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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. kacee

    Port Dramas

    This is very typical. I "spit stitches" too, though not out of my port incision. If it appears to be pulled apart or gaping, get a butterfly bandage and tape that area shut. You should be fine.
  2. kacee

    In A Predicament!

    Making something up about what you had done is all fine well and good, but ULTIMATELY and in the END, a LIE BEGETS A LIE BEGETS A LIE. I'm sorry, but it really galls me that people give so much of their own POWER away in the name of "the line of least resistence". Don't give your power away to someone in your family, a friend, or a one time acquaintance who (GOD FORBID!) may JUDGE you on their own faulty terms (like what are you going to do as a result, spontaneously combust or something?). You are making a life commitment. OWN IT. Remember Star Jones and what happened to her after she side-stepped and lied and did "guilt by omission" to avoid conflict.... She never would have done that if she had seen the fallout that came down the road as a result. To me it is NOT worth it. Okay, you can pillory me for this but that's my observation and I am sticking to it.
  3. kacee

    "Houston, We Have Restriction" WEE HEE!

    When I got my 3rd fill that was my big "AHA!!!!" moment. When you GET restriction, you will KNOW it.....it's like a light turning on. From then on, it's like riding a bicycle...you'll never forget and you'll know it when you get it, and know it when it's gone.
  4. Bumping this back up for newbies.
  5. Check out my link.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/beware-aware-those-who-take-bp-meds-37114/ Be VERY careful with the BP meds. Stay in CLOSE contact with your doctor. Do you have a BP cuff? You need to get one, if not. Monitor your BP. It could be dropping. You may need an adjustment in meds. This is NOT to trifle with!
  6. I had a "golf ball" in my chest for the first week or so after surgery, that's the best way I can describe it... You have to take really TINY sips. You can get everything down, but it has to be constant and over a period of time. No more gulping and guzzling. Your insides are swolen and it takes some time. Listen to yor body and work with it.
  7. kacee

    Pain ?

    I was nauseus only in the recovery room, and they gave me something for it. After that it went away permanently. As for feeling weak and listless, get that Protein stepped up! Get Protein drinks and shakes. Isopure clear protein drinks are GREAT (index). Protein and liquids is the name of the game. If you don't really step that up you will continue to feel like CRAP.
  8. I drink one of those nasty energy drinks periodically when I need to wake up more at work. I am not a soda lover, so it is a one time thing, and because they aren't the best tasting things in the world, I don't guzzle them. I drink wine or a cocktail when I go out...other than being empty calories there is no problem with it, except you DO have to watch your consumption because you are eating less, weigh less, etc., and the alcohol can hit you harder, faster.
  9. kacee

    Dec. 10 Surgery!!!

    I wouldn't push it. I had surgery on a Wednesday and returned to work the following Tuesday and I don't think I could have gone back any earlier. There are several factors you are dealing with. First of all the post-op discomfort (mainly the gas pain). That can be REALLY debilitating for several days initially. Then there is the general exhaustion from surgery itself. You are pretty wiped for about two weeks, just getting your stamina back. I went back to my desk job, but I did leave about an hour early each day the first week (I have a desk/computer job) back.
  10. I lost about 40 pounds the first four months. That being said, I only had a total of about 68 pounds to lose total, so starting from a smaller place it is a given that you will lose slower. The more you have to lose, the faster it will come of initially, then it will stabilize as you get down farther. Using your daughter's wedding as a mini-goal is fantastic.
  11. kacee


    Dorr, you GOTTA be a tall guy, because you really carry BOTH weights well (if you can consider 400 pounds being carried well, that is). I mean, I would never have guessed the weight for either of the pictures, so I assume you are well over 6 feet tall. Don't feel bad about your band intentions. I once seriously considered GAINING 25 pounds to put myself in the category of being able to get a bypass. I thought I must have been really warped, but there are TONS of people out here who have considered the same thing. Just goes to show how desperate we are. Good luck to you!
  12. I just turned 56. I have seen several 60+ banders on the forum. I've seen the cut-off age around 70. When I started considering it last spring, though, and I was talking to my Mom, we discussed my age. I didn't want to get into a category that was "iffy" so I didn't want a long-drawnout insurance battle (not being a self-pay I could hav looked at at least 6 months to more than a year to get qualified).
  13. Kindof depended on what was going on that month. If I was going out of town in a few weeks I opted to try to get, say, from 197 to BELOW 195 by the time I left. I had been at a plateau for a long time at 179 and set my goal 1 month before my California trip to be at 175 by the trip. My birthday goal was 50 pounds total loss (which I set about 1 week before my birthday...I had 2 pounds to lose then). My goal for Thanksgiving day was 165....set it two weeks before and had 3 pounds to lose. I am at 164 now and I want to be 160 by Christmas day. Just keep them small, short and ATTAINABLE.
  14. kacee

    Crossing your legs....

    ....and it's not just crossing them....it's crossing them at the KNEE!!!!! (An not having to hold on to keep em crossed!)
  15. kacee

    Together or Separately?

    Doing it together gives you both a "partner in crime" so to speak. You will both learn together and support each other. If the logistics work for you (no kids, or kids at granny's for several days or whatever)....
  16. kacee

    What doctor did your banding?

