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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About aslimmerme

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/03/1980

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  1. aslimmerme

    Surgery Date

    Hi Sheila, I'm havingmy surgery the same day. I totally agree, the 27th can't get here fast enough!! The only thing I'm dreading is the 1 month pre-op thats required by my doc. Good luck!!!
  2. aslimmerme

    Hello :)

    Hey eveyone, Getting Sleeved July 27th with Dr Rodriguez. in Juarez, Mexico. I so ready for this to happen!!!! So glad that so many of ya'll are going before me. I'm so nervous but it makes me feel a little better each time I see someone make it through. Good luck to everyone!
  3. aslimmerme

    Any really high BMI post-ops?

    Wow... thank you so so much! Again I have to say WOW that much in that little time. I will definitely be heading over to obesity help. You have instantly made me feel better!
  4. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi mina, Thanks for replyingto my post! You guys have made me fee lso much better about my decision. So who's your doctor? When do you have to start your pre op diet? I have to be on mine at least a month. What about you? Good luck with your surgery and keep me posted. One month to go you must be getting excited!
  5. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi ToDream, thanks for the advice, the pain has been what I was most worried about! I have alot of questions, so I'm sure to adventually ask plenty. I'm looking forward to checking out your blog, its sure to have alot of great information.
  6. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi Lisa, LOL your right! It made me laugh when I went back and reread it. I should of just said Hi my name is Cheryl and brownies are my happy crack! lol
  7. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Thanks, 50lbs thats so great! I'm definitely a caffine addict, can't go without my coffee. Thanks for the advice I'm going to go ahead and start trying to give it up!
  8. Thanks! I thought that much, but I just wanted to be sure.
  9. I'm all set for surgery in three months, but all of a sudden I'm scared that the surgery wont work. I know thats a crazy thought, but I'm thinking maybe I shoud get the bypass. Maybe someone my size needs malabsorption. I mean I'm not crazy about the thought of someone rewiring my intestines, but I'm more afraid of not losing the weight. I know that wls surgeries are just tools that are no better than the individual using them. So my question is, did any of you guys start out with really high BMI's or do you know anyone that had a really high BMI? Did your/their surgery work out in the end? I'm so worried already about failing. What are ya'lls thoughts?
  10. Wondering if the surgery can help someone of my size lose all their extra weight :(

  11. Hi everyone, I'm three months away from my surgery and I had someone mention a book called weight loss surgery for dummies. Just curious, have any of you read this book? Is it worth the purchase? Thanks in advance!
  12. aslimmerme

    Pain Medication

    Hi DivaDee, I'm also scheduled to have surgery in Mexico, but for July in Juarez. Who is you surgeon? I'm being sleeved by Dr Rodriguez he is suppling me with pain meds and antibiotics. So I'm pretty sure your surgeon will do the same. However, I have heard a lot of post op people say that liquid tylenol is a must have after surgery. Cheryl
  13. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi massindex, I wish I would have taken the same route as you and kept my mouth shut! I just never thought that I would get such crap for my decision to have surgery. Your right I don't need anyone's approval. Thank you! I'm so glad that I found this forum. Cheryl
  14. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Hi Kelly, thanks! Where did you get your weight loss tracker? Do you get it from here somewhere or is there another website? Thanks again!
  15. aslimmerme

    Hello...My name is Cheryl

    Thank you Cheryl! Congrats on your surgery! If you don't mind me asking, hows the pain right after surgery? Thats one of the things I'm scared of most.

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