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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by loseforlife

  1. Visalus is awesome! Over 100 different recipes like butterfinger, peanut butter cup, simply mix in different flavors of sugar free jello pudding. go to my website at http://vrivers.bodybyvi.com you can order and have it delivered to you. the supplements are aweome too, Check it out!
  2. loseforlife

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I am anxious to see the reply's that you get to this post. I too am considering a tummy tuck. I am 12 pounds from goal and don't want to do it until I reach my desired weight. I have many of the same questions. Congratulations on your success!
  3. I have not posted in quite a long while, but I check the site and read other's posts on a daily basis. My journey thus far has been interesting, at least to me. I have never once regretted my decision to have this procedure. I say interesting because my rate of loss has been much slower than I anticipated and much slower than most others on this site. Slow rates of loss is a new experience for me. In my long yo yo dieting history I have always lost at a fairly quick pace. Now, it never came off nearly as fast as I could put in on, mind you! (Funny how that happens, right?). I have never questioned whether this procedure was the right one for me but I must admit I fell victim to comparing my loss to others posting on the board. It at times did a number on my intellectual understanding and truthfully had me perplexed! But I am proud to say that I am enticingly close to a NORMAL BMI!!! And less than 20 pounds to goal! There was a time or two where I actually questioned whether I was nearing the point where I would not lose any more though I knew I still had a long way to go before I was finished! I am posting tonight especially for other slow losers like myself. Hang tough, keep doing what you know you should be doing and try not to get too caught up in the negative thoughts that can invade your thoughts when comparing your loss pace with others. While slow and steady may not win the race it most assuredly will finish the race! Also, remember the race is not just to get to the finish line but enjoy the journey...to a happier, healthier and longer life. We must keep our heads up and our eyes on te prize...the life we want to live. Healthier, happier and more abundant! Enjoy the journey and encourage others along the way! I have noticed of myself in past weight loss success that I can become almost self righteous and I have noticed that other former fatties sometimes become that way too. Remember where we started, how we got there and how easily we could be again were it not for this amazing tool. Not much about this process has been easy but imagine how much harder it would be without the tool. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me without even knowing that you had. Taking the time and energy to respond to others posts encourages even those like me who don't post that often, Vickie
  4. loseforlife

    The Tortoise and the Hare

    Thank you to all of you for the responses to my post. I am glad that I could share some thoughts on my journey and provide some words of encouragement to others for a change. It occurred to me before posting that I get so much encouragement from others posts what if everyone were like me and just took it all in without putting anything out there. I wanted to give back some of what if have received here. We all need to be there for each other. When i first started this journey and was scared, confused and overwhelmed I turned to the board with questions, concerns and an occasional "whine" session and like a true friend this board was always there for me. When those initial fears were calmed and life began to settle down to the new normal I stopped posting. I realized that was very selfish of me and wanted to take the time to give back a little. Thank you to the frequent posters and the very dependable cheerleaders...you all know who you are, We can always count on each of you to be there to pick us up, cheer us on and share yourself with all of us! I hope that I can be at least a fraction of the inspiration that all of you are. Good luck to all of you as you continue on this lifelong journey and congratulations to all on your success so far! As the old carpenters song said, "We have only just begun!" Vickie
  5. loseforlife

    Feeling discouraged

    Chin up, it could be losts worse. I had my surgery about the same time as you and I have only lost 32 pounds. and I have lost only 4.2 pounds since July 25th! Like someone else said though I seem to be losing inches at a different rate than pounds! I just bought some size 10 jeans about 2 weeks ago and they are loose already. It is hard not to get discouraged, especially when we feel like we took such drastic measures it seems the weight loss would be more drastic as well. I just try to keep doing what I know I need to do with food and exercise. It will happen at it's own pace. it is hard not to compare yourself to others though. But nothing productive comes from getting discouraged. All we can really control is how we let it affect us! Good luck and keep your chin up! We will get there eventually! Vickie
  6. I am 8 days post op and doing pretty well. I am pretty much able to get my protien in by drinking 2 mega protien shakes (2 types of protien powder per shake) and am really close to getting 64 oz of fluids in. I noticed this morning that my tongue has the horrible white/yellow coating all over it. Has anyone else experienced this and is it a cause for concern? I looked on the internet and it says it can be a sign of inflamation, infection or dehydration. I really don't think I am dehydrated as unrine is good and I am getting my liquids in. My energy level is pretty low which is why I am doing the mega protien shakes. It seems like I heard that a coated tongue can be a sign of enemia. I am not taking Iron except what is in Centrum Complete. I don't go for my follow up appointment until June 17 (1 month post-op) and hate to call the doc if it is nothing. Along with the coating is horrible taste, I keep brushing my teeth but it doesn't seem to help. Thanks for any responses you can give, I really appreciate all that take the time to respond to posts. Vickie
  7. loseforlife


    I have eaten watermelon since 3 weeks post op and have no problems other than eating a bite or two too much early on and then it coming back up. It goes down really easily so take it slow, you can eat too much without feeling it until it is too late! Nothing terribly tragic if you do, just unpleasant but it comes up and is over very quickly. Goiod luck and enjoy! Vickie
  8. loseforlife

    Mini goal!!!

