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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NewBeginnings

  1. NewBeginnings

    A Ladder

    Today at work I got on a ladder. I know some of you are sitting there thinking what is the big deal with that. Well working in retail most times this is a requirement and I steered clear of anything that took my 288 pound body off the stable ground. Today I was putting up a shelf and without thinking I just went and got on a ladder. Not until I was up there did I realize what I had done. I just want to say I know we all have surgery to lose weight. After having surgery I am finding more things than I am losing, lol. I am finding that I can do a lot more things than I thought I could. The little things that I am accomplishing are way more exciting than the weight I am losing. This surgery is helping me find out who I really am and what I like to do. I just recall going I dont like this or that, or I dont want to go there or be here. The truth is I was fat and thought I couldnt do things. I chose the name new begginnings because that is exactly what this surgery is for me. I cant wait to see what will happen next.
  2. NewBeginnings

    A Ladder

    Thanks everyone. I figured I had to share something positive for all the people struggling. All you hear is it here better. Well I figured I should tell how. By the way super mom I haven't been in a normal size tub in years. The thought actually scares me. It's either the shower or a jacuzzi size tub. A regular tub might he my next victory lol.
  3. I'm posting on here because I want to see what some of the options are. I never would even step foot on a beach and now I'm venturing out of my comfort zone. I didnt even think what I would eat.
  4. NewBeginnings

    Itchy Incisions

    Thanks for the vitamin e tip. I have been using cocoa butter and everything was fine. I just didn't think they would itch so far out from surgery.
  5. I am five weeks post op and all of a sudden my incisions have started itching. I find myself scratching my stomach all the time and looking like a nut. Since day one after the surgery I have put cocoa butter and mederma on my scars to reduce the appearance and really they are just specs now so that worked but the itching is driving me crazy. Is this normal so far after surgery.
  6. NewBeginnings


    You will not need a lot of help because the surgery is pretty simple compared to some others. I had complications and had to stay in the hospital longer but once I came home I was fine. The biggest thing is have someone on standby just in case and dont try to do too much. I was trying to do laundry and go grocery shopping instead of just sitting down. If you follow the instructions from your doctor you will not have issues.
  7. NewBeginnings

    Returning to work

    I went back to work after two weeks. I was fine until I started mushy foods. I just felt sick all the time and figured I should have taken another week off to adjust to the new diet. I was also weak and tired, but I work in retail so I was on my feet for 8 hours a day. If you have a sit down job I figure it will be easier, but if you are up and running around take the third week. I wish I had.
  8. NewBeginnings

    Itchy Incisions

    Thanks Kelli. If it's normal I am ok. I just thought it would have occured a lot sooner.
  9. NewBeginnings


    Ok I'm not expert but I will give you my experience. At about three weeks out my husband wanted to go to the movies. I really wanted to avoid it because I could not eat the popcorn but I caved and went. I could not avoid the popcorn so what I did was eat one piece every fifteen minutes and made sure I chewed really well. At first yes I watched the clock so I could figure out when I got my next piece but eventually I gave up and just watched the movie and sipped my Water. I know that was probably the wrong thing to do but some habits are just really hard to break and popcorn at movies is one of them.
  10. I am five weeks post op and all of a sudden my incisions have started itching. I find myself scratching my stomach all the time and looking like a nut. Since day one after the surgery I have put cocoa butter and mederma on my scars to reduce the appearance and really they are just specs now so that worked but the itching is driving me crazy. Is this normal so far after surgery.
  11. I have to say that the day after the sugery I thought it was the biggest mistake I had ever made. Even days afterwards I was thinking this was so stupid. Well 30 days later I am feeling so much better. Yes the eating is still a challenge, the exercise is a struggle, and choking down the vitamins is a pain but it is a lot better. I'm posting this for all the people who think it will never get better. I was one of those people. I am now getting my energy back. Energy I lost years ago. For the first time in forever I went outside and played with my kids. Baseball in the back yard has never been more fun. I also took my kids to a waterpark which would not have happen a few years back due to my image of myself being a whale. While I have only lost 36 pounds I have gained so much more. Now I put only 36 because again I know people reading this think to themselves I have not lost enough as compared to others. I quickly learned I will lose at my own pace and that scale will go up and down. I also put things in perspective. I have never lost 36 pounds in 30 days and probably will never do it again. So instead of thinking that was not enough weight lost I get excited at how much that really is. I am ready to tackle next month and see what I can accomplish. I'm headed on my anniversary cruise in a month and I cant wait to shop for new things and experience new adventures off the boat instead of just being able to tell people how great the food was.
  12. NewBeginnings

