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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kacee

  1. Things feel very different post-band and pre-restriction, so this is kindof a "no man's land". You have to kindof wing it here, but this will not last forever. When you start getting fills, and you start getting actual restriction, you will KNOW when to stop. Good restriction is a very "AHA!!!!" moment. Especially since you do not have restriction, your band isn't working yet, so some of the "rules" don't apply. You have to use good judgment here....err on the side of conservatism. It will pass.
  2. I don't mean to correct, but that's "girdle" and I haven't heard that term since I was in school (all of us who weren't rail thin wore them instead of "garter belts" to hold up our stockings, and then we kept wearing them without the stockings to try and keep our fat under control!!!! ) I just purchased some SPANX about a month ago and I recall wearing them to a party and being a little concerned about eating with them on. It does tend to constrict you more in the gut (and I don't mean just holding the fat in), and since you are already pretty constricted, I would think twice about eating with something like that on. Girdle.....wow.....flashback!
  3. Everyone talks like food as they know it is going to END after the band. SO NOT TRUE. That is the way everyone thinks. It's just not so. Food will taste the same, look the same. The difference is that you will not be able to take both hands and shove a cheeseburger down your gut in 15 seconds flat. THAT is what is going to change. Everything else will stay the same. Personally, I don't miss the gorging. Oh, you THINK you will....but it is just a habit. After 7 months, if I sit down and eat a full bowl of soup...I consider THAT gorging. I actually went to a restaurant with a girlfriend last week who met me for lunch because she is getting the band by my doctor right after the first of the year. We both ordered these wonderful stuffed baked potatoes which wound up being the size of half a SHOEBOX! When we brought them to the table...she pulled hers over and started stuffing. I took one look at mine and started laughing and said "There is NO WAY I will be eating all of this!" She finished hers down to the skin. I ate the good stuff off mine and enjoyed mine thoroughly. Over half of mine was left at the end of the meal, but I felt like I had had something very forbidden and I felt satiated, full, and happy.
  4. kacee

    Mixed Emotions

    I looked into bypass about ten years ago. I couldn't meet the parameters to qualify and did not have the kind of money to pay for it myself. It also seemed so drastic. I didn't find out about the band until March and by May I was scheduled for surgery. THIS was the answer for me. Less invasive, no gut re-directing, reversible...however I do have one HUGE regret. I just wish I had been able to have this done 20 years ago. It was the best decision I ever made, and my last and final hope of getting healthy. You are only in your 30's. I spent 25 years hiding from the world due to my weight....I lost all those years. If you do it now you have a chance to get out there and LIVE those years. I feel like I have been reborn...and I am 56.
  5. "Once you've had your first fill and are perfectly adjusted" Word of warning here. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT ASSUME that first fill equals good restriction. More often than not that is NOT the case. Many of us did not feel ANY restriction until our 3rd-5th fills, and this is not unusual. What you are experiencing is COMPLETELY NORMAL. Until you get your restriction (and it could be a while depending on your doctor and how he does his fills) your band is NOT WORKING for you. They don't call it "Bandster Hell" for nothing, but THIS WILL PASS. This is NOT an omen of things to come, at all. We ALL go through this on many levels. It is strictly a PHASE you are going through, albiet a frustrating one. Do the BEST YOU CAN right now. If you are hungry, by all means EAT, but just try to eat the better choices. Don't fret over weight loss right now. This will come.
  6. Ahhh, there lies the rub, as they say. This is where the learning curve kicks in. You have to redefine the word "full". Full no longer means you have a "bowling ball" in your tummy. Full is now "higher up". Full for me is more like a tighter feeling in my mid-chest. Try sitting down by yourself in a quiet room and eating a meal very very slowly. Consider each bite. Consider what it feels like going down. Feel the sensation when it "hits bottom". Generally, even without restriction, when I first was on solids, I could eat about 4 bites and then get this "feeling". At that point I could slow down or stop completely. Sometimes if I continued, I would get nauseus. Sometimes not. Try eating meals in this experimental way to get in tune with your body and what it is telling you. There will be very subtle hints and you'll have to reassess the meaning of the words hungry, full, etc. These are new sensations you have never experienced before so you have to LEARN what each one means.
  7. kacee

