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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Marimaru

  1. Marimaru

    gas pain and dumping

    There's no dumping syndrome associated with the band. Your intestines aren't altered in any way, it's just a band around the outside of your stomach organ. If you are on liquids, it would make some sense that you have liquid bowel movements, you know? Probably just try to avoid things that give you gas.
  2. Marimaru

    Please help my my lbt friends!!!

    "I am just panicing thinking how will I attend school and keep all of these babies." This is the phrase that really got my attention. These aren't your babies. I know they are your babies' babies, but that doesn't put ANY responsibility on you that you don't ask for. I have a niece and a nephew both under a year (2 younger sisters, 2 babies), and my mom is very careful to not get herself into a position where my sisters HAVE to rely on her. Mom loves them and babysits often, but she is asked before each time and it is planned in advance. I think it is WAY above and beyond the call of motherhood that you are staying with your daughter for 2 weeks after the next baby is born. Obviously this has been planned for a while and you probably don't want to back out on it, but now would be a good time to prep everyone for the idea that you aren't baby central! And your hubby can be retrained to fix his plate and get his salt :huggie:. I do stuff like that for my husband often, but not enough that it becomes a 'rule'. Most importantly, make time for bubble baths and deep breaths whenever you can.
  3. Marimaru


    I get the shoulder one all the time, and the one beneath my left breast less frequently. The general aches in the chest/stomach area for me are often relieved by something like gas-x. It's weird, but it works. Soft things you will definitely be able to eat more of than more solid things. As a general rule, you should it the solid stuff first, then veggies, and then if you have room, carbs and whatnot. :huggie:
  4. Marimaru

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Linda, just keep that old mantra "I didn't put it on in a year, it's okay if it takes me longer than a year to get it off" :huggie: Maurdan, thanks!! It's definitely always nice to hear things like that!
  5. Marimaru

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    There's nothing magical about reaching the one year mark. There's no 'window of opportunity" like the bypass has. It can be a bummer if you aren't where you want to be by a certain time, but that's about it. Unfortunately, some people have more trouble getting that "sweet spot" than others do. Good luck!
  6. Marimaru

    SAHM VS Working Mums

    My husband and I agree that for the first few years of our children's lives, one of us should be home, and someone should be home when they get home from school. Which one of us it is really is going to depend on who's making more money or in more of a position to do it. Right now, we both work for my mom, and even though we are moving out of state it's likely we'll still work for her, which may very likely mean working from home, which to me, is totally ideal. Our work is very project based (software development), so 8 to 5 doesn't mean anything, so if I work 4 hours on a Tuesday and 6 hours on a Saturday, that will be fine, as long as I get my project in on time. My sister is the office manager here, and her son is 5 months old. She stayed at home for a month, and her son comes to the office every day (WHICH I LOVE), and so, it's kind of the best of both worlds for her, because she was going stir crazy at home with just her and the baby. My sister's husband works here too, so he's got his whole family here. My mom was stay at home when I was little. She bred arabian horses for a living, so she could do that from home. When my dad went bankrupt, she did work at a private school so I could go there (the days she was lunch lady EVERYONE was excited, lol). When the private school called her in because I was being obnoxious, she pointed out that I was being obnoxious because I was bored, and FINISHED with my work, and the teacher told her that all 2nd graders had to be at the same level, so she pulled us out of that school and home schooled us for a year before we went to public school. After that she went to work, and there were lots of afternoons of walking my younger sister home from school and walking to the daycare to get our youngest sister to take home. I didn't realize it at the time, but that part of my childhood was very latch-key, and I would really like to avoid that with my kids one way or the other.
  7. Marimaru

    Do Men make good Single Parents?

    It's not fair to say that a man doesn't make a good single parent and it's not fair to say that women make good single parents. There are good single parents and bad single parents in both classes.
  8. I second the mp3 player. I listen to a lot of techno anyway, so I just load it up with good fast workout music and crank it. And like others have said you'll find that most of the people at the gym aren't so judgmental. I've come to realize that the 'thin and fit' people go to the gym to STAY that way, so they are aware of what it takes and they know that plenty of people need to GET that way first, so they are happy for people who are there, I used to get lots of smiles when I was new at my gym. Mostly I blend in now, I'm not one of the thin and fit people, but I'm not one of the just starting out people either. But you could also get a dvd to start with in your home. When you begin working out it's best not to go all out anyway, so once you kind of 'warm up' you might feel more ready to tackle the gym.
  9. Marimaru

    I'ts a Secret

    Essence, I'm glad you told him, but I'm really glad that he took it so well and is being so supportive. It's always a slap in the face to have a fear like that, and then to have it come true, you know? Are you getting anxious for your date? It's only a couple weeks off now!
  10. Marimaru

    Scuba Diving?????????????

