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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    Lost too much too fast?

    I went through the same thing about the fill two weeks ago with my surgeon. He walked in, saw how much I lad lost since the previous fill and said he wanted me x-rayed (flouro) because he didn't think I needed a fill, I had lost so much. I told him I DID need a fill and he said "You either do not need a fill, or you are very very good!" and I said "I am very very good!" and he said "We'll see..." Well, the barium went right through me and the nurse said, "Oh yes, she definitely needs a fill!" and I looked at him and said "I told you so!"
  2. kacee

    Need To Vent!!!!

    Thank heavens I was a self-pay. I've dealth with insurance companies enough to know that this was going to be a potential nightmare, and bottom line they probably would not approve me anyway.
  3. kacee

    Freaking out...

    I wouldn't sweat the stress test. A lot of folks have to have one. I didn't, but only because I had already had one about a month before I decided on the lapband. And the sweating....uh, I haven't met many overweight people who DON'T sweat up a storm.
  4. Maybe it's just me, but 1500 calories sounds like a huge amount. I cannot go over 1000-1100 MAX without my loss stopping completely. I'd give it about 3 weeks and then go back for another fill. I didn't get decent restriction until my 4th fill. Uh...how many lapbands has this doctor done? I agree about going to another doctor for a fill, if there is any way to do it.
  5. kacee

    Needing Your Opinion..Please

    Where the heck are these surgeons PUTTING your ports? I thought the idea was to have them up towards the surface and accessible. I think I would be getting a little ticked at my surgeon about this. It was HIS job to place the port in an accessible area. If he could NOT do that he should NOT have done the procedure. I personnaly would have a bone to pick with the doctor who did the procedure. BIG TIME. I don't think I would let them blame it on "how you are built". That's like a mechanic saying he can't put decent tires on a car because it's a "Ford...Chevy...whatever". It makes ZERO sense.
  6. kacee

    Introducing Myself

    Walking, Heating Pad, Gas-X (regularly), Pain meds. Do it all. This too shall pass. I had virtually ZERO discomfort from the surgery site. ALL my discomfort was from the gas. I think it was pretty much gone in about 2 weeks. Welcome to bandland! You're gonna LOVE it!
  7. Amen Wendell! I don't think we women can really grasp the depth of the male insecurity in that area. We get with some guy and our attitude is "through thick or thin" because we are basically monogomous by nature (most of us, that is). We don't really have a concept of "getting thin and going after a new hot guy"...unless our relationship in the first place was based on "settling" for someone because we didn't think we could get anything else.
  8. Number one: Walk Number two: Heating Pad Number 3: Gas-X (regularly) Number 4: Take your pain meds. Those shoulder/neck/back gas pains can be vicious. Don't be a martyr.
  9. We hear this periodically from people who have gone to doctors who are pushing the bypass. YES, bypass folks lose faster. They are also more prone to complications, needing plastic surgery at the end of their journey (due to extreme rapid weightloss) and they also tend to gain weight back down the road, which statistically evens them out with the lapbanders who are the proverbial "tortoise" to their "hare". While the bypass folks loose all their weight and then on occasion begin to gain it back (stretching their pouch), the lapbanders are still losing at a respectable rate and according to the numbers I have seen everyone evens out about 5 years down the road. The doctor may be talking about "with the lapband you have to diet for the rest of your life" the fact that with bypass it can totally alter (for some people) your ability to have some foods (like surgars) by really rejecting them taste-wise or digestion-wise. Yes, you do have to use more thought with the band. That being said, if you are set on the band, I would get another opinion. Each doctor has their preference, and for every bypass doctor you will also find a lapband doctor who prefers this procedure.
  10. How's my weight loss being over 50? Just FINE THANK YOU! I'm 42 down and still on the slippery slope and losing! Nearly 4 months post-band, PERFECT constriction and happy as a clam!:whoo:
  11. I did the same as you at Carrabbas with my family when they came into town. I downed three glasses of cabernet WITH my meal but when it came to my wonderful chicken dinner...I still could only eat about 1/4. The fact that you are able to eat a lot....even drinking....makes me wonder if you are filled correctly.
  12. Forget it. You can plan on World War III lasting about a week or two (maybe more for some). I could get the attention of my family in the back of the house with my rumblings! It was hysterical!
  13. kacee

    Two Days to Go!!!!

    Wear loose comfortable clothing and slip on shoes. Take a little travel pillow with you to have when you go home (place between your tummy and the seatbelt). If you can get your pain meds ahead of time, try to. Have a heating pad ready at home, some gas-x, and lots of clear liquids. Congrats! See ya on the flip side!
  14. ll you need to do is look around at the success stories of the band and see that many, if not MOST of us are what you'd call "Results not typical"...in other words...we WAY surpassed the 50% estimated mark of weight loss. They say you are expected to lose 50% of your weight loss in the firt 2 years. Hmmmm. Nobody told that to my body. I have lost oVER 50% in 4 months and I am within 18 pounds of my doctor's goal (not the same as my goal). The results they are quoting are statistics from studies. It is an "average". Anyone who has ever done a "bell curve" knows that you can have a bunch of folks over in one end of the scale and all it takes is one or two at the far OTHER end to screw up the whole bell curve and completely change your stats. The given is...you will lose slower on the band. You will lose faster on the bypass. However, within about 5 years the end results of both equal out. Bypass people tend to regain weight down the road as they stretch out their pouch. Lapbanders are still slowly losing. They all eventually catch up. The big nagative to Bypasss for me is the extremely fast weight loss just about guarantees you are going to have to invest in plastic surgery to clean up the debris field down the road.
  15. kacee

    I Suck!!!