    First let me say congratulations! That is unbelievable progress! Now let me whine a little bit, please! Life is really not fair! Why is it that men lose so much more so much faster than we ladies? I am 2 months out today and I haven't even lost 30 pounds yet! Maybe I am doing something wrong! Please tell me what your normal routine as far as exercise and food are concerned. Maybe I can emulate you and have better results than I am having now. I realize that men are more muscle than women and that muscle burns fat faster or at least that is what I have heard all of my adult life, but 30 more pounds, jeesh! Please share! And again, I am thrilled for you, way to go! Good luck on the rest of the journey! Vickie
  9. My doc said if I didn't get a leak in the first 2 weeks I would never have a leak. He said one of the main things I would notice would be a racing heart rate and fever. He said following the instructions during those 2 weeks post op and not overfilling the sleeve would usually prevent a leak. He said there is rarely a leak at the beginning of the staple line but yes they do glue in addition to the stqaples.
  10. loseforlife

    75 pounds!

    Disney Addict, Thank you for your post and CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a lot of weight in the time since your surgery! I want to tell you, you crack me up! Some of your comparison's remind me so much of my husband! Too funny! Talking about the weight loss and not being able to tell looking at yourself, I went shopping yesterday for a dress to wear to my son's rehearsal dinner on Friday and I came home so frustrated and feeling so fat! I told my husband, "I wonder how fat I really was before I lost this little bit of weight! I was stuffing myself into size 14 dresses and I wore 14's before the surgery!" I really thought I would be in a 12. I stopped weighing myself everyday because I found it too defeating and it put me in a bad mood, so now I only weigh on Mondays. Last Monday at 2 weeks post op I had lost 10.5 pounds, but I had lost about 10 pounds before the surgery from my highest point. I think I had really buried my head in the sand about how heavy I really was. I used to tell people that I was the polar opposite of anorexic's. They look in the mirror and see fat when there is nothing but bones. I would look in the mirror and see "fine" when there was nothing but fat and rolls! lol! Well ignorance was bliss, I guess! I know that we didn't put the weight on overnight, but it seemed like it because it was so much fun eating and doing it right? I told my husband yesterday that the results of this are going to be really nice, but the process was no fun at all!! Keep the posts coming I love your sayings! Post some pictures so that we can all give you the affirmation that you need and that you are unable to give yourself at this point! Vickie
  11. loseforlife

