Went to surgeon last week for consultation for Gastric Bypass. I have been wanting this for about 8 years. Had to wait due to insurance companies. Anyway, it was highly recommended that I get the Sleeve instead. Ok................What? Never saw this coming. I have some serious hernia's to contend with that the doctor feels will, in the end be easier for me to deal with if I have the sleeve. He said we could go in with the premise of doing the gastric bypass, but truly feels based on what he see's with the hernia's that he will have to do the sleeve.
The idea of having the sleeve scares me so much. Why would I want to remove part of a healthy organ. I liked the idea of the bypass as nothing would actually be removed.
I am so confused as to what to do. I am now halted in the whole process because of this.
I guess my question to all of you would be, has anyone else had this happen to them. You know, going in wanting the bypass and getting the sleeve instead? And if so, how was it the you where able to process the information to get to the point of being ok to have the sleeve done.
I would appreciate any feedback that you can provide. Thanks.