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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. I have a new one and it came from my bff of 25 years. Wasn't sure how to take it but oh well. First lets give you a background she is tall, blonde, blue eyes and thin. I am the exact opposite lol, short (average really at 5'5 but compared to 5'9 short), and was fat, dark brown hair and olive complexion. Soooooooooo, we are chatting and I told her how much I weighed now and this is the conversation... Me: I am down to 176 now, can you believe it lol Her: I have to get a move on then before spring (thats when me and my boy go to visit everyone up north) Me: (confused) what are you talking about? Her: You weigh less than me now, and we can't have that! Wasn't exactly sure what to say after that so I changed the subject. After thinking about it though I should have said what kind of a f*cking comment is that?
  2. Raine

    Walking is just not cutting it!!

    You go and dance your ass off!!!
  3. Raine

    100 Lbs gone forever!

    I am so happy for you. Congratulations!
  4. Raine


    I used to do Mixed Martial Arts and haven't been in about 2 years. Made it up to my High Red Belt (3 away from Black) and had to stop because of work and over all health. Today I just signed up for Fitness Kick Boxing at my Dojo because I figured if I'm going to go back and get my Black Belt, I'm going to have to get in shape otherwise Imma gonna get my ass kicked LOL. Wish me luck!!!!
  5. Raine

    Stick a fork in me....

    CONGRATS!!! Welcome to the losers bench!
  6. Raine

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Better late than never! 176 was my one month post op weight 5/27/2011, 166 on July 4 will be two months one week. Since I gained three pounds (I know, I know Water weight) am at 179 now. Soooo between now and then I would like to be down the 13 lbs and now that I'm starting FKB it is possible lol. My vote is for Labor Day. SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Raine.........206.....................176...............166........10
  7. AMEN SISTER!!! My stretch marks aren't pearly pink but white lines in a naturally tan bod! The thighs wrinkly from the mid thigh up! And if I took a running start I might take flight with the bat wings on my arms but I don't give a damn LOL. Ok I do but nothing I can do about it and I would rather be healthy. I realized also when I put that tank top on at my sisters wedding that it really doesnt bother me as much as I used to think it did either. Kinda like a badge of honor if you ask me "Hi, ,my name is Raine, and I was one fat bi-aaatch" Tiffykins you are too damn cute!
  8. Raine

    Big Boy got Sleeved

    In Manhattan thats not a show stopper but the norm!!! I would have loved to see it though
  9. Raine

    Big Boy got Sleeved

    You are on your way and I have no doubt that you will make it. Congratulations on the weight loss to date, great job! I know what you mean about the hospital staff ugh they drove me crazy big time.
  10. Congrats and good luck! I am sure you will do great
  11. As a fellow native New Yorker, wooohooo you go! Congrats on your date and it is going to be the best decision you have made for yourself.
  12. Raine

    My NSV's

    Thanks everyone! It felt awesome and most of all I felt awesome!
  13. Was at my sisters wedding on Friday and had a blast. It was so much fun. Everyone was amazed at how I looked and kept calling me things like skinny, slim and tiny. Kept hearing you're melting away, you are disapearing etc etc. I love all the compliments and at the same time it makes me feel a little weird. I don't know, but I still don't see me as skinny etc. In the past it was always at this point that the tides would turn and I would gain what ever I lost back. The best thing is that the ones that know me better, didn't say those things but did ask how I felt and how was my over all health with the weight loss. That is when I got animated about it all because I haven't felt this good in over a decade. A couple of NSV's from the wedding: They gave all the brides maids these beautiful Tiffany like silver bracelets. I was so afraid mine would not fit, well because those things never fit my wrists and it did, it fit perfectly. They also gave the brides maids these little tank tees in their color ( it was a rainbow wedding I was medium blue ) to wear the day of the wedding when everyone was getting ready together. They got me a large and I smiled and put it back in the box thinking, no way in hell is this thing going to fit me. But it did fit and it wasn't even a tight fit, it fit with room in it. I normally do not wear anything that shows my upper arms because of the skin and stretch marks, but I wore it that day with a smile.
  14. Raine

    I'm Approved & Surgery Date!!!

    Wooohhoooo congratulations! It was a long road but you made it. You will be fine with the pre op diet too, I just know it. But take Regina's advise and relax anyway.
  15. Thanks, Diva! You inspired me along with all the "vets". You have paved the way for us "newbies".
  16. I think we should call ourselves the Ab Fab April Sleevers LOL
  17. Raine

    Success by the dozens

    Amazing results! I am so glad for you and hope you do feel better. You can't see it but I'm doing the happy dance for you!!!
  18. You will be able to enjoy those things again. Just read Tiffykins' posts. I enjoy food now at almost 7 weeks out. You will be fine, I promise.
  19. Thanks again, guys! I was VERY happy. I talk to my sisters almost daily on the phone, but you don't realize how much you miss them until you see them. That and the fact that my brother was there too! So all 6 siblings were ALL together for the first time in about 3 years, it was amazing. I thought my waist looked tiny too LOL, let me tell you there was NO breathing room left haha, but I felt beautiful and besides, breathing is overated LOL.
  20. Exactly Meggie-I thought it was HI-larious!
  21. Don't get used to seeing her, her smaller version is going to visit and you'll have to say goodbye! LOL Congrats, wonderful NSV.
  22. Raine

    I have cheekbones!

    Your cheekbones are beautiful Congratulations.
  23. OMG OMG!! You are amazing! Congratulations
  24. that is so great! you look fantastic.

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