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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by myezzence

  1. Well, I thought life was getting better, however I am 2 weeks post, I was placed on moist foods, but I can barely get in 32 oz of water, and its hard to swallow any foods. It feels like everything gets stuck in my throat or my esphogus. Come to find out..i have to be admitted due to dehydration and they have to do some test on my Gi tract...the dehydration is causing my drinking problems...a sip feels a lump
  2. Hello, I was so dehydrated I needed all nght fluids. They are considering doing a scope to see why I have difficulties swallowing. So im glad..with all of the fluids from my iv, my hands are swollen..oh they said my bp is perfect since I had surgery 115/65 ....it you to alwaysss be 165/110 or 160/95 . Its 4am and I feel like a new peRson . My urine bEfore looked dark like malt vingeR...but its clearing up now. Ill keep u all postee. If you are dehydrated or cant drink/ eat tellll your dr Sheri
  3. This has been amazing short journey, which I'm glad I did. My surgery date was july 15, and folks I have lost 27 lbs. Yesterday, I had my first post op appt, and my dr said I did an amazing job, but I was having problems finding the right Protein drink for me, but I found one at last that I simply love with a little Water to dilute the sweetness, and it has 40 gms of protein and no sugar...cytomax tropical flavor bottled. Officially, I have progressed to soft moist foods, so I can eat fish, watermelon, spinach..things like that...I'mmmmm so excited...nothing new to you all. Oh I'm in onderland!!! I was wondering, now that I am eating will the weight lost slow down, stop or what happens now? Sheri Before pre op: 224 lbs Pre op diet - 6 days: 208 lbs After surgery hospital had IVs - Gained all 16lbs 224 Today : 196 lbs
  4. myezzence

    Attention Scale Addicts!

    'LilMissDiva' You always seem so informative with the weight loss journey. At this point I need someone I can have as a mentor and who will be honest with me. I got sleeved July 15, so far I have lost 28 lbs including my 6 day pre op diet weight loss. As of 3 days ago, my dr started me on moist food, fish, spinach...things like that but its very very hard to eat. now, I have not lost any weight since then...this is the 4th day and I am feeling alarmed like I did something wrong. I'm having problems getting in my Protein drinks such as EAS, ATKINS ..YOU name it they hurt my stomach so bad. I get stomach spasms. I've tried Isopure YUCK...WHAT SHOULD I DO, AND HOW CAN I BEGIN TO LOSE AGAIN...HELP SHERI
  5. Let me start by saying ..never buy alot of Protein drinks because your stomach can change at any given time. I began with EAS Protein Drinks, and they were horrible...I am a picky eater and drinker so you know I get turned off easily. My stomach has become lactose intolerant now,,,go figure..so all the shakes have ended, t I went to GNC store and I decided to try certain juice products...I tries Isopure alpine punch, alot of good reviews, but to me it taste good at first then it leaves a bitter dry taste ,,,,yuckkkkk no more Cytomax protein Tropical drink bottled - excellent -my picky taste buds loved it. Now I USE TO Have a terrible sweet tooth, but this product seemed too sweet (0 sugar) so I diluted it with Water and ICE...... YUMMMMMM..it has 40 grams of protein in a 20 oz ...here it is for all post op folks BIGGEST LOSER power to go packets.. - I got lemonade ..it was delicious .. but each to go packet as 6 grms per 4 oz serving of water, juice, or smoothie For all Picky Taste budders I hope this helps. Sheri
  6. Hey Sleevettes, Yeppie Today, my stomach feels soooo much better. Truthfully, Since my surgery I was wondering what the heck did I do to myself. Mannnn 6 days felt like a journey...however now I have no regrets. I have officially lost 20 lbs so far..yess 20lbs!! My energy level is still low but my dr state this is normal and drinking has been gradual. Ok here is the run down: 6 day pre op fast...I honestly think I had fast food withdraws but I did not faulter...BE STRONG, During my pre op fast, I lost 16 lbs , but after I enter the hospital I became dehydrated from vomiting that they gave me countless IVS, so all the Water weight lost came back until I left the hospital 3 days later. 1ST day after surgery, I had lots of vomiting and extreme gas which was horrible....so bring you some gas x strips....TRUST ME ..YOU WILL BE SO THANKFUL. You will walk within 4 hrs after surgery. I HAD NO PHYSICAL PAIN FROM THE SURGERY NOR INCISIONS ..NOR DO I NOW YAY!! DAY 2 & 3 in hospital Gas Xworked ...now dehydrated getting IV's ...they said I will regain all of my water weight lost..boooo and I did. I was back to the normal weight 223 lbs when I first started my Pre Op diet. 3RD DAY I'm being released from the hospital. During Hospital stay I have no desire for any food ..I feel so full..thought that was strange Now I'm Home DAY 3 & 4 No vomitting nor nausea...still have that full filling BUT I can barely get in 3 to 6 oz of liquids the entire day without my stomach rejecting it...vomiting. I was told it will come in time just sip and dont force it. Day 5 GEEZZZZZZZZZZZ I got in18 oz of liquid the entire day but my stomach couldn't take it and I threw up 4 times through the day..had to use my phengren. I have low energy so I did include some gaterade in my liquids and I felt better per my dr. Today - DAY 6 I got up at 12:00 noon, and my stomach felt hungry for the first time since my surgery ..smile! No nausea , and so far I got down 8oz YESSSS. Lets see what the rest of the day holds. i still have low energy but I understand..its a process. Lets see if I can get more in. I did realize the key to drinking is knowing your sleeve and how much it can take of fluids at a time. After each 5 ozs, I give myself at least 30 minutes before I start drinking again. I'm so excited for NEW BEGINNINGS. Sheri Stay tuned for more updates - any questions about the surgery or hospital stay, symptoms and etc ..I'm available because I will be reaching out to you all too...smile
  7. Being single is hard especially when you have made exciting life changes in your appearance. One of my friends suggested a dating site to me, once I am satisfied with my weight lost....such a singlepeoplemeet, and match.com. She was very successful with these sites, however she advised me to screen them out on the cell phone before I go out with them. Of course if he is a nut, you can block his number ..smile. So don't give up!!! Sheri
  8. myezzence


