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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by myezzence

  1. myezzence

    July Master List

    Chanel Valente july 12, 2011, I was sleeved
  2. I've been in a 2 month stall and I don't understand it. I am following by my doctors food regimen but no weight loss. My doctor told me to switch up on my lifestyle change, such as instead of no exercising begin to do so..and I did...!. Just to give you some history. Before surgery I weighed 227 lbs on July 12, 2011 and now today, I am 172 lbs....but I havent lost anymore weight in 2 mos. During all of my weight loss, I did no exercising at all, so my doctor suggested I try working out. For 1 month, I do 1 hr of cardio, such as elliptical, running, treadmill..and etc, and light weight training...still noooo weight loss. I have tried everything ..protein drinks, watching what I eat...can someone give me an explanation. I'M VERY THANKFUL FOR 55LBS OFF..But is this the end of my weight loss??? CHANEL
  3. Today is officially 4 mos for me, I was in a terrible stall for the entire month of october .This month I changed some things such as working out, and upped my water intake and carbs for energy...the finally result ...I lost 10 lbs so far from nov 1 - today. You need to change up to get your body losing again. My trainer helped me to understand this...you need more carbs while working out or else your body will think you are starving it. Chanel
  4. myezzence

    3 months.. somewhat slow

    Today is officially 4 mos for me, I was in a terrible stall for the entire month of october ..no weight loss. This month I decided to change some things such as working out, in which I didn't do before and upped my Water intake and carbs for energy...the finally result ...I lost 10 lbs so far from nov 1 - today. July 12, 2011 was my surgery day and I weighed 227 lbs 5'4 ft now I'm 165 lbs. You need to change up to get your body losing again. My trainer helped me to understand this...you need more carbs, water and Protein while working out or else your body will think you are starving it. Chanel
  5. Omg I didn't even recognize you, you look like a totally different person before you were cute but now you are gorgeous ...you look like you are 20 yrs old, chanel
  6. Today is officially 4 mos for me, I was in a terrible stall for the entire month of october ..no weight loss. This month I decided to change some things such as working out, in which I didn't do before and upped my Water intake and carbs for energy...the finally result ...I lost 10 lbs so far from nov 1 - today. July12 was my surgery day and I weighed 227 now I'm 165 lbs. You need to change up to get your body losing again. My trainer helped me to understand this...you need more carbs while working out or else your body will think you are starving it. Chanel
  7. I'm officially 4 mos today, and I have lost 10 lbs this month so far. In October, I hit a terrible stall for the entire month with no weight loss. I decided to work out which before I didn't and I upped my Water in take...and it knocked me out of my stall. chanel
  8. I've taken Iron pills, and I noticed a big change. I'm not getting cold like before. Chanel
  9. I am officially 4 mos today, and I can eat everything, and I'm full of energy. Honestly I think you will be ok, if it was a month or 2 after surgery, then I wouldn't suggest it. Go and have a ball, also stay in tune with your body.. if something changes ask your doctor. Have fun me lady. Chanel
  10. My doctor gave me 1 month off, because of the little amount of food your energy level becomes zapped. I would take a month to be safe, especially if you have fmla. Chanel
  11. You and I really do have the same BMI, I questioned my doctor. He said, because we began with a low bmi, we will lose first at a rapid pace in the beginning but once we lose a certain amount our bodies began to slow down in the weight loss. However he said this is normal, our bodies are adjusting to the dramatic change. I had reached his suggested 6 mos goal in 2 mos, so soon our bodies will readjust and lose again. Also I found out I'm gaining more muscle weight from exercising but I have lost 4 inches off my waist in 1 1/2 month without weight loss. Check your measurements.
  12. Thanks you all...I went to the gym, and I have lost 3 lbs so I think ..I have activated my weight loss.
  13. Just to clarify what I was saying if I added confusion..I do watch what I eat, and I use fitness pal to log in my daily food. I love that site!!! You can also download the app on your mobile phone which I use too. Now you are right about my Water intake...I hate water, and I drink about 42 to 56 ozs of water daily. I will take you advice in drinking more thanks. Chanel
  14. I am 3 1/2 mos out and I always order a kids meal. Appetizers are still too much for me...and sometimes the kids meals too. However at least, I get a small entree with 2 tiny sides. I thought I would need my gastric surgery card to get a kids meal, but so far none was requested.
  15. I'm 5'4 ...Thank you so much..I pray you are right.
  16. I had the exact problem but my nausea was everyday, my doctor gave me Phenegren suppositories because I had problems keeping down a phenagren pill. The Phenagren suppository does an excellent job. I still have to take them, and it becomes effective within 10 mins.
  17. cont... the 2 mo, I only had 2 lbs of weight loss. This month (3mo), I sought help from my surgeon and he said because my bmi was low from the beginning, it is expected. I decided to start working out which I wasn't doing before and lost 10 lbs this month. Are you going through the same problem?