    A LOT of folks screw up their pre-op diets. My doctor doesn't even put people on one because he says why would you be able to follow that when you haven't been able to follow other diets? You'll just cheat. He works at moderation. Do the best you can. You're not trying to lose weight now for losing weight's sake...you are trying to get your liver healthy for the procedure, making it easier for thye doctor to move around and do his business.
  16. I think we all feel like "life as we know it is going to end"....it does...the BAD part. I was surprised at how easily I left that part of me behind...and how thankful. Think about a person who has always been in a wheelchair, getting an operation that is going to put them on their FEET and walking for the first time in their life. Their fears....I am defined by my wheelchair....that's who I am....what happens when I am not "special" like that anymore? How will I feel? The part of your life that you are leaving behind is the unhealthy and bad part of your life. The food will be there. You can eat it. You won't really WANT to...wow...what a concept? Believe me, you will wake up on the other side of the fence as the same person you are today...but with new insight.
  17. kacee

    Afraid of the band

    That is exactly what support groups are for. You are not voicing ANYTHING that hasn't been thought of by the rest of us. If you have been mildly depressed and overweight all your life...you think....when I am thin, what happens if I am STILL not happy????? What happens after all that work and I feel the SAME???? You are SOOOO not alone. Actually you have the typical pre-band jitters. Everyone gets them to SOME extent. But you know what...you outlook is GOING to change. It's kindof like sitting on Christmas morning and being DETERMINED to be in a foul mood. Then someone gives you a present. You don't smile, you set it aside...then another present comes...you glance at it and wonder..hmm what's inside? Before you know it, you are in a good frame of mind, excited about and anticipating the day. You just can't help but feel a LITTLE good about yourself and for yourself when you see the inches melting away, see your outlook on life changing, watch your behavior sliding into a healthy frame of mind. There are support groups all over the place to help with the transition of our lives. Take advantage of them. You will find you have no original thoughts and issues. You are part of a big club. This is a learning experience.
  18. kacee

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I knew I missed my calling!
  19. kacee

    I started mushies and I am scared!!!

    Yo Claramae! Don't sweat the mushies. It should actually be a time of rejoicing because you are heading into the soft food arena and it's so much better than liquids! Do you like cottage cheese? Cottage cheese is another great mushie food. Don't worry about "eating too much"....once again, this is a healing time, not a strict losing time. Your band is not working yet. Also you can have things like fish filets (try the Groton flavored ones (Lemon Butter, Cajun, etc.). I ate a LOT of fish filets and Cottage Cheese during this time and actually I was pretty satisfied because I felt like I was chewing. Egg salad by itself sounds wonderful (a few bites anyway...cuz that's pretty rich stuff by itself...as you say, it is better with crackers). You're going great! Do NOT worry about the amounts you eat right now.
  20. I had a situation just today at a restaurant. I made the mistake of guzzling some ice tea and then took a bite of a baked potato (yes, I was drinking and eating and made a conscious decision to do so). Unfortunately, the guzzling of the tea let in a lot of air and then the potato went in on top of it. It started with a discomfort about mid-chest and then I realized it wasn't going away. I excused myself, went to the restroom and leaned over the toilet and most of it just kindof rolled out of my mouth. Stupid move, I know. No one to blame but myself. As soon as I felt the pressure release, I went back out and was able to finish my baked potato with no probem. When it happens, you will know within about 30 second to a minute. You will swallow, and not feel any relief. Then you had best get to a restroom within the next few minutes because that food is gonna make a return appearance.
  21. Our support group has a clothing swap. You can bring you stuff in and others who are passing through that weight phase can use the clothes. I think it is a great idea.
  22. kacee

    Is the band a waste of money?

    tulips...the scary thing is you are only in your 30's. I wasn't anywhere ner as heavy as you back then...and as you get older that metabolism and ability to diet is going to go right down the toilet. You have to get it off now and keep it off. Once you hit your 40's everything is going to slow down....and forget your 50's. If I could have done this 10 years ago I would have. I applaude if you can do it yourself, but at least in MY case (and many othere here) I KNEW it was just a temporary thing because I KNEW my predisposition and my eating habits. By the time I got into my 50's I knew my "behavior" was not going to change ....EVER.
  23. kacee

    Do Men make good Single Parents?

    My hat is off to you! My neighbor and his girlfriend had a pair of twin girls in '96. By '99 they had split up because she was "tired" of being a mother. He took those girls while that stupid mother ran off to "fullfill her social life she never had". He has raised those girls since. I've watched him and he has been a great dad. It's a calling. Some people have it and some people don't. I commend everyone who does.
  24. kacee

    Endless rain and 11 dogs

    Bless you bless you bless you for taking in that Momma dog and her pups. You have earned your wings right there. All I can say about the weather is....don't move to Houston.
  25. kacee

    being fat is this whole stereotype

    We are defined by our most obvious physical attributes. Fat sticks out. It's the first part of you in the room and the last to leave. Simple unpleasant truth.

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