    i ACCEPT YOUR EXCITEMENT, ITS THOSE LITTLE THINGS THAT MEAN THE MOST. It has confirmed that you are on your way toooo..the new you....CHEERS FOR NEW BEGINNINGS. I;m just 6 days post, so I can wait to get excited too..smiles Sheri
  9. Hey Denise, I believe that is gas, because I had the same feeling while in the hopsital until I took some gas x strips. Try those, if you continue getting a persistent pain call you dr...snap snap no delays Sheri
  10. Thank you so much kelly..HUGS BACK AT YOU
  11. Thank you so much, so have you had any problems getting in your liquids? Tomorrow, I have my first post op appt so I'll be discussing my concern with my dr...however I will be eating mushy or soft foods tomorrow right afterward...stay too for that update, I'm a little nervous about it but excited too because I can finally eattttt. Sheri
  12. Hello all, I was sleeved on July 12,so this is my 4th day. I can honestly say I have no comments yet about my sleeve, because I had great amounts of nausea, gas and dehydration so severe they attempted to find a vein in my arms, hands, feet and lastly my neck. This took place during my hospital stay and after being sleeved. During my 1 week pre op diet, I lost 16 lbs, however I ended up gaining all back due to my IV..so it was nothing but Water weight. I started off desiring the lap band, but I heard about all of the complications, and switched to the gastric sleeve. My doctor informed me, that he made it very small..and I believe it. just drinking 1 oz of water , feels like I went to a buffet and pigged out. I hope it gets better because I don't want to be dehydrated again. I know my weight loss will be a guarantee with this type of restriction, and I have noooo hunger nor desire for food since Tuesday ..4 days ago. Today I will attempt a Protein drink, and see what happens. I do notice a change with my stomach, crystal light pink lemonade gives me alot of gas pain, but it wasn't like that before and my drink can't be icy cold but luke warm. Cold drinks give me stomach spasms...but not painful. I'm still painfree yayyyyyy...so far since my sleeve date ...I have lost 10 lbs in 4 days. So I am excited about my new beginnings once my healing process is over. Does anyone have the same problem or did before and what did you use for gas. My pepcid does ok, gas x ok..??? Sheri
  13. myezzence

