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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. CNN article today. Interesting... Strategies to curb your hunger while you lose - CNN.com
  2. kacee

    How Long Before You Felt Normal?

    I looked up just about week 3 and realized I was pretty much back to normal. Still tended to get a little tired easily though....that took a little over a month or stop.
  3. kacee

    I dare you!

    I had two days, clear liquids, a week liquids, 3 weeks mushies. I really didn't have any problem either. The nurse was even shocked that I had stuck to it as religiously as I had. Solids kindof snuck up on me before I knew it!
  4. kacee

    mushy diet

    That's because of the surgery. Surgery will wipe you clean out for about 2 weeks. It's just the way things are and the way the body reacts. You can only counteract that so much. Protein and liquids are the key.
  5. kacee

    what do I need to take with me???

    LOOSE pull-on pants Slip on shoes (so no leaning over to tie) a small travel pillow to hold against you when you leave the hospital & ride home in the car Leave jewelry at home If you wear contacts I'd forgo them for the hospital trip. Wear your glasses or go without (you won't be driving anywhere anyway) ...well, that's my two cents worth
  6. Keep going with jello and fat free puddings. Load up. They will give you more of a feeling of "substance" than drinking, but still be within the "liquid/mushie" range. Get out of the house if you can. Worst thing is sitting around.
  7. kacee

    Need help for gas pain

    I wonder if you are sensitive to the sweetener in the shake. I know that sorbitol gives me gas and diarreah REALLY BAD. Check the ingredients and give him a call.
  8. At the doctor's office when I get fills they have me gulp water to make sure it goes down. You can gulp, but when you start getting good restriction you aren't going to WANT to, because you can have a few seconds of discomfort before it goes through.
  9. kacee

    Just got banded 11/7

    Congrats to you and welcome to the bandside! Your stomach is going to make noises you never thought possible coming from a human....it really gets funny!
  10. kacee

    What would you say?

    "I knew going into this whole process that I would face criticism from people." My answer to being afraid of what "other people will say" is to cowboy up and screw em. It's your life and your body and NO ONE has any right to dictate what you do with it.
  11. kacee

    What would you say?

    Are you talking about meeting with a GP type doctor, or a bariatric doctor? You know you can go right to the bariatric doctor. The LAST thing any of them will do is JUDGE you! I didnt go to my GP and I am glad I didn't. First of all she was nowhere near knowledgeable about the lapband AT ALL. I had made up my mind, (insurance or no) and I did NOT need someone who could possibly try to "talk me out of it". Do your research on the doctors in your area and go directly to one of them. Just my two cents.
  12. Hey, every little bit counts! That's a minor victory in itself!
  13. kacee

    6 Month Bandiversary !!!!!!

    YEAH CHRIS!!! Dude, you are rockin! It DOES work, doesn't it!!!!!! GREAT GOING!!!!
  14. I have just crept into that no-man's land of being "overweight"! Two bonuses within one week....broke into the 160's AND BMI dropped to "Overweight"!!! Actually went to Chicos this weekend and tried on some really nice pants. Their sizes are 0,1,2,3 (go figure). I grabbed a "2" and it was too big. The "1" was just fine! I also went into Lane Bryant and tried on some pants. Founds some GREAT black dressy pants in 14-16....but they were a little loose! Asked if they maybe had some 12's......sheesh....practically got run out of the store on a rail! HAHAHAHA! Want to make a stab at getting to 165 by Thanksgiving. I think I can do it since my 3 week plateau just "broke". When I got up this morning I "felt thin" and sure enough, I was down almost 2 pounds! YESSSSSSSSSS!:whoo:
  15. kacee

