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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MaeConnie68

  1. MaeConnie68

    What I had for Lunch

    OMG, you guys are so lucky. My doctor told me no starches what so ever.....I am craving mashed potatoes so bad. I am on mushines till 7/8. He is being so conservative. Let me know if you have any good reciepes
  2. MaeConnie68


    Hi Everyone, Well yesterday was my first full excercise day since the surgery. My dr. gave me the okay to start swimming and it was wonderful. I walk a mile before I did my excercises in the pool. I feel so good but a little sore. Today I am just going to walk and back to the pool tomorrow. I think 3 days a week in the pool would be good and the walking in between. What do you guys think? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you, Connie
  3. Hello Everyone: Here are my stats: Preop Diet Weight 4/24: 364.4 Day of Surgery 5/4: 333.6 Weight Loss Pre Op: 33 pounds One Month Dr's Visit 6/3: 314.8 18.8 pounds since the surgery Total Loss: 51.8 pounds. I am waiting for the stall to come anytime. It is amazing I am like Meggie I have to set my phone to eat or I will just keep on going. This is amazing for me. The one thing that really bothers me on this surgery all the drs have different ways of thinking about the diet stages. My dr. has me on the pureed stage for till July 8. Is there a rime or reason for this or is he being more careful than ususally because of the weight I need to lose. I think the next time I see him I will ask him. I am glad everyone is doing so well. Till next time.
  4. MaeConnie68

    One Month Post Op

    Thank you for all your support and she means alot to me.
  5. Good Evening Everyone, Well today is my one month post op and I weigh my self today and I have lost 45 pounds. I thought I was dreaming. I had to have a friend to make sure I was awake lol.....The breakdown is 31 pounds preop diet and 15 pounds since the surgery. OMG it has been whirlwind month. My surgery was 5/4 and I was interview for a promotion at work on 5/3. Well I got the job. I think it is a good omen. I am starting a new life in more ways than one. I feel so much better. I have never felt better in such a long time. Now I do have my days, I say to myself what did I do, especially when I see something I really want to eat. Then I say to myself this is the new lifestyle I have choosen am I am going to stick with it. I never finished anything in my life I have always quite half way through. I am not going to quit this for sure. I am still on a full liquid diet. I will visit my dr on Friday I hope the diet changes. If I every see another can of chicken noodle Soup I will scream . Well enough of rumbling on. I could have not made this far without the support of this forum. Thank you to everyone who has answered questions when I needed. I am sure I will have more in the future. Have a great week... Connie
  6. Hi Meggie and gang, You guys are so luck I am still on full liquids and I a month today. I see my surgeon on Friday. Maybe then I can start my mushies. I am praying. I am glad everyone is doing well. The burps are apart of my life. I get so embrassed sometimes. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Connie
  7. MaeConnie68

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    Kelly, I am so happy for you....I do not go back to my docotor till June 3 and I am on full liquids till then. Keep feeling better. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers everyday
  8. MaeConnie68

    13 days- energy up!

    I am glad you are doing well. I am so happy for you. I did my weekly weigh in I have lost 40 pounds. I cant believe. I told my husband to pitch me am I dreaming. I am looking for the stall to come soon. I am still having problems with getting all my Proteins. I am working hard on it. I am feeling better everyday. I am so happy for everyone. I am just happy
  9. MaeConnie68

    Just weighed myself.....

    I am so happy for you....I weigh yesterday I am down 38 pounds. I am so happy. I cannot believe.......I am looking at pictures from Christmas what a difference.....
  10. Good Evening, I am so happy for you that you get to have one of your favorite Soups. Tonight I had cream of chicken and mushroom Soup. I never tasted something so good. I am still having a hard time with my Proteins. I found lowfat cottage cheese is helping me out. It is making the up the difference from the protien shakes. Thank goodness I like it. I ask my dr's nurse and said it will be okay to eat it as long as I mush up real good and eat it slow. It takes me 40 minutes to consume half of cup. So I try to get a cup in a day. I know one thing I am not getting enough calories. I counted them today to see and I am barley getting 400 calories not wonder I am so tired. I am so looking forward till tomorrow at 5p and then I am off for 3 days. The 10 hours days at work are getting my butt. This weekend I think I am going to make me so homemade chicken soup to get through next week. I hope everyone has a nice day tomorrow. Try to keep the engery up. I am going to need every bit of it to make tomorrow.
  11. Today was my second day back to work and I am exhausted. I getting all the Proteins and fluids in. I am two weeks post op tomorrow. Should I be worried. Maybe I am trying to hard. I did not have the enegry to walk tonight, I feel like to am cheating my body by not walking. I do walk through out the day at work. My husband thinks I am pushing things too soon. I should just relax. So what he has done is we are going away for Memorial Day, to relax and hang out away from the house. Maybe this will help. I know it is week away I am looking forward to this. Any input on this would be great. I am just the type of person who has a hard tme decompressing. I want to take a hot bath so bad. I guess a few more weeks to Calgon take me away. PS I had a coworker today tell me I do not see why you had the surgery, you are so confident in yourself and did not let the weight bother you. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I never realized I covered the pain so well. I told the coworker I did it for my health and so I can be a better person for myself and my family and so they are not worrying all the time. OMG what is next health wise. I hope that was a good answer.
  12. MaeConnie68

    Are these things Normal??