    Just Getting Started

    I originally started this process thinking I wanted the lap band, but like you after attending the seminar and doing massive online research decided that the sleeve was for me. The surgeon said that he would recommend the band with my low BMI (didn't feel real low to me!) but I told him that I had researched it and that I did not want the band that I thought the sleve was the best option for me. He then proceeded to tell me all of the advantages of the sleeve and the disadvantages of the band! I said, "exactly! that is why I want the sleeve!" since I was self pay it was a pretty quick process but I did have to do the psych evaluation. I think it is standard operating procedure. Mine was a piece of cake and lots of the questions were ridiculous! Dont sweat it, like you say I think they just want to make sure you are stable. I was pretty surprised to find out though that my surgeon requires you to be off some of the antidepressants for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery, mine was one of them. And you know many of these you can't just get off cold turkey. Luckily I had already decided that I didn't need mine anymore and had already come off of mine. (effexor). I am just 2 weeks and a day post op so I am pretty new at it, but I will tell you that the surgery was tougher than I expected. And post op eating is difficult initially. I do not get hungry, in fact have to force myself to eat and the protien shakes get hard to take. I think I could gladly never have another one! lol but I did this to be healthy and getting enough protien is part of it so I do what I have to do! I understand that eating gets much better, but the love affair that you had with food seems to be history! that's ok though, my goal was to eat to live not live to eat as I did before surgery Mission accomplished. Also, since I have less to lose it is definitely coming off much slower than I had anticipated. You must learn patience cause the weight doesn't just fall off, it is a process. I found that I thought since I had taken such drastic measures that I would get drastic results,,,that has not been the case and from what I understand from others posting is not to be expected. The difference though that I keep reminding myself of is that this time the weight is gone forever not just until I reach goal or until this diet is over. This is not a diet it is a change in lifestyle, one that will last the rest of our lives. I still don't really understand why the weight isn't coming off faster though because initially post op you usually get less than 500 calories a day! Now eating mushies I don't get many more than that still. but this last week I lost about 2 pounds! That is only the 2nd week. Totally I have lost 10.1 pounds. And from other posts this is not unusual. Many of us expected a longer ":honeymoon" period, I don't want to discourage you I just want you to be fully armed with the reality and not have unrealistic expectations. I still think that long term this was a good decision for me but there is definitely an ajustment period. I do not get hungry, ever! At least not so far, but I have definitley mourned food! I went to the movies and smelled that popcorn and even though I wasn't hungry I wanted to be able to eat it and mourned not being able to have any. I dearly LOVE watermelon and I can now have it on my mushies diet but I can only eat about 4 or 5 small bites! I used to eat my weight in it. Even the healthy stuff you can only eat so much because your small stomach is very small! I hope I have not discouraged you and have helped you to see all sides to this decision. Good luck and let me hear how you are doing. Vickie
  12. Before surgery i was taking two fiber gummies a day to help with irregularity. Now, post op I'm not irregular I don't go at all! Do you all think it would be alright to restart my fiber gummies? I will probably call the Dr or nut tomorrow but thought some of you might have experience with this issue. Thanks for any info!
  13. From reading tons of posts it seems some doctors allow their patients to eat mushies (including tuna) one week out. Others keep their patients on full liquids for up to 3 weeks post op. My doc lets you go to mushies after 2 weeks. If you have not had issues already you will probably be ok, however, it is important to follow the plan that your doctor has laid out for you. I think the concern is that you will overfil or stress the stomach and "spring a leak". My doc said if I made it the first two weeks without a leak then I would likely never have a leak. He said that was the major "risk" of the procedure. Needless to say, I did't want complications requiring further major surgery so I followed the plan to the letter. I would rather be safe than sorry. It is too early to start "cheating" for lack of a better phrase. I don't mean to be harsh, but when you start feeling hungry have a protien shake, it is sure to cure your hunger! LOL, they are horrible aren't they. Good luck, please don't take any unneccesary risks, we have the rest of our lives to begin eating again. You can do this! Vickie
  14. loseforlife

    My First Post-Op Photo Share

    Wow! You don't even look like the same person! You look amazing, congratulations. It only gets better from here, right? Vickie
  15. loseforlife


    It's funny that you all are talking about this because I was not told not to chew gum. After surgery I had terrible dry mouth so I bought some gum and chewed it. It was definitely different but didn't cause any problems. I think the reason it isn't a good idea is because it stimulates production of gastric juices in the stomach. I could feel them pumping and had a very empty feeling in my stomach. It was not pleasant but not painful. I chewed the gum only for a few minutes and spit it out, just long enough to freshen the mouth and breath. I attempted anothe piece last week (I am two weeks post op today) and it had the same effect. Again I chewed for only a few minutes and then spit it out. I plan to ask my Dr about gum when I go for my first post op appointment on June 17th.
  16. I return to work tomorrow and I guess my biggest concern other than my ability to get my fluids and protiens in while working is that everyone knows about my surgery and I am afraid with so little lost that they too will be shocked at no difference in my appearance. They too expected that I would lose very quickly. I have heard others post that they were concerned that they would be the office spectacle, I wish I was going to be. I am afraid they will be able to tell no difference, because I...

  17. I am two weeks post op today and feeling pretty good. I have started my mushies and so far am tolerating them very well. I have had scrambled egg beaters (about 1/4 cup before cooked). I have also had watermelon: i used to could just about eat my weight at one setting. Now can only handle about a half cup, and that is with small waits between bites. I had 3 ritz crackers with tuna salad today also. No problems so far.

  18. loseforlife

    Need help and advise...

    wow do I feel you pain! I too am in a stall and not even 2 weeks post op! It is funny that prior to my surgery I did not see many posts about weight loss stalls, it seemed that everyones weight was falling off at a good clip! And now, post op, it seems everyone is talking about stalls!!! Divine intervention maybe, because maybe I would have had second thoughts about this drastic step had a seen these things pre-op. At least we are not alone. I remember one UTube post that I watched right before the surgery that said "You will lose the weight, you can't mess this up! the weight will come off, how can it not!" Something is going on in our bodies, and the human body is the greatest computer ever invented. God knew what He was doing when He created us, we have to leave it in His hands and know that it will all work out! Right? I am trying to remind myself that this is different. This time the 10 pounds that I have lost are now gone forever, never to retufn. Not like the 25 that I lost only to come back in 3 to 6 months! We have to start focusing on more positive things and not get bogged down in the negative! We have to fight the urge and think about the things that we want! Our thoughts will be become our reality! Sending positive thooughts your way!
  19. loseforlife

