Weighed 155 kg I was Banded Weighing 140.6 kg on 30 March after having lost 8% of my bodyweight as a requirement to surgery in denmark. I have had it done laproscopically and was on my feet two hours after the operation and sent home the next day.
Unfortunately one of the incisions has not healed yet since the doc staplet it so badly - but we have i difference in opinion there.
Today I weigh 133 kg and my weight has sortof stood still since friday, so something I must be doing wrong, had a great weight loss the first week of 5.8kg, and the next week of 1.6 kg. So maybe my body is just taking a break, who knows ... the diet is ok, not too much cheating .... and when I do I make sure the calories are the same.
In Denmark (depending on the operating hospital) I was on fluids for a week and then normal food. The only food I must be carefull of is stringy types of food like chicken, asparagus, Beans and also skins from apples and other fruits.