    30 Days Since Sleeved

    Redhead I am thrilled. The thing is you really lose sight of the weight loss because you see so many large numbers on this forum. It is also much harder than I think anyone realizes so the first month appears to be the hardest for most people. I am very happy with my loss and progress it just took me longer than I thought to appreciate it.
  13. NewBeginnings

    30 Days Since Sleeved

    First thanks to everyone. I swear I feel like I worked my butt off for that loss. I just want to reinforce that it does get better. I also have to say that I did not stand on the scale when I first came home. They said you would be bloated and I didnt want to get my feeling hurt. Last my tip is dont measure your weight loss against someone else's. I kept thinking I should lose so much more. Everyone is different. It will just take some time.
  14. NewBeginnings


    I am surprised you are on full liquids for so long. I would include a soft and mushy stage just to be safe. While you think you might be ready to move on your stomach may not.
  15. NewBeginnings

    Ladies, this question is for you

    I had not had a period for almost three years due to birth control. Right after the surgery I had one that seemed to last forever. Now I spot almost once a week. Right before it seems like I stall. Then the weight comes off later. Now I'm fresh into this so I dont know if that will continue but I will say my body is all out of whack so who knows. When I start spotting I get off the scale.
  16. NewBeginnings

    Feeling of regret.. :( :(

    Tamz you are not the only one. I dont know who came through this surgery with flying colors, but not I. I just got sleeved on May 17th and didnt leave the hospital until three days later. I could barely move at the hospital or drink anything and if not for the IV tube I would have probably been dehydrated. Somehow the nurses didnt do a good job with my IV's and both my arms were swollen twice their size. I could not drink, eat, sip, or even move. It took me four days before I could really do any walking and I was simply miserable. I had the headaches, the nausea and the gas was the worse. I'm telling you all this because I know your tired of hearing it but it does get better. I only have gas now when I eat too fast. I am able to sleep and really have no nausea. I told myself I would not complain and really had to repeat it several times. I also wrote in my journal I wouldnt be so negative regarding the whole procedure. I wrote all my negative feelings down and promised myself I would not mention them again until 30 days. My 30 day check in is June 17th and I have to say I am feeling so much better. Your doing just fine. This was a huge decision and you made the right choice.
  17. I was wondering if I could get some help from the board. I was sleeved on 5/17 and I'm having a rough time. The first problem I'm having is I have no energy. Everyone keeps talking about all this energy they have and I feel like I still need a nap. Also the gas has gotten a little better but is still an issue when I eat. I have to take a bite, wait to burp and then take another bite of food. I am taking previcid and that helps a little but the gas pain is nothing like I have ever experienced. I feel a tightness in my chest often when I eat making me really not want to keep eating, which is another problem. I am trying to get all my Protein and fluids in but it is really harder than I thought. I can only eat about 1 oz of food at a time and I'm eating every two hours. I'm just looking for some advice
  18. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

    Loo I am full after eating. I have learned when to stop. My problem is I'm hungry an hour or two later. I do eat more fish than chicken or beef. I tend to eat chicken and beef at work to not have the breakroom smelling fishy. I eat fish at home. I am going to try more protein shakes in this coming week. Maybe my sleeve wasn't ready. I will take a step back and see how it goes.
  19. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

