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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    When to ask the DOCTOR....

    Wendell, my man, you are a scholar and a gentleman!
  2. Just keep drinking. You will very likely never get "too much". I make it a point to have something to drink by me all day long. I'm not sure that the AMOUNT is so important as the consistency. Keep liquids at hand all the time. It because a habit. Now I can't sit for very long without reaching for a swig of something. Your body will tell you if you are dehydrated...you'll feel like crap and your pee will be dark and probably smelly. Keep your pee a nice clear light yellow, as Doctor Oz on Oprah says "You should be able to read a newspaper through it."
  3. kacee

    Size No-man's land!

    I can SOOOOO relate! I was so excited when I got into a 16 I went out and bought tons of pants. HAHAHAHA That was a mistake! I BLEW RIGHT PAST 16 within a week and they were baggy! I am now on the loose side of 14 and have alread ordered some 12's (denim leggings, which I live in). I had just bought a bunch of 1X tops and now I am 14-16. I doubt any of the clothes I wore this summer will be fitting me next year. If it wasn't so invigorating and amazing, I would say it is frustrating....but I can't say that because I am having too much FUN!
  4. I meant to say MADE my mini-goal.....DUH. <p>My mini-goal this week was to get into the 160's for my birthday. I did it. Nuff said. RAH RAH for ME! Now it's 167 by Thanksgiving. <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/whoo.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Whoo" smilieid="339" class="inlineimg" /></p>
  5. Yeah, that's what I was afraid of..... luckily I have "plenty of reserves", so I am not freaking out or anything. I could actually stand to have a little less.
  6. Okay, I know we have this "Hair" thread (pun intended), but I am lazy and don't want to search through 92 responses (actually I did and didn't find anything)... I've been Googling "hair supplements"...thought I had found something that looked okay the other day and then lost it. Has anyone found a Vitamin supplement that gets in the max dosage of Biotin and the other necessaries (Maybe other than that hair 37 thing which looks like it is a gazillion dollars)? Has anyone tried anything that seemed to work? Remember here, we're talking TEMPORARY hair loss because of the lapband and body stresses thereafter...not talking about pattern baldness (Jack, the solar panel to your love machine doesn't count on this one! HAR!). I've also used Nioxin for years, and if you saw the head of hair I have you'd wonder why (because it is for thinning hair and I have enough on my head for about three people...the salon keepers always give me "that look" when I bring it to the counter)...but it has the most wonderful strong MINT fragrance, I use it just for the smell! Okay ladies and gentlemen.... climb on your Googles and GO FOR IT!
  7. kacee

    judgemental people......

    I used to get the old "Ooooooo are you sure you want to do THAT?" and I would say with a HUGE smile on my face (completely ignoring their "shock") and say, "OH heavens YES! It's the best decision I've ever made in my life!" I always watched their faces visibly soften when they saw my enthusiasm. And now...whenever I tell someone...they SEE the results and they go "Wow, whatever WORKS for you! That's great!" I don't let it bother me AT ALL!!!!!
  8. kacee

    Okay, here's the thing...

    My problem is not accepting the FULLNESS, it's accepting that I can actually HAVE a forbidden food item like a NORMAL HUMAN BEING and know in my heart that it is not the end of the world. My Mom and I went out to eat (like we do whenever I see her). We both had a stuffed baked potato, and that was our entire meal. At the end she winked at me and said "Do you want to split a dessert?" I couldn't believe she said that. My mother has spent the last 50 years grabbing food out of my mouth (bless her) and she SUGGESTS a dessert? Well, not only that, we picked the double chocolate whammy brownie with ice cream and drizzle...yadda yadda yadda. And we split it. And it was wonderful! But you know what...when I was done...it was done. It was over. I didn't feel guilty because I'd only had about three bites...it was enough, and yet I felt like I had committed a crime, but I also know I hadn't broken too many laws by doing it because I adjusted the rest of my day accordingly, I logged my meal and extras and I still was within my goal caloric intake. That's the thing that the band lets us do now...we CAN adjust....we CAN modify. It's not (for me at least) like getting a taste of something and suddenly I have to have it now, all of it, and more more more. I think back on the dessert and I think if we go out today to eat she very well could offer to get the dessert again...well, it's my birthday and I may or may not take her up on it. It's kindof like I really could take it or leave it. There really is something to not considering anything forbidden. Forbidden fruits are SOOOOOO tempting.
  9. If your physical self is 100% a tooth pulling isn't much to go through, but if you are NOT 100%, it can wreck havoc on you physically. That's what has happened. Your internal stores are depleted and you were trying to pull from reserves you did NOT have in the first place.
  10. My biggest regret is that I couldn't have done this YEARS ago. I too am 55. I feel better than I ever have in my life. People are stopping me in the halls to comment on how good I look (new hair, new clothes new body!) daily. My mini goal right now is eaching 169 by my birthday...which is....uh....tomorrow. If I can just squeeze another .2 pounds down and see those pretty numbers........ life is GOOD!
  11. OUCH! I've got a lot of hair to spare, but even I can tell is is getting a little leaner (especially on the right side). I went to Kroger last night and got some hair and nails vitamins in the drug section. Can't hurt, may help. Not sure I want to go through another 4-5 months of hair loss.....
  12. kacee

    first few weeks not for weight loss???!!!

