAT is what I needed in the car! What do you guys carry around? And those who don't who are newbies....might not be a bad idea to get something. This was my first PB away from home....away from a bathroom. (I know....way too much information....):eek:
  21. Excellent food for thought there! It hadn't even crossed my mind that the cold could have influenced it, but it most definitely could have! I rmember thinking "But I didn't take that big a bite or not chew enough or anything"...I bet I just froze "my pipe" and it shut down!
  22. kacee

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    But Trivon....didn't you JUST get banded? Aren't you in your first 30 days? If that is so, don't worry about it at all. This is the HEALING month, not a time for working on losing. Concentrate on getting you proteins and liquids in (even ice cream ocasionally). You have plenty of time for losing when your fills start.
  23. kacee

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    hlyndes - Yep, Leslie's a dream. She "omni'd" me too because I live in Clear Lake area and didn't want to have to make too many visits. I got my 4th fill from her last Thursday and Dr. S. even stopped in. Hadn't seen him since surgery (he's such a cutie!). I think I am finally at my PERFECT spot. Was ALMOST there on number 3, but then it kindof slipped away. I have vacation in three weeks and wanted to get my fill early so if I had a delayed reaction (super tightness after week 2) I'd be here and not out in California when it happens, if I need to have a fast unfill.
  24. kacee

    Recovery Time Questions

    A large number of people, including myself, said the BIG turnaround was day 5. I woke up a human being on Day 5. That was the day before I went back to work. I felt good physically, but I wouldn't have wanted to run any marathons. You do tend to tire a lot easier for the first few weeks after surgery.
  25. The PB I had at Taco Cabana I had about 3-4 minutes warning. Enough time to gather my stuff, toss my margarita in the trash (*sniff*) and get into the car and grab the water bottle.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