    Hello Again from Houston

    You sound just like my friend. She's going through the exact same thing...found out it would only cost something like $200 before the 31st, and $1200 after that. Good luck. She's going through all her tests this week and looks like she may be able to get surgery by next week.
  8. I don't think the pain meds brought on the gas. Nearly everyone gets that, pain meds or no. Of course pain meds are notorious for giving some people terrible constipation. It didn't bother me though. But the gas...oh yeah...big time pain. I was expecting it so when it hit I just started fartin, burping, eating gas-X, holding my heating pad, and walking all over the place. That's why it pays to read everything before you go in. I anticipated the gas, and also anticipated constipation (which I didn't get, though I had supplies just in case). Being forwarned is being forarmed. You can't do too much research!
  9. I made a huge pot of Taco Soup last Sunday. Froze about 6 big bowls of it and I've been eating it every day. I've put on 3 pounds and I know it is the sodium in the soup, plus eating a whole lot of it. Tonight I went through the refrig and freezer like a mad woman, tossing everything (all the frozen soup that was left), crackers, some old pudding cups left over from post-surgery.....everything. Then I hauled it all out to the trash. I feel much better. WHEW!
  10. I went to my dermatologist and he said it was dermatitis brought on by stress to the body and the dermatitis causes the hair to fall out. He told me to get the super intensive (dark blue bottle) Head and Shoulders, and then a regular Head and Shoulders, wash my hair every day and alternate with the two bottles and I would see a difference within a week. I have way too much hair maintenance to wash every day, so instead I wash every three days with the super intensive stuff. I HAVE noticed a change. Hair loss can go on for MONTHS (I think WasABubbleButt said it can go on about 10 months and then let up.) I just wanted it to stop being in complete handfuls, and that has slowed down dramatically since I started with the shampoo.
  11. I have noticed in the last month the scales are going down slower, but the inches seem to be melting off just the same. Frankly, I am not looking at the "numbers" with too much interest. I am down to a size 12 pair of pants...something I haven't been for 20 years. Also 20 years ago I would have considered "163" a pretty horrible weight to carry. I like this now. My goal is about 150 which I think is perfectly fine for my age and height, but I am not breaking any records to get there.
  12. I didn't cheat either. You can really live to regret it.
  13. You're not crazy. You have to get creative. I mainly lived on jello, pudding, applesauce, cottage cheese (with avacado mushed up and mixed in), and a ton of different soups, fruit smoothies, Crystal Lite, Low sodium V8. You've really got to use some imagination. And trust me, you do not want to whip up some eggs. They may LOOK soft, but believe me, my first scrambled egg experience was my first week of solids (after day 30) and it dot STUCK horribly!
  14. My hunger kicked in sometime late the second week. When it did, I just stepped up the amount/frequency I ate, but continued eating the same things (all acceptable) within the parameters of my post op "healing diet". I had very little problem actually.
  15. kacee

    Favorite Protein Sources?

    1. For Protein shakes: Dymatize Elite Protein in Mocha Cafe. Mix with 8 oz skim milk and blend with handful of ice and you have190 calories and 34 mgs of protein.</p> <p> </p> <p>2. For Protein Drink: Isopure Clear Protein Drink (about 6 flavors...all good). Pour over ice. 1 bottle is 160 calories and 40 mg protein. I keep a huge supply in my house.
  16. kacee

    So so funny

    Ya know....when those folks went home and thought of the wedding, that's one of the top things they remembered and it's gonna be a conversation piece in the family for the rest of their lives. I think it's GREAT!
  17. kacee

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I find the word abhorrant. However, I also think that we give words WWWWAAAAAAAAYYYYY to much power in our society. Sticks and stones was never truer.
  18. kacee

    Big Ol' Hairy Religion vs. Athiest Debate

    I consder myself a very spiritual person. I believe in ESP and what we consider the "paranormal". I believe there are convergent universes and that time is all relative. I think things and people from the past and future can fold in on themselves and become part of the present. I think that when you die you go to a different plane of existence. Energy does not dissipate...it only reconstructs at another level. I absolutely believe in reincarnation. I think we are not anywhere NEAR alone in the universe, and when the little green blobs from Alpha Patootie do make themselves seen here, it's gonna really put the hurt and test on some religions. I wish mankind wasn't so freakin stilted in their capacity to reach outside themselves and embrace the possibilities of the universe.
  19. kacee

    Big Ol' Hairy Religion vs. Athiest Debate

    Bubble you have such a way with words... Me, I don't care. I don't care what is or is not out there. My religion is to be the best person I can be and always strive to do better. I don't give a hairy rat's behind about the rest. I do not believe there is a god out there that was able to create the earth, the stars... the whole darn universe and he cares about worship or the smell of burning goat flesh. That seems very self centered and childish to me. Hell... what a silly concept. I don't need a devil tempting me to do wrong. I can figure that out all by myself and tempt myself. I take responsibility for the bad that I do in life as well as credit for the good. I'll say a big ol AMEN to all that!
  20. kacee

