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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. Raine

    38 day out today.

    I am not looking at the scale anymore. The stall has freaked me out, up down up down. I tried not to sweat it but ... oh well, that only worked for a while. When I saw it break I told my hubby to hide the scale and to only bring it out on the 27th of each month. Because I don't have a lot to lose at this point it is coming off REALLY REALLY slow. So I would rather see 3-4 lbs at the end of the month than see the yo yo on a daily. Great job to you too Kemo!
  2. Last year my husband had a proceedure done and was not able to get around. Couldn't drive etc. Well I don't drive so my mode of transportation was walking. Last Summer I was 240lbs and could barely make it to the grocery store and back without feeling utterly exhausted to the point of almost wanting to collaps. Today I walked 2 miles and was fine afterwards. Its amazing the difference 64lbs makes! Oh and to reward myself, stopped at Off Broadway Shoes and got two pairs on sale for a total of 40 bucks LOL. I love my sleeve!
  3. Raine

    Fitness NSV

    Thanks, all. My next day off of FKB is Wednesday and I plan on trying to walk at least 3 miles.
  4. Raine

    What is up with therapist

    I told my doc that I was on here and he said GREAT! He said the more information you know the better you are. He did warn me though that not everything I read will apply to me but I already knew that, duh LOL, everyone is different and goes through different experiences. As far as not being big enough, you have two people with MD after their names that disagree. Get rid of that therapist pronto!
  5. I knew it was time when my pill count was up to 20 and I saw the decline of a friend and coworker who had diabeties. Just 3 years older than me he had part of his foot taken off, was going blind and went on dialysis right before my eyes. I saw in him what would happen to me if I didn't do something.
  6. Raine

    38 day out today.

    WOW and I have no doubt you will get there dude! You can't see it but I'm doing a happy dance for you too!
  7. Raine


    So happy for you!!!
  8. Raine

    12 things...

    PROGRESS CHECK: 1) Done 2) Done 3) Still in progress 4) Done 5) Still in progress 6) Done 7) Done 8) hmmm seems I skipped that one LOL 9) Still in progress 10) Done 11) Haven't flown but I am sure I will have no problem anymore so - Done 12) Almost Done I like my progress
  9. Raine


    Its nice to see you happy about something
  10. I am the mouth that roared for the most part. I told all my family and friends and my immediate group at work. Everyone else as far as they are concerned I am on a high protein diet and exercise. Which is not a lie or a half truth. People do not tell me about what procedures they have so I do not feel the need to tell people that don't matter to me.
  11. Love my life!

  12. Raine

    Holy Cow!! 1-derland!

    Way to work that sleeve! Great job!
  13. Raine

    OUCH!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

    Low potassium used to do that to my legs, not the stomach muscles though. Hope you feel better.
  14. Raine

    My Biggest NSV's so far

    How awesome is that! Congratulations!
  15. Sounds like you are doing great to me LOL. The scale is my enemy really, as much as I try not to think about it I think about it more lol.
  16. Yeah, the noises that come with this in the beginning are a little disconcerting to say the least LOL. I didn't get all my liquids in until almost 2 weeks out, so it does get better.
  17. Raine

    nine days out

    It was a good week and a half to two weeks before I started feeling anything close to normal again. I think it was more like week 3 and 4 where I was starting to really feel "good". Take it easy keep sipping, getting down the liquids in the beginning is rough but it gets better.
  18. I was stalled at 2 - 6 weeks. It is really common and is probably just water weight. You have to consume 3500 calories to gain a lb. and there is no way you are near that. Dont get discouraged. It will move, your body is just getting used to what you are putting it through.
  19. My doc gave the go ahead at one month post op but I waited until 7 weeks. I am now doing Fitness Kickboxing with no issues other than the aches and pains that go along with a strenuous work out.
  20. Raine

    Throwing up..help?

    I am about 8 weeks out ... I can eat everything really, but like everyone else just not a lot. I stick to the Proteins first of course. I also feel I can consume more than others from what I have read but still a fraction of what I once did. I was on a stall from week 2 to 6 and that really was hard to deal with but tried not to stress it too much lol. I chalk it up to me losing a lot of weight pre surgery. Hope all goes well.
  21. Raine


    I stopped my meds about 2 weeks post op because of just that, my sugars kept going down to 50's and 60's.
  22. Raine

    4 month pic updates

    All I can say is WOW! You look amazing.
  23. It is a stall. I was on a stall from 2 weeks to 6 weeks, don't let it discourage you. I was cleared for more strenuous exercise and my stall has broken. You will be fine and it will work for you too. My son is 13 and although he does not have any issues he was extremely concerned about me having surgery and losing me. I told him about all the other surgeries I've had in the past and how I came out just fine with them and also explained that I am doing this to get healthy so I can live a long life with him etc. I guess he understood or atleast he said he did. He sees the weight loss and has mentioned it a few times when he hasn't been consumed with his life as a teen lol.
  24. Trying to stick to the "schedule" sux a big one. When I wake up at 6AM before I have my coffee ( I found my love of coffee again yayyy! ) I have a protein shake. After I get to work around 10AM I usually have a snack, cheese, some pork rinds etc. Then lunch at 1PM usually a bare burger or lunch meat or tuna. Then at 4PM have another snack, then dinner at around 7PM and around 10PM I have another shake. On Thursday I missed the morning snack because of a meeting I had that ran over then when I got out was too busy with follow up stuff to eat. My next meal wasnt until 1PM I was able to eat. I was worried but basically got over it and went about my business. You can stick to it as much as life permits, but sometimes you have to work around it. You will be able to do all of those things but SHOULD NOT until later. Like Meggie said take advantage of what you can right now and worry about that stuff later. Someone said it earlier, focus on the POSITIVE things and what you CAN do and not what you CAN"T do.
  25. Congratulations! Glad you are doing well.

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