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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MaeConnie68

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    Expert Member

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  1. Brisk is in the oven for the slow cook with carrots, potatoes, onions, and garlic....I am hungry already

  2. I was wondering and would love some input. I had my sleeve surgery 5/4/2011. I am down 165 pounds which is great. I am very concerned because I am having so cardio problems. My cardio dr put me on blood pressure medicine this week because my blood pressure was too high. Now for the past year my heart rate has been very low....So I have under the doctors care because of this issue. I am in the gym 4 times a week. It is crazy. My doctor seems to think the electrical signals are getting crossed because the of the weight loss. Has anyone out there heard of this or had similar problems. Any input would be great. I am concerned because even at my heaviest I did not have problems with my blood pressure and now I do....I am so confused....
  3. Good night to family and friends

  4. Have a nice Friday and a great weekend.

  5. Happy Thursday, I hope everyone has a nice day

  6. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words
  7. Not having a good day, the dizziness is really bad. I was hoping to feel better. I cannot believe how tired this is making me

  8. Happy Saturday, I hope everyone has a nice day

  9. I am 11 month out and I have lost 140 pounds which I am total excited about. About 2 weeks ago, I started having problems being dizzy. Well the next thing that started to happen I was passing out. Well I went to PCP and he sent me to the emergency room and they rushed me in because my heart rate was in the 30's. This was very scary experience because I never had any cardaic issues. Well they said I having a mild case bradycardia but they wanted to monitor it because I am too young for a pacemaker. Well they sent me packing home after a night in the hospital. Well 2 days later I ended back in the hospital for a week. What they found out was after the tilt table test was my heart thinks I stay weight 400 pounds and f.or some reason my body is not absorbing fluids or salt like it is suppose to. Well now I have turned into a little kid that cannot be alone because I am afraid I am going to fall. I am here pumping fluids and taking medication for being dizzy which takes the edge off. So back to the cardio on Wednesday to see what is nexted. I wanted to post this just in case another sleever is having the same problem. Any feedback would be great. I am a down about this situation
  10. Good Morning and Happy Presidents Day Weekend

  11. MaeConnie68


    Thank you guys for your support. You guys are right, my body is changing....I am going to hang in there. Just having a rough few days....
  12. Hi Sleevers, Depression, I am 9 months post op and I have hit at major stall. I have lost 127 pounds. I am so worried is this it? I have alot to go. I started at 356 pounds and I down to 238 pounds but I have not gone anywhere in 3 three weeks. I am starting to get some serious panic attacks, where the walls are closing in. I am so terrifed the weight is going to come back. I am excercising and I was obessed I strained by stomach muscles excercsing and my dr has me relaxing. Any suggestions would be appreciated. My next surgeon appt is in 2 weeks. I am thinking about going to my primary doctor to help get through this panic attacks. Please help in Florida.... Connie
  13. MaeConnie68

    Slow weight loss

    Hi Sleevers, I am six months out and have lost 111 pounds and I have slowed down alot. I am trying to stay positive. In my mind I think every pound I lose is one more day in my life I have worked on so hard on saving. I am feeling great the best I felt in years. Sometimes I get mentally tired because it is a challenge everyday to make the good food choices because of everything that is out there. This week was by birthday and we went out to lunch at my favorite Japanese Restaurant, I order what I wanted to a few bites and I was done. I do deny myself my cravings, I usually take a bite to satisfy the craving then I am done. If you deny yourself it make you crazy. On that note my sleeve is still sensitive so I know what it can tolerate. So I am careful. I want to say this surgery is the best tool out there and I wish I had done it years ago. Congrads to all my fellow sleevers on there great weight loss.
  14. MaeConnie68

    Emotional Place

    Thank you, I have no secrets just it is coming off. I have slowed down alot. I am glad I am not the only one. I thought I was going nuts...

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