    African American Sleevers

    Hello all, I was sleeved on July 12,so this is my 4th day. I can honestly say I have no comments yet about my sleeve, because I had great amounts of nausea, gas and dehydration so severe they attempted to find a vein in my arms, hands, feet and lastly my neck. This took place during my hospital stay and after being sleeved. During my 1 week pre op diet, I lost 16 lbs, however I ended up gaining all back due to my IV..so it was nothing but Water weight. I started off desiring the lap band, but I heard about all of the complications, and switched to the gastric sleeve. My doctor informed me, that he made it very small..and I believe it. just drinking 1 oz of water , feels like I went to a buffet and pigged out. I hope it gets better because I don't want to be dehydrated again. I know my weight loss will be a guarantee with this type of restriction, and I have noooo hunger nor desire for food since Tuesday ..4 days ago. Today I will attempt a Protein drink, and see what happens. I do notice a change with my stomach, crystal light pink lemonade gives me alot of gas pain, but it wasn't like that before and my drink can't be icy cold but luke warm. Cold drinks give me stomach spasms...but not painful. I'm still painfree yayyyyyy...so far since my sleeve date ...I have lost 10 lbs in 4 days. So I am excited about my new beginnings once my healing process is over. Does anyone have the same problem or did before and what did you use for gas. My pepcid does ok, gas x ok..??? Sheri
  14. myezzence

    Back at home

    hello, I just got home from being sleeved, I can't believe you are able to get down 8 oz of Soup, and 8 ozs of Water. i'm having problems getting one ounce of water in. My stomach becomes so, so full. While in the hospital, I had no pain, nor do I now. I did have alot of gas but the gas x strips resolved it quickly. I had nausea the first day, but was given phengren which resolved all nausea. I'm trying so hard to get in 8 ounces,,so far since I left the hospital, I got 3 ounces down over 6 hr....aughhhh. My dr stated he made my sleeve small, and honestly I don't see how I will eat. I have no appetite nor hunger for 3 days officially. My friend was sleeved right after me, and she is having the same problems (we both have the same dr). I pray I will be able to get my food in and liquids because I don't want to get dehydrated. Does anyone have any input, my stomach is still swollen greatly so maybe when it goes down, perhaps I'll be able to eat and drink as required, Sheri
  15. Hello eveyone, I have officially been sleeved as of 3 days ago. I was never in pain except for a latge volume of Gas and nausea. They gave me some phegren and Everythng subsized. I feel the resttiction after drinkiing an ounce of water im full. Im glad I need my sleeve Sheri
  16. myezzence

    Employer Help.

    I went thru this before...and won a lawsuit. First you need to take advantage of fmla..it will secure your job. Contact the eeoc because u have been discriminated against based on your medical request. Next time you go in to speak with your boss have a small recorder amd have it running..it will help in case of a lawsuit
  17. myezzence

    Pre-Op Weightloss

    : Start liquid diet tomorrow any suggestions on what to use I have been on my pre op diet since July 5-11, so far I lost 16 lbs probably Water weight. It has been a challenge and I am starting to have dreams about my favorite foods lol. Fortunately, I haven't breached my pre op fast, so I have listed the items on my diet ..all liquids per my drs instructions. My diet consist of no sugar Jello, pudding, fudgsicles..all no sugar! Low sodium, fat free beef or chicken broth, crystal light, water, and EAS Protein drink only 20 gm during pre-op. NO SALADS, meats NOR VEGETABLES. My diet was for 1 week and my surgery is this tuesday July 12,,. so keep me in prayer. You can do it...stay focus, don't tempt yourself by going into restaurants. I had to tell my friends, that I couldn't be around them this week because they love eating ..and I didn't want to torture myself nor fail. So stay tuned...I will give you all an UPDATE on tuesday after my surgery, they said I will have to walk 4 hrs afterward. I will tell you all the GOOD, BAD AND THE UGLY..Follow me Sherry on my journey..smile July 5 --- 223 lbs began pre op diet July 11----207 lbs July 12----? my surgery...and NEW BEGINNINGS
  18. myezzence