    I'm an advanced diver and I've been on half a dozen dive trips since being banded. Diving itself has never caused me any kind of issues. Travel in general, whether it be for work or vacation is a stressor, and stress causes my band to tighten up, so it's good for me to have at least a full day between getting where I'm going and diving (just because they usually have fruit and stuff on the boats in between dives, and it's usually good to eat a little something). If the band were filled with air, I could see how it would cause an issue, but since it's a liquid, it shouldn't cause any problems. I would give it some time after you've been banded to kind of get used to how your band works for you, and then you'll have a pretty good idea how it'll treat you on vacation, you know? BTW, if you can, do the Manta Ray night dive in Hawaii, it is AWESOME.
  11. Marimaru

    A really long plateau....

    Kellie, the issue you are having describes perfectly how I use my band. Basically, I have to diet to lose weight, not 'watch what I eat' but diet. Dieting sucks, I've never been good at it and I can't do it all that long at a time, BUT when I am in between diets, I DON'T GAIN so I get to pick up right where I left off. If someone told me before hand that this is how it was going to work for me, I would totally still have done it. Since my 'plateaus' are mostly because I stop dieting so hard, the jump start is to watch my calories really close and stay around 1100.
  12. Marimaru

    "Stuck in the middle with you"

    I've been hovering between 195 and 205. I was 14 the last time I was near this weight and something in my brain is afraid of it I think. At some point I'll break thought and then I'll prolly get stuck at 180, lol
  13. Marimaru

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    I think the issue that most people have is that she's having band surgery AFTER having had lipo and a tummy tuck before she was even a teenager. And in the interview, her mother basically said "She's a compulsive eater, it's not her fault, but with the band, if she eats too much it'll come back up", which says to me that there has been no discussion about the need to AVOID PBing as much as possible. Like others have said, she's looking for a quick fix, and we all know the band takes work, and I don't think this girl has been prepared for it in any way. I believe this girl has been told that to lose weight she just needs adjustments and that will control everything for her.
  14. Marimaru

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    There is a recipes threads in the food forum, but if you are going to post more than a couple of your recipes (please?) you could start your own thread there. There are MANY recipe threads there, and no one will mind more ideas, I promise.
  15. Marimaru

    What Are Some People Thinking???

    Haha. You think they're thinking. It's arrogance. Arrogance is the biggest bane of society right now I think. The person on the freeway who nearly smashes into you because they don't look before they move over; they don't look because they are *sure* that if someone is there, they'll move for THEM. The insurance companies that hold coverage over our heads just because they can. It's all some form of arrogance. He paid money for his band, so it should automagically work. I don't know what the 2nd person thought... that the band would stop her if it was bad? That nothing bad would happen just because she wanted something? Dunno. As for the 3rd person, the arrogance in that is that she has decided that the band goes on the outside, and facts be damned. I get so frustrated by arrogance. My husband and I call it "Jackassery", especially on the road. We are both the type of people that like to understand what people are thinking, or how their thought process works, and this just frustrates us both because there's no logic to it. Even people I know personally have it pretty bad, and I KNOW they weren't raised that way. Of course, someone somewhere thinks I'm an arrogance jackass too, so, it works both ways, I guess.
  16. Marimaru

    I am getting pics!!!

    Can't wait to see!
  17. Marimaru

    lap band complications?

    Cherry- it could be unrelated to the band too, you could just have a stomach bug or something... be careful not to jump to conclusions Peggy, I don't know what to tell you, I also am 3 years out, but I don't have alot of pain like you describe. I went through a period of pain in the upper right of the abdomen but gall bladder checked out fine and my doctor couldn't find anything with xrays and it eventually went away... I'll go to a different doc if it ever comes back, just to be sure, but who knows. Hope you get an answer soon. Mystery pain is REALLY annoying.
  18. Marimaru

    Define "eating around the band"...

