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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by loseforlife

  1. loseforlife

    Day 18 Post Op

    Hi Michelle, I was just finished posting in my journal about yesterday and "blue" is exactly how I stated I felt all day. I attributed it to the weather which was very dark clouds and rain off and on all day. But we needed it so badly here that I was really glad to see it, so maybe it was hormones. I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that the scale didn't move yesterday! lol. I am at day 11 post op and yesterday was the first time the scale didn't move at all. This morning I was down a little over 1/2 pound so maybe this will be a better day. Interestingly enough, day before yesterday I did not get my protien in. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it or not, too soon to tell I think. What protien shake did you find? My protien shakes that I used to like are starting to nauseate me! I really like herbalife dutch chocolate but it just doesn't have enough protien. I think it is 9 g and with light soy milk of 6g it totals 14 grams. Since I am only able to hold so much I have been trying to really boost the protien so I am using an additional scoop of Top Care vanilla with it that packs a whopping 20 grams making my shake 35 grams! At that rate I only need to get 2 down but for some reason they have begun to make me feel sick after getting about 1/2 down. How much protien does yours have per shake? I got some protien shots from GNC and I just cannot stomach them, they are aweful!!! You had 3 weeks off work? I go back Tuesday and I am actually looking forward to going back, maybe having something else on my mind other than this "journey" will help. As crazy as it seems, I am bummed that I have only lost 10.1 pounds since surgery. That doesn't seem too bad but I looked back in my journal and I have only lost 3.1 lbs since last Friday! That seems extremly low this early in the process! Does it to you? I mean when you consider I am getting at best about 500 calories a day it seems like it should be more. I mean I was eating more calories in a day that I eat in a week now! And it doesn't seem like inches are coming off, you know how sometimes the scales don't move but inches are falling off? Well that isn't happening either that I can tell. I know that I need to be patient, but that has really never been one of my stong points! And truthfully any weight lost is a victory I guess I just thought with such drastic measures, results would have been much more drastic! Does that make sense? I am thinking when I go back to work no one will be able to tell any difference at all! It is really interesting to me how some people just melt off the pounds very quickly and others hit stalls and it comes very slow! I can't figure out what the difference is attributed to. Everyone seems pretty consistent in what they are doing. Good luck to you and keep posting! Have a great memorial day weekend, sans the typical cook outs...that will be different this year,m won't it?
  2. at least for the first few weeks. I didn't get my protien in yesterday,maybe that is why. Trying to get it in today but struggling, I am now feeling nauseous with my shakes and can hardly get them down. They taste good but I feel terrible after getting about halfway finished. I handle my powdered cream of chicken soup with 5g of added protien fine.

  3. Hi, was just wondering how you were doing! You were right I totally overdid it on Monday, paid for it Tuesday. How much weight have you lost? Today was the first day that I didn't move an ounce! I have lost 9.5 since surgery and I was very disappointed this morning. In my rational mind I guess 9.5 is pretty good but for some reason I am disappointed. I realy thought I would lose more

  4. Today was the best day I have had since my surgery last Monday. I had good energy and was able to get my protien and liquids in. I was also able to walk for about 35 minutes this evening. Official weight lost since surgery is 8.1 lbs but had lost around 10 before surgery.

  5. Hi Weho,

    My name is Vickie, screen name loseforlife, I had my surgery on Monday the 16th and it looks like our goals are almost identical. I live in Ocean Springs, MS but one of my best friends lives in Fort Worth, she is a pharmacist at Walgreens. She reloacated there several years after Katrina. Looks like you are doing really well on your weight loss, take it easy tomorrow will ...

  6. loseforlife

    Swallowing pain?