    Don't wanna be hungry

    Okay, let's just talk post-band here (not talking about any pre-op diet the doctor may have you on leading up to surgery). Hunger? Okay, you WILL feel bigtime hunger from about 1-2 weeks post-surgery through when you get your first real restriction (notice I didn't say "first fill"). That being said, you can certainly feed that hunger and you don't need to "suffer"...but you need to make sensible choices. I ate for BULK during that time. I found low fat, low cal stuff that I could eat a "lot" of and when I felt like I was going to chew my leg off I would eat 2-3 jello cups or something like that and I kept a lot of those bulk items on hand to fill the void. Get them and USE them! You WILL still get full faster than pre-band, even without much restriction (you'll never be able to eat what you ate before surgery in a sitting). However, once you hit that special spot, you're going to see a HUGE change. I don't think I have felt consuming hunger now for about 5 months. Sure, my tummy growls every 3-4 hours. Doesn't take much at all to put it back to bed again. Eating to me is more to feed my body now, as opposed to feeding my mouth. You don't "wallow" in your food anymore after banding. It just doesn't work and the pleasure isn't really there. It's kindof like if you really loved sweets and you dream about diving into a vat of chocolate cake and rolling around. Well, this is more like trying to dive into a thimble of cake and roll around. It's kindof like "doesn't really have the same pleasure factor the other did" and after a while...the desire just kindof goes away... at least for me.
  16. kacee

    Cold Hearted B....

    As far as I am concerned....cold? BRING IT ON BABY! I'm so darned tired of being hot everywhere I go....even in the dead of winter I only sleep with a thin sheet on me. I'd rather be piling some clothes on than continuing to crank down my A/C!!! Actually I haven't noticed getting colder though I am down about 50 pounds now. RATS!
  17. I must be asleep at the wheel today or something....I AM overweight after all. Just squeaked over the line!
  18. Sorry guys...False alarm. I was reading the wrong damn line..... oh well, no matter. Even though I am still OBESE:eek:, I am a HAPPY CAMPER in the 60's!!!! :faint:
  19. kacee

    My first PB?

    You were pretty much having a case of the Slimes, not PB. If it was a PB you'd have had that former bite of something come rolling back up to visit you. Many times the slimes precede a PB. Sometimes it passes, and sometimes it goes into a PB.
  20. kacee

    Hm, should I be worried?

    The test for me at the doctor's was to CHUG a liquid. They want liquids to go down easily. Liquids should always go down without a hitch....but everything else will be different. Don't look at the way you react on liquids to determine how your fill is doing.
  21. A panniculectomy removes hanging fat and skin, typically after massive weight loss. It may be performed as a single procedure or combined with a tummy-tuck, depending on the patient's condition. Panniculectomy is different from abdominoplasty, in that abdominoplasty tightens the muscle as well as removes excess skin and fat, but a panniculectomy only removes excess skin and fat. A panniculectomy may also be performed with another abdominal surgery, such as a hysterectomy, or repair of the abdominal wall or hernia of the belly button. <!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/feature-tummy-tuck.lbi" -->
  22. AMEN Musical! I hit that sweet spot about the first of September and I've been on a roll ever since. When you get there you KNOW it pretty quick!
  23. kacee

    First plateau...

    It's physics, nothing magic about it. It will pass. I had plateaus that sat for a month or more. You've got to get over the mindset that plateau equals defeat. Its more of a "fall back and regroup" time for your body. That's why I weigh every day and chart it. I can tell within 24 hours when a plateau is going to break...it's funny...I go slightly up, slightly down, slightly up, and then all of a sudden I do this up down up down up down thing and then it starts to slide. I can see it on the chart when it begins. Get out of the mindset that you have to have LOSS every day. Sometimes I am up two tenths of a pound, sometimes down...it goes like that all week.
  24. Don't fret...you are still in Bandster Hell. It doesn't stop with the first fill, because I daresay MANY people get no results from their first fill. I was being really GOOD (but it was HARD!!!!!) up until my 3rd fill when everything suddenly kicked into gear and WHOA NELLY I've been on a roll since then! Don't kick yourself, because to be honest your band is STILL not working to optimum yet. This will come. Patience is the name of the game.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