    Rediculous School Rules

    Ridiculous school rules? When I was in school.... You couldn't wear pants to school if you were a girl. You couldn't wear what we called "coulots" (coulottes? Koo-lots?---anyway, they were skirt which were split into two legs down the middle...maybe they call them "skorts" now) Couldn't wear open toes sandles (Oh the SEX of it!) Couldn't wear patent leather shoes (boys could look up and see your undies reflected) (Oh the SEX of it!) Dresses? Kneel on the floor girl! Not more than 2" off the floor or you are sent home to change. Boys hair...can't be below their earlobe... Bangs....only ABOVE the eyebrows It's a wonder we survived. Now my 17 year old nephew is in an alternative school where you cannot wear the colors blue or red....at ALL. Now we're talking about a blue polo shirt with white stripes....typical Izod fare....nope. Verbotten! What have we come to?
  21. kacee

    Rediculous School Rules

    Well, I for one remember getting paddled in the second grade. Mrs. Lawrence took me in the janitor's closet next to the classroom and whacked my ass. Other than the surpreme embarassment of it, I don't recall being scarred for life....no wait.....isn't that just about the time I started gaining weight? Yup. Scarred for life. I should sue the Houston Indepedent School District for my poor scarred psyche. Actually I think we Baby Boomers came out in pretty good shape considering. Of course we are known for our drinking and indiscriminate adultery, but other than that I think we did okay.
  22. kacee

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    You guys come up with some great stuff. I guess you could say I am kindof an agnostic of sorts. As a teenager I balked at my organized Christian religion. I couldn't stomach watching people parade around in their finest duds to impress each other, profess their believes and then go about their lives belittling those who did not feel exactly the same way they did. I couldn't stand an organized group of people whose idea of a successful religion was sitting in a gold-leafed tower wearing velvet robes and building more gold-leafed towers. My feelings were further reinforced when I met a load of Catholics later in life and saw the damage that had been done to many of them by their organized religion (not their God, mind you). As far as I am concerned, anything in religion touched by man is suspect. That includes the Bible. Men are mortal and fallable, given to their own whims and devices and agendas. There were plenty of charlatans in the days of yore, and there are plenty of them now. Religion is a profitable business for the power hungry, always has been and always will be. I do not claim any religion for myself. Yes, I feel there is a supreme entity somewhere. He can be God or Yahweh or Alla....or dare I say it...yes....the Flying Sphagetti Monster. A rose by any other name will smell as sweet. My idea of a good religion is the simpler the better. No robes, no books, no candles and incense, no "divine conduit" who is the "one and only person" I can talk to my God through, no beads and chants and statues. Don't tell me I can't wear blue on Wednesdays because God disapproves. Don't say I have to dance a jig and recite a haiku backwards to talk to my God. My God is nature....leaves and sky and fresh air and laying in the grass on a cool day...a red sunset and a rainstorm and the myriad of miracles before our eyes. I rejoice in them and appreciate their beauty and wonder. I consider man to be the height of narcissistic to assume that his God has picked him out from any other amoeba on the planet for his "special purpose" or has decided that he alone and all his clan will get a "Get out of jail free" card and ticket to the 40 virgin club in a next life.... Pretty much everything we humans have touched has turned to crap over the span of time (mostly in the name of God, I might add)....despite ourselves, this is still a wondrous world...if we'd just get our meddling hands out of the mix.
  23. No way! In Mid-March, 2007, I was sitting in my ENT's waiting room reading "Houston Living Magazine" waiting for an appointment to try to get a mouth guard because my snoring was so out of control. I decided at my age I wanted to start doing more traveling but I couldn't subject someone to staying in my hotel room with my horrid snoring and I was very self-conscious about it. I came across an advertisement by Dr. Felix Spiegel about the lapband. I had NEVER heard of it before. I promptly pocketed the magazine and took it home with me to read further. Within two days of intense internet research I mentioned it to my Mom to test the waters as to what she thought. She had not heard of it either, but the words out of her mouth were shocking to me, "I can't believe you haven't brought that up before now." We discussed the procedure and she said, "So when were you thinking of having it done?" and boy, that light turned green for me! Within a week I had a consult and had researched and picked a surgeon and gotten on lapbandtalk.com. I was a self-pay and my surgery was about 6 weeks after the first day I read about it. Best decision I EVER made and I don't think a THING about acting quickly on it. I did my research.
  24. kacee

    Do you just want to share???

    Okay, if you really want to stick your neck out...how about a t-shirt that says "Ask me about my lapband." Boy if that isn't opening the door I don't know what is! You'd probably get some response there!
  25. A girl who works at my company came by my office about a year ago. She had been very obese since I had known her and all of a sudden she was very slim. I asked her what she did (this was pre-lapband for me) and she simply said "portion control". Well, you can't argue with that. I still wonder today if she had a band done, but I thought her answer was good.

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