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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    And THESE are the events that put concrete into our decisions to change our lives for the better.
  2. kacee

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    Oh kiddo can I relate! I remember one of the most embarassing moments for me was a few years ago when I was at my top weight. My Mom, nephew and I went to a Houston event called the Ballooner Festival in the hot August. We had those cheapy folding chairs (the old kind with the fabirc type straps strung between the metal frame parts). We get in the middle of all the action, right at a crossroads for everyone going from here to there and decided to set up shop. We dropped our cooler and unfolded our chairs and sat down. And MY chair not only collapsed in a heap on the ground (with me on top), it literally disintegrated! And no, they weren't old chairs. It took the most supreme effort on my part not to burst into tears of embarassment. It was witnessed by no less than probably 100 people at the time. Even now I shudder....
  3. It's not the lumpy factor so much as it may swell once it gets inside you.
  4. <p>Calunda, have you had a fill yet? If not, your band is not really working for you yet. Determination and will power got me through my first 2 months post-surgery UNTIL my third fill, which hit the "sweet spot". I already had the "self-training" from being "good" for the past two months and when the restriction kicked in, it just further kept my portion size WAY down. However, during those first two months I DID loose 25 pounds...</p>
  5. Okay, so the big day is here and those of us who are on solids are doing our calculations to get the best stuff, since we have to be judicious in our choices....I suggest forgoing any appetizers completely. I am bringing shrimp for my cousin who made a wonderful sauce, but I am looking at them and thinking "Okay, if I eat ONE shrimp, I have just eliminated one bite of the main meal I could get down." And if your meal is 5 or 6 bites, you gotta make every one count!!! I tend to graze on stupid things like olives and stuffed celery at family gatherings because as we all know it takes forever to get everyone's act together and get the food on the table. So today I will glide past the appetizers and concentrate on my WONDERFUL 1/2 piece of turkey (or less), tablespoon of dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry, and whatever other delicious concoction arrives....NO BREAD. Anyway, that's my plan.... Everyone have a happy and blessed thanksgiving day and remember all the things we have to be thankful about in this world.
  6. I think we are talking about apples and oranges here. Head and shoulders is a medicated shampoo that attacks the dermatitis on the SKIN. The END result is the loss of hair, but there is nothing wrong with the hair itself. Nioxin stimulates the scalp and probably has products in it to fluff up the hair shaft, but it does not claim to address dermatitis of the scalp. I can see the two working hand in hand.
  7. I'd say the first time you go into things like shakes, make shakes with a banana blended in. You could have a potassium deficiency. That can cause muscle cramps in the extremeities.
  8. I've heard up to 15 minutes prior to eating you can drink. Maybe have your coffee while you wait for your food and then forgo through the meal. When I got to eat out with family and friends I usually do NOT follow the no drink rule. I am good the entire rest of the time, but I like my ice tea with conversation, or my glass of wine with my meal. Life as we know it in this planet will not end because of it and it's not like I "backslide" then and do it all the time. I reserve it for "special occasions."
  9. kacee

    Post Op Depression

    I would imagine it's like post-vacation, post-holiday blues. You spend so much energy and focus building yourself up in anticipation and it's kindof like you expect this big epiphany to flash over your head and the angels will sing. You wake up and it's....hmmmm....business as usual except your habits and lifestyle are changing. It's a jolt. I was lucky because I did not have any depression. I was so gung ho after surgery I redirected all my forces from anticipation to determination to stay on the post-op diet for the required time. What's the old adage...Life is 70% anticipation, 25% perspiration and 5% realization...
  10. I use the head and shoulders and then I use the Nioxin for conditioner (mainly because I LOVE the strong mint flavor and tingliness).
  11. kacee

    Your NO-NO list

    Triskits. Never have been able to get them to stay down.
  12. kacee

    after i eat it really hurts

    and put your fork or spoon down between bites and give it a few minutes to go down. That was a big lesson I learned....and a HARD one, as a food stuffer!
  13. kacee

    2 Little ones

    Absolutely. Interruptions in your downtime can greatly impact your return to normal and there are no better experts at that than little people!
  14. kacee

    Bizarro noises when I eat...