    Loo I am eating really soft foods. My dr told me to switch to soft solids when I reached three weeks. "soft and mushy" but that includes fish, chicken, turkey, and lean ground beef. I was really excited to start eating and thought that would combat the constant hunger but it has not. Also I am eating very slow. Sometimes its taking me a half hour or more just for the one ounce of food. I have to admit all the work just makes me tired of eating and and some point I give up. Cold food is not tasty. Lynda I think I may try going to turkey meatballs and other turkey products. I am finding the beef is a little much right now and may be the cause of my tight chest. I also love your idea of the food free days. I was dying to eat food that I think I've gone gung ho trying to simply eat. The Protein shakes were so much simplier. Right now I only have my unjury which dont taste as good as nectar. I'm going to try just the shakes tomorrow and see how I feel. Cm 40 pounds is great. When have you lost 40 pounds that quickly before, but I do know how you feel. You see these big numbers that people post and want to see those results. I am so with you. I keep standing on that scale and getting mad its only moving ounces. I guess moving down in ounces is better than moving up in pounds. Meg thanks for the carb info. I know I dont get any carbs in other than my Protein Shakes. When you mentioned that it reminded me of the first time I tried atkins and had a two day headache. Yes the weight came off but I was so miserable I just wanted to lay in the bed. Im going to add a few whole grain crackers to my meals through out the day and see if that helps. I do have another question I am having such an issue with my chewable Vitamins. They are so sweet and actually make me feel like I have to puke, plus they are the biggest vitamins I have ever seen in my life. Any suggestions on how to keep them down.
  20. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

    Thanks Firefly. Everything helps me at this point. I'm trying to take in as much information as I can. I keep telling myself if I'm going to go as far as to have surgery then I better stay this motivated. I see people who have gained back the weight and I am scared to death. Hopefully that honeymoon period starts really soon.
  21. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved June 6th

    Valentina you are selfish and I'm sure this is probably the first time in your life you have ever been selfish. If selfish is trying to get yourself together, trying to get healthy, and trying to live a normal and productive life, well I think we are all selfish and have a right to be. I am so sorry to hear about your family issues but I am so glad you have a friend who is there to help you. Be thankful you are not experiencing any other pain. I like you pushed the button at the hospital and was terrified, but I've had no pain since I left the hospital. Dont let that one issue make you feel like you should not have had this surgery. Listen to your friend. I'm sure she is giving you great advice right now.
  22. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

    Mee, I went back to work Monday. I was not ready. I was only at half capacity and it was driving me crazy. I kept trying to do way too much. I manager a retail store and I kept trying to pick up boxes or move stuff. I should have really taken more time off but it was a lesson learned. I'm starting my second week and really I just find myself having to sent down a lot. I also find that i'm eating way too fast which is making me feel like I'm having a heart attack. My advice is to take it easy. Dont think your superwoman like I did. Big Mistake on my part.
  23. NewBeginnings

    Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

    Thank you Cm that is exactly how I feel. I thought it was just me. I am experiencing the exactly same thing. You were sleeved a few weeks before me so how are you doing now?
  24. Mking I had the same problem. I could not swallow for days after so they kept me in the hospital. The irritation was due to the throat tube. For me it was a little painful and I struggled swallowing everything. I have to tell you the pain does eventually go away. I am three weeks post of and that is one things I do not worry with any more. Now the gas is still here and I swear I feel it will never go away. I am taking the medicines the dr has perscribed and I have to say its getting better but still the worse gas I have ever had. I am still new at this but it will get better. I know everyone says this but it does.
  25. NewBeginnings

    4 weeks post op camping??

    Kasie I dont have the answer but I was wondering something similar myself. My approval came earlier than planned and at exactly 8 weeks I will be on a 7 day cruise. I didnt know there were any swimming restrictions. I am planning on being in the ocean. Now I'm scared.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
