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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Raine

  1. Raine


    airfarewatchdog.com sends you deals on a daily basis as they see them. I have gotten round trip flights to Newark NJ from Charlotte for as little as 139.00.
  2. <P>I don't reget it at all and I lost most of my weight pre surgery. I did it to get off of all my pills and have almost accomplished that. As others have said, I wish I would have done it sooner. I am 44 and have been taking meds for almost 15 years. </P>
  3. You really shouldbn't be down on yourself, what has happened to you happens to a lot of people who were athletic. You get so used to eating that many calories because you were so active and burned them off and then when your life becomes more sedentary you are still eating the calories and not burning them off. All of the concerns and worries are normal. Everyone has them, so ask your questions state your views and vent when you want to. The people here will give you all the answers that you need and want and if they don't have the answer then they will know where to send you to get them. P.S. You will still be able to enjoy happy hour, just not be able to eat as much as you used to One of the great things about the sleeve is that unlike the RNY you can still eat relatively normal later on in your journey. Oh and they are taking out your stomach not your personality! I am sure you will be the same happy fun loving guy just with more confidence and less mass
  4. Raine

    Woot!!!! Happy dance

    LMFAO!!! It was bound to happen. You look amazing! Congratulations.
  5. Amen sister! And thats all I have to say.
  6. Raine

    2 more NSV's

    You go boy!!! Thats the way to work it!!
  7. Raine

    Starting at the Very Beginning

    Welcome and congratulations on taking the steps to take back your life.
  8. I am so happy for you! You are doing wonderful and it shows in all ways not just in the pics, which by the way are amazing.
  9. Raine

    My 4th of July :)

    Let me be the first to say "HOT DAMN" I am so happy you are happy and you will catch your cuz no doubt. Happy 4th!!
  10. Raine

    the feeling of eating...

    The over full feeling comes when you get the tightness in the chest. It hurts, not severe but hurts. The full feeling it self is just like before you feel "full" and know you should stop. Thats how I guage it. If you push it to the tightness and beyond you will throw up. Keep it under that and you wont
  11. I'll admit it I was one of those stressers about the poundage. Heck I gained 3 lbs 2 months post op those 3 were gone a few days later, but what I have to take into consideration is that I lost 1/2 of my excess weight before surgery and I am in the home stretch with the last 40lbs. If it takes me a year to take off the 40 then so be it. I think what you have said makes a lot of sense and if we eat right our sleeves will help us lose weight at the pace that our bodies need to.
  12. My son is 13 (14 in August) 6ft tall and around 260lbs. We used to do Martial Arts together and that kept him active but when I stopped he didn't want to go anymore. Sensei asked if he would "help out" at the Summer Camp next week to try and get him back in the door (a genuinely wonderful man) and with major encouragement from me and hubby he agreed. When I asked him if he wanted to come back to the Dojo with me for Fitness Kickboxing, he didn't want to. As much as I don't want to, I know I have to quit smoking (again). I have been putting it off but the smoking is interfereing with my workouts, I get winded faster etc etc etc. I wish I could be a casual smoker like so many people but if I smoke one I am smoking the whole damn pack. Anyway, I made a deal with him, he wants me to stop really really bad, so I told him if he joins FKB with me I will quit smoking. Of course he said I should quit anyway, smart ass that he is, wonder where he gets that from lol. I told him you want something and I want something so thats the deal. He agreed. So starting the Tuesday after he helps out in the Dojo for the Summer Camp he is starting FKB with me and I am quitting on that Tuesday. I started taking the Chantix yesterday and here in lies the problem. I finally got my diabeties under control without pills and it is almost in complete remission, ranging from 90-140, 140 if I have too many carbs that day. Taking the only one Chantix pill so far has spiked it to 166 in the A.M. where it should have been around 90ish and 2 1/2 hours after lunch to 206 where as it should have been around 140ish because I had wheat thins with my lunch. So today I took a 1/2 a diabetic pill along with the Chantix and a half hour after taking it it was 109. I guess I'm not sure I want to go down that road of my sugars being out of control again and having to take the pills again, but I made a deal with my boy and I can deal with it for 2 weeks. Nicotine is out of your system in three days, I have to take the Chantix for a minimum of a week for it to take effect and make me "not want" cigs, and for at least 4 or 5 days after quitting to make sure the nicotine is out of me. I'm curious to find out how long after I am done taking it will it still affect my sugar levels. Ok thanks for listening to the ramble.
  13. Raine

    Dress ups!

    that is freaking awesome!
  14. I didnt throw it out but I did have hubby hide it. No weight loss but how about this, a month ago I bought a new bra in a size smaller from 38B to 36B because my 38's were getting loose, well came home tried it on and it was way too tight and couldn't wear it. I tried today and it fit perfectly. Made me feel so much better. Between now and then I didn't lose a pound but the fact that the bra fit was good enough for me!
  15. So very very happy for you! Congratulations, you make a beautiful bride.
  16. Raine

    Improve running

    I just read this whole thread, well done and way to keep on going! Congratulations!
  17. Raine

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I think this is achievable .... either way I'm gonna rock it til I get there lol. SN.......Starting weight.....Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Raine.........179...................179...............165........14LBS
  18. You can totally see the difference! You look great and your working your sleeve like a rock star Congratulations.
  19. Raine

    NSV shout outs

    That is so great! Congratulations!
  20. I can pretty much give up everything and eat the "fake" stuff with the exception of : butter and mayo. I have to have the real deal on those, everything else can be ff lf or sf and it doesn't bother me.
  21. Even though its an ex husband of your sister, did they break up on good terms? Was he like a brother to you while he was married to your sister? How long were they married? Inlawas and Outlaws co mingle a lot. How well did you know his family? All of these are factors. The main factor is your sister and how she would feel. Is your sister making the plans and putting him to rest or is it his family? If its your sister she is going to be seriously stressed. If she needs you, then you should be there. Like Wishes said, ask her what she wants and go with it. I know its all about us with this surgery, but death is absolute, you can re-schedule, he can't.
  22. Raine

    One year out!

    You are amazing! Congratulations.
  23. Raine

    What do you think?

    I would cut down on the salty stuff and any white flour and starchy stuff. You might just be in a stall and it will pass when it feels like it, believe me I know!! LOL still waiting for mine to pass, but I think I'm about to kick that sucker to the curb
  24. Raine

    Gained weight>....

    It's probably just water weight apple You will be fine, there is no way that you gained 3lbs of fat you just aren't taking in enough calories for that. On my 1 month post op weigh in (been in a stall too) says I gained 3lbs and I put it on my status because I have to be honest with myself but 4 days later and 2 of those three are gone. Like TOD says you have accomplished so much don't beat yourself up. Glad you are feeling better.
  25. Raine

    I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    welcome welcome!! Congratulations on the great work!

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