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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. Raine

    A Ladder

    I am so happy for you! Great job and great NSV!
  2. So glad I found this thread!!! Thanks to you too Kelly! I get comments too and try not to think about the number. I think I'm going to throw the scale out. Yeah, thats what I'm going to do! LOL
  3. I feel you Kelly! I lost a lot of mine pre surgery too. My hubby is saying the same thing. I try not to get frustrated lol it just sux. I know and will keep the faith. You are doing great! I have to hide the scale!
  4. Hi! Other than the stall I am really doing great. I had my one month post op and my next scheduled visit is 3 months post op. How are you?
  5. Glad I found this thread. I am at that same point. I actually gained weight the second month post op and it is really frustrating. Three days later I am down 2 of those 3 pounds. I know its Water weight blah blah blah LOL. Its hard not being a slave to the scale, but the past two weeks I started working out and doing lots of walking so I'll see what that does for me. The frustration comes from knowing you put yourself through this and then BAM nothing is happening but in reality a lot is happening. This has changed my life for the better in so many ways already. Just gets frustrating not seeing the scale move.
  6. Raine

    oh no...!!! you didn't......!!!!!

    I think the perfect example is in that move "Hall Pass". There is a scene where the guys are looking at a "hot" girl and some dude tells them look closer she is not really hot. She surrounds herself with people that are less (for lack of a better word) than she is but if you look at her by herself she is definately not hot. My bff of 25 years was always the "hot" one, tall thin blonde and blue eyes. I was the short fat girl but had a pretty face. The guys always liked her and she always got the attention. Her comment to me when I told her where I was weight wise was "you weigh less than me now, we can't have that!" Maybe I took it too personally but it showed me a little of where she saw me. I'll know more of how she really feels when I see her next spring. See how your friend reacts to you after you are healthy and strong.
  7. Raine

    Acceptance~ NSV

    Love it!!! Congratulations and I am giving you the cyber nod!!!
  8. Shopping used to be so quick for me now like you don't know what size I am half the time and have to try stuff on, or else I am going back to the store to return it. I do find that I still gravitate towards the bigger sizes though, weird, but the brain is still catching up LOL.
  9. Keeping in mind that misery loves company. That addadge didn't come from no where. Keep positive people in your life and for those that are negative all the time about life and about you, well to put it bluntly, you don't need them. If you can make her life a more positive then so be it but if you can't then you are better off.
  10. Ok, so my scale says for my second month that I didn't lose anything but gained 3lbs. So I took everyone's advise and did my measurements. Since I didnt take them when I got my surgery, I called my surgeons office and got the measurements that they did. Over all I have lost a total of 19.75 inches. Not too bad I think.
  11. I see what I did wrong . Was feeling bad for myself that I didn't lose enough inches but that was just for one side arm, chest, waist, hips and thigh, both sides equal to 39. I feel much better now
  12. So since I am going to NJ this week, I thought I would clean out my closet of clothes that don't fit and bring them to my sisters. Holy Cow Batman!!! I had a lot of stuff ranging from size 14 to 18. Good thing is my sisters ( I have 4 sisters ) range from 14 to size 18 . Ok, so that being said, I was thinking what the heck am I going to do about clothes. Then in the back of my closet was a big plastic bin. About 6 or 7 years ago, I lost about 60-70 lbs (from start of my journey last June I am down a total of 64lbs, 59 if you put back the damn water weight I am holding LOL) and of course a month or two after I reached that point the yo-yo went back up. I know all of you guys have been through this and knows what it feels like . In this bin was all of those clothes I bought pants a size 12 and a couple of pairs of 10's that still had the tags on, I bought because I was so sure I was going to reach that and shirts from L to XL. My work clothes are pretty standard, button up shirts in various colors and black, grey or brown slacks. So all of these didn't go out of style so to speak. Tadaaaa!!! I have a whole new wardrobe again, and my closet is full again LOL. I totally forgot about those clothes. I just saved a TON of money LOL.
  13. How did you measure your inches? From Aug 2010 when my doc took my measurements, I am down 19.75 I was around 215 then am now 179. Just wondering what I'm doing wrong lol. I only measured one side, am I supposed to measure both sides?
  14. Raine