    Congrads, on the surgery. It will get better I promise you. When I got home they gave liquid tyneol w/ cod. Low and beyond I was allegric to it. I had to take bendryl to counter act the medicine. The bowel problems goes away after few days. I am on my second day back to work and exhausted. The only problem I am having is when I eat I get gas pains other than that I am not hungry and I have to set my alarm to remind me to eat. I wish the best of luck to you in your recovery.
  13. MaeConnie68


    I am 10 days post op and how long does the loose bowels last. I feel like a duck. Any input would be great. Thanks
  14. I have the same problem and I took my last shot today and the dr said it was not a problem and I should be concerned. I am so glad the shots are over
  15. Well today was first post op appointment with my doctor everything look good. I have lost 14 pounds since I start with the preop. I have lost a total of 31 pounds since I have started my journey in January. The doctor says everything this doing good. The only two problems I am having is my new stomach is rejecting the protien shakes. I having such problems. The advice given is too try muscle milk light which I was using before surgery to see if that works. I hope so as soon it hits my stomach I get go nauseous. The other minor complication is I seem to have popped stitched. They gave some cream for healing and said to see me in a month. One more thing I am full liquids till June 3. My underlying question is why diets are different from doctor to docotor. Oh well I know I need to protect my stomach and I do not want nothing too happen to that. Well I back to work on Monday. I am getting little waves of depression. I guess it is my hormones. I seem to cry at the simplest things. Good luck to everyone and will post soon. Connie
  16. MaeConnie68

    Back to WORK!!

    Congrads...I am back to work on Monday....Take it easy....
  17. Good Evening, Well I home from the hospital today. My sleeve was picture picture according to my dr. I will say the worst is the gas. I made a mistake yesterday and tried to walk it out instead of asking for help. Boy I regreted that. They doped me up pretty good last night. I woke this morning a new women. I am glad I am home no more of waking me up every two hours to check vitals and blood sugar. I am sore but nothing I can handle. I wil give one piece of advice if you are in pain let me know dont let get out of hand. I thought I could handle it. The staff at South Miami Hospital are the best and very caring. Well I thought I would make a small post. To my red velvet gang I made it....Meggie and all my gang good luck next week. Connie
  18. MaeConnie68

    Tomorrow is my day!!!

    Good luck my prayers are will you.
  19. MaeConnie68

    My surgery was 2 days ago

    I had my surgery on Wednesday. Today was the 1st day I was able to get down 4 oz of protein. I have been sipping on warm tea and that has gotten me by. I sip water also but I am having a hard time with it. I am sipping trough out the day, I am hoping I am getting enough. I am tired. I am trying to sit up and walk around the house. The gas was so bad last night I paced the hallway at 4 am. I guess everything is going fine other than that. I hope....
  20. MaeConnie68

    Sleeve Today

    Good Morning, Well today is my day. I am so nervous I woke up with hives from head to toe. I have to be at the hospital at 830 am to have surgery at 1030am. I believe that is good. I watched an epsoide for Dr. Oz and he says that is the best time to have surgery. Good Luck to all who is having the surgery today. I have decided not to take my laptop to the hospital. So I will catch up with everyone later. Till Friday. Best Connie
  21. Hi Gang, Tomorrow is my day at 10:30 am. I am nervous and scared at the same time. Today has been torture...I have spend most of the day in the bathroom with the clean out cocktail. Can you believe this the 1st day I am not hungry. I am drinking my Water to keep hydrated. The gatorade they told me to drink I cannot stomach the taste. I have diluted it and everything. I am hoping I can sleep tonight. I finishing my last load of laudray. I am here just surfing the net to kill time. Well wish me luck. I hope everyone is feeling well. By the way the day I started my preop had runny nose and sore throat. I bought some Zicam and now everything is all better thank goodness. Well catch up with everyone on Friday. I am not going to take my laptop to the hospital. My prayers and thoughts are with everyone. Connie
  22. Good Luck I am on Wednesday
  23. Good Morning Gang, Thank you for the support, Good luck tomorrow, I will be praying for you. I cant believe I am two days away. My husband has been so great. We had the discussion last night am I doing the right thing. He is positive. Bless him. Of course he will be doing this process in June or July depending on the insurance. I know I am doing the right thing. The only he did say to me that makes sense is in six months you will forget the hospital stuff because of you new life and bright new future. Well let get some stuff done around the house. I have to work for the next two days and I have so much I need to do. I will catch you guys later. Again thank you for the all support. I am still a bundle of nerves. Best, Connie
  24. Good Morning Gang, Well I woke this morning a bundle of nerves. I think I am going to take a ride to the beach to relax me. I was okay, I do not know what happen. I went to Walmart yesterday and got all my goodies for the days after the surgery. I do not what to I am nervous wreck. On top of that I have an interview on Tuesday for a job I have been waiting for 2 years. Do you think my job had better timing the day before my surgery. But on the other hand I thought, it could also be an omen, I start my new life on May the 4 and maybe that includes a new job. Keep your fingers cross . Well let me take that ride before I go crazy with hungry. Connie
  25. Good Morning All, Well I am on day 13 of my liquid diet and I have lost about 18 pounds as of yesterday. I am five days out from my surgery. I am getting a little nervous. At least my preparations will keep me busy. I will let you know week one was very hard. But now I am over the hump. Now I am not really hungry. I had such problems with the protien shakes. But on Tuesday for my pre-op class they had muscle milk and it tasted pretty good. So I got some, it has no milk, no sugar, and it does not give the stomach ache. Another life saver has been the SoBe life Water, the Crystal Light made me sick for 3 days. But other than that I am so ready. I am trying to stay strong while my husband whats he wants. I can not wait to get started on my new way of eating and being normal again. Let me know how is everyone doing as the count down progresses. Connie

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