    Hello I'm Sheri, July 12, 2011 I'm having my surgery too...yeppie for us. Yes I'm nervous, but at the same time excited for NEW BEGINNINGS. I have placed everything in God's hands and trying to rest in him. I'm not going to lie, I'm a litttle scared because I'm going by myself,due to my family are far away. However overall I'M EXCITED. This pre op liquid diet was a struggled ,because I'M such a fast food addict but I have been dedicated. Since July 5-11 till today I lost 15 lbs..probably Water weight but I'm excited. My goal is 150lbs..I hope..smile. So relax and welcome to one step closer to new beginnings,,cheers Sheri
  19. Hello I'm having my surgery tuesday july 12, cheers to new beginnings. I am so excited for us...we definitely have to stay in contact..so I can find out how you are doing. I'm on my 7 day diet and I have lost 14 lbs..I'm shocked, but it has to be Water weight., and I'm drinking 64 ozs of water daily. I'm a little going through my carb withdrawal as of last night...it was rough. So I will keep both of us in prayer Sincerely Sheri July 5, pre op diet - 223lbs July 9- pre op diet 5 day - 209lbs Goal-150 lbs
  20. Hey Diva, You look fabulous...wow you are my inspirationnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Sheri
  21. myezzence

    pre-op diet so far 4 days

    Hey Carmen, Start getting all of your supplies. I purchased all NO SUGAR ADDED foods per my doctor, or fat free. They make no sugar added yogurt (different flavors), fudgesicles -no sugar added, Protein shakes, I drink EAS( semi frozen) and Breakfast essentials. Stock up on crystal lite and reduced sodium Soups. Its is different, and challenging because I'm addicted to carbs. So good luck, on your pre ops fast. Guess what I am big boned too.,,150lbs is my goal approved 223 lbs pre-ops fast 211 (5days out) surgery - 5 days left STAY TUNE FOR MY UPDATE AFTER SURGERY Sheri
  22. Hey Sleevettes and Sleevers, This is my 4th day of my pre op diet, and I have surgery on tuesday 07/12/2011. This diet has been hard but I have already lostttt...drum roll ...9 lbs. I am so excited about my surgery, and I want to be successful in everyway. Thanks everyone for the advice. Sheri
  23. myezzence

    oh no...!!! you didn't......!!!!!

    Have you ever heard, misery loves company...well thats what is going on. I'm a christian woman who use to be very athletic, but due to a knee injury and weight gain..I'm unable to lose. I firmly believe God wants the best for us. Our bodies are a temple in which we need to keep in good condition. She is taking the word out of context and using it for her own reasoning. If it isnt for her so be it,,but don't make you feel bad. Do you!!! A real friend would support you not be judgemental. I'm having my surgery on July 12, and its about me not anyone else. Get your life...health back...l will keep you in prayer. Chanel
  24. I won my appeal from blue cross blue shield. Two weeks ago, I was rejected by my insurance company for the gastric sleeve because they declared my bmi 35 was too low..for the surgery it has to be 40. I'm very thankful to my wonderful bariatic insurance coordinator who fought on my behalf because I have high blood pressure. I am so happy I will be a sleevey soon. They are calling me tomorrow to schedule my surgery...yesssss I feel like a new beginning. I use to be very athletic but I injured my knee over time in which I have developed arthritis and if I don't lose 60 to 80 lbs I will need a knee replacement by 55. So now I can save my knee, and save myself...yes. myezzence
  25. wow and wow I am completely stunned ...You look gorgeous. I'm suppose to be sleeved on July 12 and now I am so excited. You look like a model now...I pray my results are just as fabulous. Thanks you have given me hope in tomorrow. Sheri Before: Progress (during) After (now)

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