  18. my good friend and I had the sleeve, we both endured the same pain below the shoulder blade. It's gas per our surgeon, we took gas x strips twice a day, and its gone. Question I noticed you had a low bmi like me before surgery. I was at 34 bmi and had my surgery on july 12, 2011 (3 mos official). I've lost 58 lbs so far, but I have noticed the weight loss has decreased.

  19. myezzence

    The best vitamins????

    I use One A Day Vita Crave, its a gummy bear type of vitamin and quite tasty. It is loaded with the necessary vitamins.
  20. My one week stall broke, this morning I lost an additional 3 lbs per my scale. We are on the roll again babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 177 lbs. I increased my calorie intake. Just think i had an additional 15 lbs off but I got dehydrated and i needed an IV that put 15 lbs on me...I could have been 162 lbs. Surgery date: 07/08/2011.....223 lbs 1 months - 23 lbs loss 1 1/2 month - gained 15 lbs back due to IV for dehydration 2mos -23 lbs loss......177 lbs
  21. I am 2 mos post, I weighed 223, now I am 180 lbs. IT'S BEEN 1 WEEK NOW , and I haven't lost any weight. Maybe its due to my period, but mannnnn I hope this stall will break. Any suggestions? Chanel
  22. I AM 8 WEEKS OUT, 43 LBS LOSS.....1 month i lost 24 lbs...5'4 ft and striving for 150 lbs goal weight.
  23. Hey Sleevettes, I was sleeved on 07/05/11, man this was a journey. Two weeks after surgery, I was hospitalized for 4 days due to dehydration....they put 15lbs of IV fluids back on my body (but I needed it). Now I have a terrible case of acid reflux..everything I eat affects me, so now my doctor just started me on Nexium. I use to feel like what in the hell have I done, and I had much regret...however I love the way I look now. My self esteem has soared, I started off at 227 lbs (weight at surgery) and now I am 183 lbs. My body, mind, and soul feels better. This was well worth it, in spite of everything I've been through. Just remember your stomach has to readjust itself, but it will get better within time. Chanel
  24. myezzence

    31 BMI

    HELLO Topic starter, I had a bmi 33, and I had my surgery on July 12, and it was approved by my insurance blue cross blue shield. Sheri
  25. Let me start by saying ..never buy alot of Protein drinks because your stomach can change at any given time. I began with EAS Protein Drinks, and they were horrible...I am a picky eater and drinker so you know I get turned off easily. My stomach has become lactose intolerant now,,,go figure..so all the shakes have ended, t I went to GNC store and I decided to try certain juice products...I tries Isopure alpine punch, alot of good reviews, but to me it taste good at first then it leaves a bitter dry taste ,,,,yuckkkkk no more Cytomax protein Tropical drink bottled - excellent -my picky taste buds loved it. Now I USE TO Have a terrible sweet tooth, but this product seemed to sweet so I diluted it with Water and ICE...... YUMMMMMM..it has 40 grams of protein in a 20 oz ...here it is for all post op folks BIGGEST LOSER power to go packets.. - I got lemonade ..it was delicious .. but each to go packet as 6 grms per 4 oz serving of water, juice, or smoothie For all Picky Taste budders I hope this helps. Sheri

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
