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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Midijola

  1. Good luck Idlewood with your surgery in a few days!! The more I read here the more I know a sleeve is for me. I have read in other threads how some surgeries took longer than expected due to band 'dramas' being removed, when done at the same time. The fact after surgery he believes I am still a candidate just with a bit more wait time for safety measures, is good enough for me.

    I think still I may call around and find out about which surgeons have done more revision surgeries. Thanks all for your input!

  2. I live in Australia, and I made some enquiries prior to my band removed with other surgeons if they did the procedure at the same time. From the other two I contacted they both said it is standard practise to do it in two separate surgeries to allow healing of the band scar and to at least wait two months (In Australia that is). Prior to my band removal he told me that it was possible that I wouldn't be able to have the sleeve due to what I have already mentioned. He also noted the risks involved before my surgery (possible leaks with long hospital stays, even death)

    The stats here are that only 1% of patients get a leak from a sleeve procedure. I have seen in other countries the stats are as high as 4-5%. My surgeon has never had a leak and he believes it is because he will not operate if he feels the risk is too high. So I am trusting in his judgement - he said he hardly puts bands in anymore, either removes them and or puts in sleeves. He said he has 'opened' people up and 'closed' up without doing anything due to scarring, inflammation etc.

    LivelyTerry, have you had your sleeve done? How long did you wait between surgeries?

  3. Thanks for all your input. After seeing how so many on these boards get their sleeve and band removed in one procedure, and hearing your stories of still having the sleeve after being told to wait. I want to go ahead and have the sleeve done.

    I guess the concern for me is the Dr saying that if I had a leak (higher risk due to scarring making stomach tissue weaker because of the band) he said I could be in hospital for months in ICU, possibly death. Its pretty scary thoughts when I have my family to think about. But weighing up the risks, which of course are very low. It's better to take the risk and be around much longer to watch my children grow up and take a more active role in their lives. Thanks everyone.

    I hope to book in for April, allowing for the 6 month wait as he suggested.

  4. I just hand my band removed after 6 years in. My doctor originally told me he could do the revision sleeve surgery in two months. Post op from the band removal he said there was too much scarring and now have to wait at least 6 months. Even then he said it may not be doable. Most, from what I have read have had the revision surgery done at the same time. Anyone told they had to wait, if so how long?

    I almost felt like he was talking me out of the revision due to the potential risk of leakage. I am unsure of taking the risk but am certain I want a sleeve. Any thoughts?

  5. Hi there Utahns,

    I thought I would :popcorn:in and say Hi! I had my first fill last week and I lost almost 10lbs. Man I feel like the "biggest loser" :confused: I think tho the little bit of restricition I had is starting to wear. I shall see how my 2nd week progresses. Its a holiday weekend here and we are headed out of town I cant wait! I am so stoked with my results from my first fill!


    Take care....your aussie pal


  6. Hi there Utahns!!!

    Jessica I am doing Grrreat!!! Thanks for asking! How are you? I really am surprised how well I have pulled through. I saw my surgeon last Monday for my 2 week post op visit and he said everything looks good. I asked him when i can start playing hockey again (field hockey, I am very slow but still have some skills! LOL) he said when I feel up to it either this week or next. I went to practice this week and took it easy, seamed OK and so i played today. All my team mates cant believe I had surgery 2 and a half weeks ago and am playing a rough sport!

    So I am happy. I have lost this week 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) I just cant seem to only weigh in once a week. My official weigh in is Monday, and it isnt often that I say "I cant wait to weigh in?!?!?!?"

    Anyway, thanks for letting me pop in here. :) Salt Lake is my second home. Its possible I might be coming out in January. Which will be great, freezing but great!!!

    Take care fellow bandits!!! Your Aussie pal.......Di

    PS: Wen I had to do 4 wks on a VLCD and so I did Optifast. It is tough the 1st few days but your body will go into starvation mode. I lost 8kg in that time (almost 18lbs). My only advice drink lots and lotsa Water. That will help fill you up. Good luck it is worth it!!

  7. Glad you dopped in, Di! Where did you live when you were here for five years? Were you a student? Let us know how things are going over there--I'm sure there are many similarities as well as differences. Good luck to you! Karen

    Hi Karen and Sandy,

    Thanks for your warm welcome. Man what a hectic week I have had!! I am a student, and have had assignments due and exams this week. Being only less than 2 weeks post op it has been tough. Glad its over now so I can get back to things I enjoy....like visiting you here on the world of chat.

    This week with the band has been alright. I need to get onto a routine again tho. I have my 2 week check up on monday...not sure what he will say but will also see the dietician.

    As to your coupla questions Sandy, I lived mostly in Murray. I worked at Dillards. I was not a student in UT but am one now. My husband grew up in Murray. Utah is my second home I love it there......however, there is no place like home and home for me is here in OZ.

    Take care fellow bandits, I will drop in again soon!

    Di :nervous

  8. Hi there Utahns,

    I am 6 days banded and so far so good. I have a confession, I am not a Utahn but I lived there for 5 yrs and travel back there often. I am an Aussie and live in Australia. My husband is from Murray. I belong to an Aussie messenger board and have been googling and came here. I hope you dont mind but I would love to visit here too. We expect to move back to Utah in a few yrs so i will love to read about the different Drs and different things and ways you guys do things compared to here. Anyway, catch ya later!


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