    Loss, stall, loss, stall

    I am right there with you @ 179. I am in a stall for 6 weeks now.Very disapointing but hold fast. i took my measurements and am down 19.75 inches over all.
  15. Its the liquid from the IV. It will pass and you will see the weight loss. Promise!
  16. You should wait for 2 hours, from what I have been told it is the standard rule. After I started eating real foods again mine went up too. It ranges between 90 and 140 now depending on what I have eaten. The cereal you ate even though low sugar is high carb and carbs are a diabetics worst enemy. Even though it seems we are no longer diabetics, we really still are, its just that we are making the right food choices and can't eat a lot anymore so our diabeties is basically in remission. The minute we go off of this regimine before we reach our optimum weight I am sure we will see the numbers go up. When I started eating regular foods again I added carbs back in the form of wheat but carbs none the less and my numbers spiked. I started taking half of a glipizide pill to help it. I have since taken the carbs out for the most part keeping them under 30grms a day and they are stabalizing again. I hope it gets better for you.
  17. I had lower left abdomin pain, my nurse thought it was gas but gas-x and a heating pad didnt work. When I used the pain meds I was given it did get better but didn't go away fully. I read on here about someone with a similar pain and her doc said it was muscular. Very painful in the begining too. If it was gas the pain meds wouldnt have made it feel better. After about a week to two weeks it was gone. Hope this helps
  18. Its a process. Your brain will take time to catch up to your body and any insecurities you have will fade with time and work if you have people around you that are supportive and positive about what you are doing for yourself. If you have people like your roomate around all the time reminding you that you have low self asteem then you will dwell on it and it becomes like a hungry monster and you question yourself and the things you are doing. I am sure she doesn't mean it that way, but encouragement and reenforcement of oneself is what someone with lower self esteem needs. Its part of building up the new you. Mind you, discovering they why's is part of the battle too, but being obese is usually the main culprit.
  19. Raine


    Everyone goes through this so don't feel like the odd man out . Like Kelly said you are still swollen so focus on staying hydrated. I wasn't able to get all my liquid and protein in until after week two. I hated the powders and cound not bring myself to drink them. I use the Atkins low carb/low sugar drinks they are 11 oz and 15 gr per. At Target they run about 5.50 for a pack of 4.
  20. Feel better Sarsar! Just be mindful of it and if it gets worse go to the docs.
  21. The ones that I did tell are the ones I care about and care about me, close co-workers, friends and family. Everyone else when they ask about my weight loss I tell them the truth, I am on a high Protein and low carb diet with exercise. I don't know about their surgeries that they have had in their life and no need for them to know about mine. As for negative comments from those that do know, if its coming from someone overweight, just tell them that you understand their "feelings" on it and if they want your surgeons number for a consultation you would be happy to give it.
  22. Congratulations and welcome to the losers bench! I am sure with your great attitude you will be fine!
  23. I am diabetic too along with the high triglycerides, not to mention other ailments ugh. I drink the Atkins low carb/low sugar protein shakes. They are a little pricey for the amount of protein but they do not raise my sugar at all and are tastier to me then the powders ever were. My personal favorite is the dark chocolate. They come 4 to a pack at about 5.50 at Target here in NC. They are 11oz and have 15grams of protein per drink. I had 4 of them a day to equal the 60 grams of protein required by my doc and 44 oz of liquid while on my full liquid diet pre and post op. Hope this helps.
  24. My doc said I could have decaf anytime, although, why bother lol. He said I could have one cup a day one month post op. Initially I didn't like the taste of coffee again when I started drinking it again, but I think it was that I didn't like the taste of coffee mate anymore because when I started using 1/2 and 1/2 it was much better. I am 2 months post op on Monday and drink as much coffee as I want now as long as I get in all my liquids too. As far as tastebuds go, they do change from my experience, I used to HATE haburger and mushrooms, now I absolutely love a hamburger smothered in mushrooms and oniouns LOL, that and hummus, hated it now I love it. Hope this helps!

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