    Your gut is going to take on a life and personality of its own. it never ceases to amaze me....when I am eating and when I am not. I was laying on the couch the other day and I hadn't eaten in several hours and one of my cockatiels was perched on my stomach looking at me. All of a sudden my stomach let loose with this DEMONIC growl that went on FOREVER! You should have seen the crest on that little birdie's head stand straight up and he FROZE for about 30 seconds!
  15. "ok, well, this last week has been extremely stressful, and this is the week of the month for me that is HELL. so, i've had some sugar the last few days, and haven't been taking as much care of myself (i may lose my job due to my son causing me to miss work (i already missed a lot for me)). so, i haven't had a migraine since surgery. let me tell you, this is nothing short than a great victory for me. i have migraines twice a week usually. so i get this migraine today, and i am like "freakin' great." " Okay, I am no expert by any means, but I have lots of friends and family who are afflicted with migraines. First of all stress is a trigger, so it goes without saying that you were under stress at this time. However, have you done a lot of research into what some of your food triggers could be? I wonder about the sugar. Not just the sugear, but the fact that sugar was introduced after you had not had "any" for a while. I just have to wonder what impact this had on your system....combination of sugar and stress.....hmmmmmm.
  16. Two things. 1. Cut out the drinking altogether. Period. (I mean around meals) 2. Go get a fill!!!!
  17. Any folks out there have names of some good plastic surgeons in Houston? I have heard of Dr. Heller. He comes to talk to my surgeon's support group about plastic surgery. Anyone familiar with him or have others who are good at post-wls PS?
  18. Good luck with that. You are totally at the mercy of genetics. No amount of creams or jiggling or massage or anything is going to make any of that stuff go away. It is what it is....excess flab. You can eat right, exercise, etc. and after that...whatever is left is probably there to stay unless you have it removed.
  19. kacee

    How can I be supportive?

    Give her encouragement on how she is looking but don't get hung up on asking her "how much have you lost now?" This REALLY bothers some people. She will have starts and stops and hit plateaus and everyone (she included) must understand that this is an ongoing process. Just because you go a week or so without any results on the scales does not mean things aren't working the way they are supposed to.
  20. First of all, don't beat yourself up TOO bad as far as the eating goes. You are probably NOT supposed to be on solids yet and yes, you sure didn't make any great choices when you decided to cheat, but I'd say learn from the mistake and don't dive in again. The difference with the band is that when you finally get the restriction, there will be no more of stuffing your face with things through the day. That just isn't going to happen. First of all, you probably are a fast healer to even be able to tolerate the foods you got down. And also you know you have no restriction now. If your doctor is like most, you should be due for a fill by about next week or earlier. If he says it's okay, get in there and get that first fill to get the process initiated. Your band isn't working for you yet, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to go hog wild. There is personal restraint that MUST be learned here. Start now trying to make healthy choices and thinking things through befor you blithely jump off the cliff....
  21. kacee

    protein shakes

    I use Isopure clear Protein drinks. They are great from immediately post op on because they are CLEAR liquids. Some GNC's carry them. Any store that has supplements for weight training and body building will carry it. It has 160 calories and 44mg protein and tastes good. Leanr about it (and purchase) at.... index
  22. First of all, where are you getting your salad? If it is from a restaurant, many of their greens and veggies are treated with things that preserve their freshness and can give you the runs. Or it could be the salad dressing doing it to you. I actualy have found that salad goes down pretty easy for me (physically), but I do have a real problem with anything very vinegary. It seems to burn. Never had that problem before.
  23. Lack of Protein definitely contributes to the situation, but this is more about the stress that has ben put on the body....surgery is a big stressor, dramatic weight loss is a huge stressor...any dramatic change in the body's workings can set it off. I started taking hair and nails vitamins with tons of biotin in it, about two weeks ago. I HAVE noticed a dramatic lessening of the fallout, so I don't know whether to contribute it to the pills or the more frequent washing or what. I am still not washing my hair EVERY night, but I am trying to do every two days or every other day. I've just got too much hair and too much maintenance to deal with it every night. Yeah, I would have thought more frequent washing would have made for more frequent loss, but the doc says NO.
  24. You may have irritated yourself with the meat. I love ground meat, but I find it very hard to get down. I had a siege with some mashed potatoes that left me in dire pain for about 2.5 hours just after I went on solids. I couldn't believe that something that soft could cause a problem. Maybe I ate it a little fast thinking it would just slide down. At any rate, be VERY VERY careful with trying to wash down things with liquid. It does NOT work like it did pre-band, even tiny sipping. You are really probably better off to just let everything sit. You could also get some papaya enzyme (there is some stuff on line called Clear Ease) that is taken as a pill and left to dissolve in your cheek. However, since you said that the liquids went down fine, it just sounds to me like the lining was irritated with the meat (like havig a sore throat but lower).... good luck!
  25. Gladster, you are looking GREAT! I started noticing a big change after the first 20 pounds, but it seems no one else did, and when I hit 35 I really saw a diference and STILL was only get occasional comments. However, in the last three weeks, EVERYONE has noticed a difference (I'm at 50 now) and it's not just "a difference", it's a "WOW!" difference! Actually there seems to be a point when the POUNDS start to slow down a little and the INCHES start to fall of, and that's when people started to stop me in the hallway and go WOW. You've done a phenominal job! Keep it up!

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