    DR. HADAR SPIVAK PARK PLAZA HOSPITAL HOUSTON, TEXAS Banded 05-23-07 Self-Pay $12,900 (Outstanding!!!!!)
  17. kacee

    Why Arent I Loseing??!!

    There are lots of things I have heard you can do to break a plateau (that's where you are). One is to vary your caloric intake. Go 700-800 one day and 1000-1100 the next. For some reason I have heard this "jostles" the body chemistry and wakes it up, so to speak. There are plateau-breaking mini-diets you can try (only done for a short amount of time...once again to jostle the body chemistry). Up your protein considerably. Up your liquid intake. Physics WILL win out. If you take in less than you expend, you WILL lose.
  18. kacee

    biggest insult ever-sex related-from dh

    I've been through a particularly abusive (emotionally, verbally) relationship myself. This sounds familiar (thought not to the caliber mine was). I have one thing to say. Think about it. MANY A TRUTH IS SAID IN JEST. Jibes are very often NOT jibes but inner hurts that just come rolling out more or less accidentally. Listen to what your man is saying. He's wrong of course, but you need to listen and read between the lines. You guys desperately need to talk TO each other, not AT each other. You have no idea how this kind of thing can FESTER. Men are particularly BAD about not communicating (and I don't think this is any news to any of us ladies...or men) so you have to figure out a way to approach them that doesn't (1) scare them; (2) emasculate them (I know that doesn't leave much else to work with...). We can be unbelievably cruel to those we love. I've always heard that instead of lunging at someone saying "You did this...you did that....you always....you never" (always and never are BAD words to use) approaching with "When you do this/say this/act towards me in this wa/ etc., you make me feel like..... (no, don't insert "shit"....be specific).
  19. kacee

    I want to know stats for one month post op?

    I think I was down about 23 pounds by the end of the first month. I felt great and was doing a big HAPPY DANCE. This has continued and I am now down 54 pounds and just going great guns!
  20. kacee

    What the hell do i do now??

    Try going to the pharmacist and seeing if they have anything like Clear Ease in stock. This is an enzyme lozenge that breaks up mucus that is normally used by scuba divers and it's supposed to help with sinus problems. The enzymes active are papain, bromelain and protease which break up mucus. In other words...this is about the same thing as a meat tenderizer...it breaks down proteins. You can order this stuff online (Amazon has it too).
  21. I found this while looking for a BMI chart just now. Very interesting and I applaude this program. May not do much, but at least it's out there for people to see.... Ad Nauseam Campaign
  22. kacee

    Big Question!

    You don't have restriction yet. This is NORMAL. I had three fills before I felt ANYTHING and the 4th one did it for me. If it has been three weeks you can probably request another fill within a week or so. You are also probably in a plateau. Those are GOING to happen as your body adjusts. I hit a plateau about every 5 pounds or so. Then I get stuck for a week or two (or three), but is you persevere it will break. This is where logging your food intake is VERY helpful. You need to understand that this is going to be a series of starts and stops...it won't be constant all the way through. And that is OKAY. Just because you hit a plateau does NOT mean the loss is over. It's just a "way station" along the path. I have come to accept it for what it is, knowing that the laws of physics will ruole in the end. If you take in fewer calories than you expend, you WILL LOSE EVENTUALLY.
  23. kacee

    dinner out? where do you eat out??

    First of all I think I would discount children's menus. They are notoriously geared to "good tasting kid food" and NOT nutrition (i.e., check on how many restaurants serve things like mac and cheese and hot dogs on their kiddie menu). The first thing I look at when I go out is the appetizer and sides menu selections. The first few months after banding when I went out, I always chose from the appetizer section. I had stuffed mushrooms, grilled shrimp, all kinds of yummy things in SMALL SMALL portions. Sometimes you may get things with a higher caloric content but listen, if it is your WHOLE MEAL instead of the prelude to three or four other things, you can sit and relish it, cuz remember, you are most likely NOT going to be able to finish it anyway. I had some decadent stuffed mushrooms from Magnolia Bar and Grill (Houston)...I ate about 4 bites and then had it wrapped up to go and finished it the next day and it was wonderful and I felt like I had the most wonderful gastric experience! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't make these choices on a regular basis...I stick to healthy lo cal items too, a majority of the time. Generally when I go out to eat, I gear my food choice to the SMALL PORTION rather than specifically WHAT it is...oh and of course....something that WILL go down. I try not to get full meals and big items I know I will just have to take home (they're are NEVER as good later and often soggy). That's just me, though.
  24. kacee

    I need some info

    Well, the symptoms of sleep apnea are snoring, ceasing to breathe while asleep and constant waking for air, drowsiness during the day...you can go to an ENT and be tested at a sleep center to verify. But apart from that, it specifies not controlled by CPAP, bite splint or surgery... in other words you will have had to go through some if not ALL of those treatments and FAIL before you can be approved by your insurance company. I don't think I would hang my hat on that.
  25. kacee

    need ideas!!!

    If you like cottage cheese, I mixed some avacado in with it and it was YUMMY.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
