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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Valentina

  1. Wishing you all the luck in the world. I go Aug. 9th. Yikes! It's starting to real. (insurance is paying for mine. Hoping you have the same ...)
  2. Valentina

    Which to do....

    Your BMI is about 74...in the practice where I was recently sleeved, you would be a candidate for a Duodenal Switch or a Roux-en-Y bypass, or for a sleeve gastrectomy as a first step, to help you lose some weight prior to a revision to a DS or RNY. This is definitely something that you can only decide in talking with your surgeon, because your co-morbidities will contribute to the decision in a major way. Good luck to you. Exactly! what she ^^^^ said. Spot on advice.
  3. Valentina

    Must resist

    It was YOU, wasn't it??? I KNEW IT!
  4. Or a VW bus with flowers painted on it. AKA: "arrest me".
  5. Integrity: What you say and do when no one is watching...

    1. kmorri


      Grown-up behavior for sure. Good morning friend. I hope you have a fabulous day!!

    2. Christinamo7


      yup. value it when you find it in others.

  6. Valentina

    Okay, this is weird.

    Count me in! I carry a snap open fan with me at all times. ----just like the ladies at the bull fights one sees at the movies. I can really get my fan whipp'n when having a hot flash... Please let us know what you find out. Good luck----and-----stay cool.
  7. Try making homemade bone broth , then add some nutritional yeast. It adds more savory taste AND more Protein. You can also add it to Won Ton broth. Yummy! You guys have quite a support group of your own right here. Good for you!! Share and enjoy each other's journey.
  8. Valentina

    WLS Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo

    You are doing fantastically well! Stand strong, Friend. The third day is usually the toughest and that is behind you now. You're setting the bar high for any who follow.
  9. Loosing weight feels wonderful... Entering into Onederland? PRICELESS!!!!!!!! Great feeling, isn't it? Enjoy! You've earned it. Congrats!!!
  10. Valentina

    Got my date!

    We've been waiting for you. We'll see you just before Labor Day on "The Losers' Bench". It will be a joy to watch your journey. It has been so far. You've done a "maavelous job, Daaaling". Your new life is within your grasp. Go for it!!!
  11. Valentina


    There ya go!
  12. Your sleeve may just not be ready for dense Proteins yet. I suggest you crock pot your meat and see it you can tolerate it better when prepared thusly. Then every week, try a bit of meat prepared differently--about 1oz to start with. Beef is usually the last Protein that many sleevers can tolerate. It is the one meat that is never really fully digested--just broken down. Want to try something completely out of the box but really yummy? Crock pot a chicken in diet root beer. Seriously. It is soooooo good. Try it.
  13. Valentina

    Must resist

    Maybe "someone" or a few "someones" could make sure that there is always a healthy choice put on the table. Be competitive and see "who" can make the prettiest---most delicious--healthiest snack. It will give everyone another choice. It could be fun It could make a much healthier place to work.
  14. Valentina


    I'm sorry you're having to deal with this emotional turmoil. It's not easy. Has your Papa ever been diagnosed with an Alzheimer's type dementia? It sounds like he is/has been displaying some of the tell tale signs of it. Whether he has some sort of senile dementia or not does not make the hurt any less. It might make the hurt just a wee bit more tolerable. I guess I would TRY to think about what Grandma would want you to do. I would let her memory guide me. Easy? no But maybe, just maybe your upset and heartache might ease just a bit. I'm listening. I hope for now, that helps. You're in my thoughts. Take care and be kind to yourself and your memories of Grandma.
  15. Valentina

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Please, please, please---the next time he calls, Please reframe from asking him, "What's up?" ...
  16. Valentina

    The dreaded drain....

    I didn't have a drain for my sleeve surgery. I did have one with my spinal reconstruction. My surgeon told me that he was going to pull it out on the count of "3". He pulled it out at "2"! Sneaky bastard... Really it happened so fast that it was out before I had time to dread having it pulled. I have been forewarned that I will be coming home from my skin surgery with 6 drains. OH MY!! I let you know how that goes.....
  17. You are most heart felt welcome! Sometimes ---just for a moment----laugh is all we should do. I DO care, my friend. I'm here and I'm listening. I hope--at times---that helps.
  18. just a thought---- If we go deep enough into the woods, no one will ever hear the chainsaw...
  19. Thank you! Some members have been trying to say what you just so elegantly did for months. I hope your expressing the same observations will connect better than our efforts. Again, THANK YOU!
  20. Valentina