    I have experienced the exact same thing!! I thought I must be crazy because my surgeon was clueless and said "Hmm, Ive never heard that before!" Really? Great! He also warned about drinking cold and said It might be causing spasms. Another acquaintance said I must be taking too big of gulps! Well it didn't really matter whether I took a small sip of a gulp it hurt bad! It has gotten better most of the time but seems to get bad again at nite. I had refulx before the surgery and apparently I will continue to have it after the surgery. Like they said; not the kind that comes up in your thoat but painful none the less. I have just heard about strictures and am a little concerned about that if this continues. Now I am experiencing pain in my mid back like I did before I got on my reflux medicine. I take a pepcid complete the in morning and tonight I tood another one due to the back pain. It did help for a little while. I figured and continue to hope that it is merely still inflamation and swelling of the stomach and that it will improve over time. Thanks to this board for making all of this information available. I learn something each time I get on. Vickie
  7. loseforlife

    Day 10 Post Op

    Tomorrow will be one week since my surgery and I have been very concerned with total lack of energy which seems to get a little worse each day! I had seen posts before my surgery that most folks felt like going back to work after one week. My doc said 2 weeks and that some people with desk jobs feel good enough to go back to work after 1 week. I am so grateful that I told my employer that I would be off for 2 weeks; there is no way I could go back to work tomorrow! My pain is pretty much gone, still lets me know when I move too quickly and when I first stand up, but certainly tolerable. I only take my pain med when I go to bed and that is mostly to aid in sleep! I have had a hysterectomy so I don't have the period issues, however, I feel for you, I imagine that makes the energy level even worse! I was really concerned about the energy issue and was going to call the nutritionist tomorrow. I am trying to address it by increasing the protien levels, still not up to the 60 grams but getting close. But when I counted my calories today which is by far more than any other day, it still totals less than 400 calories! That is amazing to me! How can we not be weak? This morning it took me about 3 hrs to shower, hair, makeup and clothes! I kept having to rest! I think I need to get my calories up, but how? Any input on how many calories you were getting at this point and how to get energy level up in liquid phase. Thanks for everyones responses, they are so helpful for all of us even if we don't post on each thread!
  8. loseforlife

    still hurting

    I had my sleeve surgery on Monday morning. I came home yesterday. They really didn't give me liquids at all until right before I came home yesterday. They have instructed me to drink one ounce of liquid (Water or crystal light) every 15 minutes. Each time I drink whether I take very small sips or medium sips, as soon as the liquid hits my stomach I have extreme pain for a brief time. I spoke to someone who had the procedure and they said I was drinking too much too fast, to sip the one ounce over the 15 minute period. I have tried that and still no real difference, and besides how can you sip nonstop all day long? I am concerned that I am not getting enough liquid and very concerned about the pain, as it seems like an unusual happening. I have to call the clinic tomorrow to report on my incisions and plan to tell them but I told the DR before I left the hospital. I figured it would go away but as of yet it has not. They also told me to get 64 ounces of Fluid a day but if I drink one ounce every 15 minutes for 12 hours that is only 48 ounces. I am drinking special K Protein water and I tried some of my Protein shake this afternoon and about an hour after drinking I had an episode of reflux of a clear slimy substance...not the shake. I assume this is gastric juices as I have heard of similar instances on this forum. I realize it is still very soon and I am trying not to worry, but I'll be honest I was not expecting to be in this much discomfort. I have not really been able to pass any gas other than a few burps. Can you offer any suggestions or reassurances. Thanks Lose for Life
  9. loseforlife

    still hurting

    Thanks for the advice. I am drinking room temperature Special K Protein Water. The doc told me that drinking cold might make the stomach spasm, so I have not done that. The protien shake yesterday wasd cold and I did not notice any difference other than it did seem to go down a little easier, but again aferwards has the slime. I feel like most of my pain is still trapped gas and air. I have not been able to pass gas except for finally 2 small releases early this morning. I remember when I had my c section and hysterectomy that warm tea or drinks did help me move that trapped gas. I will try some decaf warm tea today and see how that works. The pain is a little better today but drinking does seem to intensify the "gassy" feeling. Thanks again, I will keep you all aprised of my progress and will definitely try some of the g2 gatorade for the electrolytes until I can start gettng all of my liquids in.
  10. loseforlife

    Profile Picture

    September 2010

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