    Yeah, high calorie things that pass through, like ice cream, milk shakes, chips, cookies (it's mean like that), or drinking while you are eating to help stuff pass the band so you can eat more. Drinking high calorie drinks too. Basically, eating things that are counter-intuitive to losing weight, and finding a way to do it despite the band. Hope this helps!
  19. Marimaru

    Picking Goal??

    Well, I'm 5' 6", and started at 280. 165 is the lowest weight I actually remember (jr. high, dad had me on slim fast, and on the scale every day)... My goal is 140, which would be half my highest weight and right in the middle of "normal" BMI. If I could get to 160 I think I'd be a happy camper though, so I've decided that while 140 is my goal as far as numbers go (calculating half way there and such), I will evaluate things at 160.
  20. Marimaru

    Too Much Stupid In The World

    This site is great; Etiquette Hell I'll warn you though, it's like a train wreck, you can't look away once you start!
  21. Marimaru


    I feel the need to chime in, as I seem to have a different view on the porn issue. For the guys who will watch porn VS. intimacy with their partners, yes, I can see equating that to adultery, however, I will watch it WITH my DH, sort of as a form of foreplay. We don't do it all the time, not even most of the time or half the time. Every now and then one of us will say "hey let's make a night of it" and that kind of implies starting off with porn. Usually it's on for like 10 minutes and then we aren't paying attention anymore. The only time he watches it by himself, is when I'm out of town, or when he's gotten something new he wants check out, and usually I'm here. It's just a different view, I guess. To the women who's husbands are replacing their sex lives with porn, I second what Green said, about suggesting that since they are finding an alternative, you should be able to find an alternative. You don't even really have to mean it, to get them to think about it, probably.
  22. One of mine is about a cup size bigger than the other. It's really annoying.
  23. Marimaru

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    This is how it came off to me as well. I think the lipo surgery in and of itself was horrible, because I don't think that lipo should be used as a weight loss solution (because you don't learn anything and just keep eating the way you were), let alone on a TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL. I think that the lap band will become very popular for teenagers, but I think that they should definitely have some severe psych evals, which this girl's mother thought this was "just red tape and money". This girl is not going to learn anything, and she is risking the more severe complications of the band if she follows her mother's theory of "she can't control what she eats, and with the band she can only eat so much and the rest comes up". She did not strike me as a mature 13 year old. She struck me as a young girl who thinks she is mature (I have a sister like that) but doesn't actually have much wisdom. Which is fine for a young girl... that's what parents are for (sigh).
  24. Marimaru

    Remeber the 12 yr that had lipo ? GUESS WHAT ?

    Honestly, I'm more okay with a 13 year old having the band (not really okay, but kind of okay, depending on the kid) than the idea that this girl has had plastic surgery like a tummy tuck and lipo. There are a number of stories about teens being banded, and for the most part, they seem mature and determined to make it work. This girl (first of all, holy cow, that's 13?!) want a perfect body YESTERDAY (don't we all) and her mother seems to refuse to tell her life just doesn't work that way. They say that she lost 15 lbs in the 3 weeks she's been banded, but I'm curious to know whether she followed even the most lenient surgeon's version of the post surgery diet. Sure, there are people who eat ice cream as a mushy, but it's still mushy. I have visions of tacos and pizza. Probably I am being too judgmental based on that little video clip alone, but I agree that the mother should be checked out. There are certain beliefs that you just don't get unless you are brought up that way, and being 12 and thinking that surgery is the answer to all that doesn't look right, is one of those things. As a side note, there was a woman I met who got banded needing to lose 50 lbs (which I scoffed at, but would do now, with about 50 lbs to lose), and had had like a dozen other plastic surgeries before and since then. She was taking her 12 year old daughter to a surgeon in MX for the balloon (balloon inflated in stomach to take up space) for weight loss. The woman said she had like 15 lbs to lose. I saw her again, and she said her daughter gained weight on it. I was chatting with my mom and said that probably she didn't follow any rules. It's more of a first hand sighting of a similar situation.
  25. Marimaru

    Eating at work

    I nibble my meals too. Probably it would be easy to get a note from your doctor that said you've had restrictive surgery that requires you to eat less and more slowly.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