    Feeling Lost

    Go ahead and have a good cry. I think crying releases soo much built up stress and anguish. Let it all go. Then: Call you team and tell them what you ate AND then vomited it all up. One, in my opinion is just as bad as the other. eating/vomiting Only they should be guiding you after such a "stumble". --no sugar coating--a serious stumble. I have permanent scar on my knees from "stumbles" along my WLS path. I'm think'n that there are very few members who don't. So, what to do?? realize the seriousness of your actions----done Have a good, cleansing cry---done Call your "team"----make app'tment-----hopefully done Finish your crying---pull up big girl panties--in process Call your therapist--tell all--make app'tment---hopefully done Take a deep breath---please NOW, get on with you journey: go for a long walk--or a short one--just get out of the house--even into the yard if that's as far as you can go Make notes to yourself : pros of why you had WLS your recent binge and how your felt after What you ARE going to achieve with your WLS journey Read a nasty historical romance!---oh wait! that's for myself!! A little woman's porn never hurt for a wee bit of escapism. It sure gets my mind off of food!!!! AND stop watching the TV commercials!! Record programs so when you do watch your shows you can fast forward through those nasty, nasty devil driven creations. My friend, don't keep flogging yourself about a situation that you can not take back.. Put the determination of NEVER repeating it into your mind. You can do this. You've already done the hardest part---you recognized your obesity disease and took action and responsibility to a healthier life. Now you simply have to "go forward"--one step at a time. Forward, ----always forward, my friend. Please, keep posting and letting us know how you're doing. I care, and I know many other members do too. Take care of yourself.
  21. Valentina

    Beach-Bikini Day

    Thank you, Alex.
  22. Valentina

    I want to be left alone

    I'm sorry that you are feeling anxious and depressed. Neither of those two conditions are pleasant to live with. First---the man in your apartment complex: Don't allow his behavior! Report him. Call the police, your case worker and your complex manager. Call your area crisis center--call 911. What do you mean, "my mom won't listen to me"? Is your apartment lease in your name or your mothers? I'm not understanding why your mom not listening to you is keeping you from reporting your neighboring creep. Guarantee, if this bastard is acting inappropriately with you, he is doing the same to other women--other girls much younger than you. Did you know that the average sex offender commits his offenses an average of 100 times BEFORE he is convicted?? If your meds are not working, make an app'tment with your doctors and have your meds adjusted. Sometimes it will take several attempts to get "the mix" corrected before the right combination is found---ESPECIALLY after bypass. Your malabsorption could be the culprit. Don't settle for not feel "right". Keep after your medicine regime until you feel "well". If you really do not want your cousins to visit, did you have that conversation with your mother? I'm not fully understanding the dynamics of the household. Is your mother not allowed to invite family for a visit? How much time would you have to spend with you cousins when you leave to go to work? I guess not knowing anything more, it's difficult to know how to support you. I'm sorry for that. I do not like to hear of a family under such stress and apparent turmoil. Try to remember this: "A son is a son until he takes a wife. A daughter is a daughter for rest of her life". Any mother will tell you the truth contained in that quote. I wish you well. I hope you will address the issues you mentioned. At 22yrs you owe it to YOURSELF to take care of YOURSELF. You made a huge decision to have a bypass almost a year ago and I applaud you for taking responsibility for your obesity and addressing it. I am now suggesting that you do the same with your other life issues--which are way too heavy for someone of your tender years, but they are what they are. Take a deep breath and move forward----always forward. You're in my thoughts. Please, keep posting. I really do care and I am always ready to listen.
  23. Valentina

    I want to be left alone

    Forgive me for asking, but how old are you? I'm not trying to be rude, but my response would be different depending on your age. I'm listening. Really.
  24. Only YOU can make the final decision, Friend. WLS is NOT for the weak of mind nor body. You have to be strong in determination and motivation. You have to be strong enough to walk the WLS journey ALONE.----if need be. You have to be having WLS FOR you----FROM you----LOVE YOU. The WLS journey can be joyous. However there will also be dark days when it seems like everything is going wrong. There will be bumps in the road that you will have to maneuver through. There will always be members on BP who will be willing to give you advice---nothing medical---but advice based on their own personal experiences. BP is here to support you----not hold you up. You will have to have the inner strength to pull yourself up when you fall. Once you've done that, we will help hold you steady and guide you forward. Good luck with YOUR decision. Research, and ask questions. Learn everything you can and then be wiling to learn some more. Most of us are still willing to learn new ideas , thoughts and procedures. Post often and let us know how you're doing and if there is anything we can do to support you as you start what can be the most exciting journey of your life.
  25. ---And so it begins!! Congrats!! I am looking forward to sharing your successful WLS journey. Take a deep breath. You're about to get your world rocked!!!!

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