    Don't sweat it. No, your band is NOT working for you yet, and won't be until you get proper restriction (could be several fills into the process before then). Eat if you are hungry, but eat low cal stuff to fill you up. Being hungry doesn't give us the license to down three chocolate milkshakes.... I loaded up on jello cups and every time I had a hankerin' for some food I would eat one of those...or maybe two. Well, Fat Free that's only 10 cals per cup. Go with stuff like that and fill up. You are supposed to be hungry. You are healing. Do nt be disappointed. Weight loss will come later!
  13. kacee

    Blood Pressure going down

    Check out this thread that happened to me. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/beware-aware-those-who-take-bp-meds-37114/
  14. kacee

    which is best?

    You should always be aware of the quality of your food, but the caloric content is very important. I keep my daily intake around 800 and 1200 and that works for me. Logging your food on a program such as FitDay, SparkPeople, etc. is an OUTSTANDING way to get in the habit. All these years I thought Weight Watchers was "full of it" for trying to drill into everyone to log log log log their food intake. It was a pain and I would start and do it for about two days and then blow it off. Then suddenly some switch in my brain clicked on after my banding and I got the message 100%. WOW!!!! All these years they were RIGHT!!!!!
  15. Don't discount the possibility that you could have a good old fashioned BUG of some kind. But do get some anti-naursea meds from your doctor if you can. This is not a time to be barfing.
  16. At home I only eat on salad plates. Changing plate sizes helps a whole lot. I also went out and purchased a bunch of sets of good children's sterling silverware (some Paul Revere Oneida) (this is childrens' silverware, not to be confused with baby silverware. In the baby silverware the spoon and fork sizes are much bigger than the childrens') which made a huge difference in how much I put in my mouth. Now I am kindof ill at ease handling a regular sized fork or spoon. As a single person living alone, I also cook on SMALL pots and pans. I got one of those single egg fry-pans from Bed Bath & Beyond which is about 4.5" in diameter, (you can also get the baby spatula that goes with it) great for cooking teenie tiny amounts.....or one egg.
  17. kacee

    What have you lost?

    Orrrrrrrr......in keeping with the Halloween Theme, I've lost a human head and a human leg...... IT'S ALLIIIIIIVVVVEEE!!!!!!!
  18. kacee

    What have you lost?

    That bale of hay is looking better and better every day!
  19. kacee

    50% weight loss

    Most of us go a lot farther than that. They say 50-60% in the first two years. Well, I've had OVER 50% in the first 5 MONTHS.
  20. kacee


    Us this time to get your house and refrig all stocked up with everything you'll be needing for the first 2 months after surgery. I had a month and a half to twiddle my fingers so I started "storing my nuts for the winter." It was a great distraction!
  21. Come on guys! More suggestions! If I don't get some answers I am going to eventually be able to apply as a sub for the Blue Man Group (ACK!:omg:)....
  22. My aren't we the fickle one! Can't say I blame you. I am in a disintegrating relationship with a 70's. It was a fairly fast relationship. We fell in love very quickly but I soon grew tired....I know...it's just so hard to make those LASTING commitments! A couple of weeks ago I started peering over the fence at some really snazzy looking 60's and now I am infatuated. We've been peeking at each other through the window and winking for the past week. I thought I might be able to arrange a rendesvous by this weekend, but the 70's are just hanging onto my ankles (have they no shame?). I must....move on.......
  23. kacee

    Stuck for 2 days??

    I was going to say that it sounds like the typical discomfort you feel right after surgery. I attribute that golfball to swelling. That particular discomfort subsides pretty much after the first 3 weeks, but you may have really irritated your gut and it swelled again. This is not time to put your system through the wringer. Treat it like a brand new baby learning how to eat from scratch.
  24. kacee

    Banded Yesterday...omg The Gas

    Yep, be the little engine that could.....toot your way to relief, and I am serious. Burp and (ahem) fart EVERY chance you get. This is not time to be a lady (or gentleman). GO FOR IT! Heating pad works well also. You can also take the PAIN MEDS. That's what they're there for....PAIN.
  25. kacee

    Paying for it on own

    If it hadn't been for my Mom, I would have had to wait two years to get to my 401K to get a loan.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
