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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MaeConnie68

  1. MaeConnie68

    My Husband

    Good Evening Everyone, Well I am going to have another sleever in the house. My husband got his surgery date for August 10. I am so excited for him. He starts his liquids on July 27. Our journeys are coming together. I was sleeved on May 4 and I am down 65 pounds and I am so excited. Today we went to the pool for his first any many workouts. He is sore from head to toe but he will make it. He has been starting to read the blogs in here so he can be more informed. My husband is not a computer person so we do this together. Please keep him in your prayers during this new process for him. He sees me struggle and he is little worried but I think he will make it. I have extreme confidence in him. Connie
  2. MaeConnie68

    My Husband

    Thank you Sandy and Susan I am glad we have the support on this website. I am glad we are doing this journey together.
  3. MaeConnie68

    Red Velveter's

    Great article....I think mine is the calorie intake. The dr says 800 to 100 calories...Yeah right tell that to my stomach....I think I am going to boost the excercise to see if that helps. Thank you again
  4. MaeConnie68

    Red Velveter's

    Hi Everyone, The first thing I want to say is everyone is doing so well and I am so proud of everyone. I had my 2 month post op appointment on Friday and I lost 11 pounds in the month of June. Yeah!!!!!! I am at the total of 62 pounds since my journey began in April. I am offically at a stall right now. I have been here for almost 2 weeks. My dr says to reevaluate and see if that works. I hope so. Well now I am on a regular diet except for starches, sugars and caffines. I am okay with that. I am going to boost my excercise routines up a little to see if that helps the stall. Please pray I get over the stall it is making me crazy a little. I want to say I am sorry for not keeping in here. I have been so busy with work and school. It takes so much of my time. I seldom have to myself anymore. Well I wanted to drop in a line to say hello and now back to homework. I can not wait till I finished this degree so I can have my life back. Take Care, Love you all Connie
  5. Hello Everyone, I wanted to share some before and after pictures. I have lost 60 pounds so far on my journey. I am happy and working hard to reach my goals. Today, is the first time I have been out to restaurant to eat. I had some baked fish and it is was great. I bless god every day for the strength he has given me to accomplish this weight loss. Have a great weekend.....
  6. MaeConnie68

    Red Velveter's

    I am so proud of all you guys progress. I am celebrating 2 months on Monday. I have lost 60 pounds so far. I tried on pair of jean shorts I have not worn them in at least 5 years and they fit perfect. I was so happy. I am swimming and walking. The only I need to start doing is weighs I am noticing some flabby places starting to form. I have given away 3 bags of clothes to a church that sends them to Haiti. I sometimes think I am dreaming. I have had one complication. I had some watermelon and a seed got stock in opening of my colon and it got inflammabled so I was sick for about a week. My surgeron was great about things. I am still on the mushies. I am not sure what is next in the food stage since my surgeron is conservative. So we will see on Friday. The only thing I am craving is a diet soda but I know I cannot have. I am sorry I have not been touch it has been so busy with work and school. I will try to make in more. I know the one thing I need to do is take some pictures I have been so bad about it. Well let me go. Have a great fourth of July weekend.....
  7. Have a nice weekend and Happy Fourth of July

  8. Low fat here or reduced calories. I watch my labels closely. I am finding fat free has more calories and carbs then regular food. I hope this helps.
  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you....God Bless......
  10. Great Job....I happy for you...
  11. MaeConnie68


    Happy B-day Enjoy your day and dont feel guilty for enjoying yourself....
  12. I am so happy for you........
  13. OMG, I had surgery on 5/4 and I barley can eat 4oz. if that before it makes me full. I guess everyone is different plus my dr still has me on the mushie stage till the 1st week in July. Becareful with pizza and steak........
  14. I am exhausted....I got up at 530 this morning cleaned house, made breakfast worked out and now I am studying. I need a break. Hopefully if I get all my studying done tomorrow I can relax.

  15. MaeConnie68

    Measuring Food

    On the measuring issue. I bought some glad containers that our 4 ounces and that is how I am measuring my foods. I am on the mushie stage right now. It is strange thou. I can eat 4 oz. of cottage cheese but I can not eat an whole scrambled egg. My stomach tells me when I have had a enough and through learning when to stop so I do not get sick or uncomfortable. Pretty much I measure everything. I so scared of hurting my new stomach. A little parnoid at times. Crazy I guess, I have this thing in my head I have work so hard to get here I do not want to screw it up.
  16. Here is a funny thing I had my sleeve on May 4. I have lost 56 pounds. Here is the funny thing I was sitting on the couch yesterday and I had an itch on my neck. So I was taking care of the itch and felt this lump on my shoudler. So I ask my husband to check out. it was my bone how funny is that. I knew it was there but I never felt it before......I thought that was a good chuckle.
  17. MaeConnie68

    GOODBYE 300's!!!!!!!

    Congrads, I am so happy for you. I am 11 pounds away from my first goal of 299. I am so excited for you.

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