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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Under200


    I was sleeve on the same day as you were by the same Dr. and I feel the same way about the main incision. Mine is bruised and very painful everything is else is fine. There are not many positions where I can sit comfortably. However, I did walk outside today for the first time for about 20 to 30 minutes, no pain. I had assistance though, I was not alone. Each day is getting better. Hopefully the doctor can give you some answers. Take care.
  2. Under200


    I had my sleeve on Oct, 17th. How do I add myself to this group?
  3. Hello, I am using Dr. Nick also and I have BCBS Federal. I’ve had three visits with a nutritionist (recommended by Dr. Nick’s office). If you had a supervised diet by a physician or nutritionist within the past 12 months, this should meet the 3 month requirement. Dr. Nick’s office will assign you to a patient coordinator, and you can let the coordinator know you would like to submit your previous supervised diet along with the other requirements to submit to the insurance company for approval. However, I would still schedule the NUT visits while you wait. That way if it is denied due to the “supervised diet requirement” you will already have a least one visit down, in the process of completing that requirement. Once I met all requirements it took less than 2 weeks for approval from BCBS. I was approved on 7/28/11. I will meet with Dr. Nick later this month to schedule my surgery date.
  4. Thanks, I will check out the videos on you tube. Good Luck with your surgery!
  5. Hello, I am using Dr. Nicholson also. I am still going through my insurance requirements right now. If everything goes as planned I will like to have my surgery late August or early September. Can you tell me what size bougie he uses and what is the significance of it? Thanks.
  6. Hello, I also have BCBS Federal and I am using Dr. Nicholson of Baylor Plano. I go to the NUT again this month for the 3 month supervised diet requirement, but I am not losing any weight. Did you lose weight with the adipex? What weightloss dr did you use? I will appriecate any advice you can give me, thanks.
  7. Welcome to VST forums Under200 :)

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