    The post op happy dance and giving back idea

    Cngratulations on your speedy recovery! It sounds like you are doding great. Your give back idea is so generous and I agree would be a great diversion from watching the scales and stressing over what is going on with the body and the weight loss and did I do the right thing mind game! I would love to be included in your pool of potential winners! I'm sure you will have great success with such an awesome attitude! Good luck! Vickie
  20. loseforlife

    2 days post op

    Take heart, this too shall pass! Almost all of us have experienced the same things and had the same worrisome thoughts! I remember thinking, "whata have I done?" I too found it very difficult to drink anything, it hurt like heck when it hit my stomach, no matter how small the sip. it does get better! Can't say that for the protien shakes after 2 weeks of nothing but them, ha, but like I said "this too shall pass". I know that you are concerned to get the protien in but really the day after surgery just need to be sure you get enough liquid to stay hydrated. You can worry about the protien in a couple of days when you are able to drink better. Try some special K Protein packs for your Water, it has 5 g so that is something until you can handle the shakes. Your lucky that you are able to sleep, I had terrible insomnia..still pretty bad, take it easy on yourself and try to relax, think happy thoughts and take it one day at a time. Each day is a little better than the last. Don't be too concerned if you experience a pretty good degree of weakness next week, that too will get better. You body has been though a lot and it will take some time to adjust physically and emotionally. I was pretty emotional at day 3, I don't know if that is "standard protocol" or if it was just me but if it happens to you don't let it overly concern you. Good luck to you, you will be fine! Vickie
  21. loseforlife

    ** HELP **

    As they say and you can see, everyone progresses differently. I had my surgery on a Monday, came home the next day. I wasn't really in that much pain except that I hurt everytime I took a swallow of anything. Also, they had me drinking an ounce of liquid every 15 minutes. I felt like I was constantly having to watch the clock and drink. My doctor told me it would take 2 weeks so I prepared my work for that and boy am I glad I did. After the first week the pain was not a problem but weakness was! I would have never been able to return after a week. I go back for the first time Tuesday after the holiday and I think I will be fine. I just have to remember to take time every couple of hours to "eat a protien shake"! The story of our sleeved lives now! ha. Working from home should be doable but my advice is to see if you can do it partial days for the first week back, You should be fine. Good luck! It's really not that hard post op, we don't have many options for the first couple of weeks! Just drink every 15 minutes the first few days and then try to choke down a few protien shakes daily and bottled water! Your good to go! Vickie
  22. loseforlife

    A GOOD protein Powder

    I am sitting here drinking another horrible protien shake telling my husband I just want to puke even thinking about it! I thought I had found one I liked before surgery but after 2 weeks of nothing but these dang things I no longer like them at all. In fact, I can hardly take them! Of course I am putting extra protein powder in them and mixing them with light silk soy milk ( which is pretty thick), I think it is the consistency that is getting me more than anything. When I saw this post, my heart started beating fast!! lol. I will definitely have to try these, if it is even tolerable with 60 grams of protien and only needing to mix with water instead of expensive milk, hey that is a winner in itself! I am allowed to go to mushies Monday but I am starting them tomorrow! What can one day hurt, right? I already have it planned, I am having some watermelon! HEAVEN! and I am going to try some eggbeaters! It's amazing isn't it how little it takes to excite us these days? Of course I would be even more excited if my scale would move! It's too early in this game to be having a stall! These extreme measures should yeild extreme results right? Thanks a bunch, everyone, I will be going to GNC tomorrow!
  23. loseforlife


    I had bought a pill crusher before surgery because my handouts said I would need to crush them but at discharge I asked the doctor about a capsule and he said I dont make my patients crush them or break them open, you can take them normally. I think you should be fine like they said if you doh't have trouble swallowing and if they aren't time released. Good luck!
  24. loseforlife

    Recovery Time....

    My Doctor said two weeks but that some folks with desk jobs felt like returning after a week. I told my employer 2 weeks and so glad I did; there was no way I would have been ready in one week even though I do have a desk job. I just had too much weakness after 1 week. I am 11 days post op now and return to work on Tuesday after the holiday. It just seems to take me FOREVER to get ready in the morning, very sluggish! I am also concerned about being able to take the time to get the liquid and protien requirements in. When I am at work it is nonstop all day, I hope I will be able to take the time to get the supplements in as i will still be on mostly liquids. Otherwise I feel like 2 weeks is adequate. Quite frankly, I am ready to get back to work and get my mind off all of this for a while. Good luck to you, you are so fortunate to have your Mom to help. I had always had my mom in the past as well, but she passed in December so it was really hard doing this without her help! I went into fresh mourning all over again. Cherish her and the time that you have together! You will do great although expect a roller coaster of emotions! I believe there is bright light at the end of this tunnel.

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