I may have bottled out here, bjut i didn't want to just go sick and leave my boss in the lurch as she relies on me quite heavily and i didn't think it fair, so i emailed her (lol) when i got my date and told her i was having abdominal surgery, didn;t feel comfortabble talking about it at the moment and that no-one else in my team knew about it, may be off for up to 2 weeks but would definitely come back before if i felt up to it which is the truth. Also apologised for the timing but couldn't be helped and i would perform much better post op. She was fine about i, she's lovely anyway, just seemed concerned i was ok, may confide later on, dont want her thinking i've got something serious like cancer, so we'll see. Have yet, however to tell my oppo - who's also a registered nurse, and keeps the school absence records (sending sicknotes onto HR etc lol) dont want to lie to her, but if i make up some other ailment, will have to be bloomin sure of the symptoms lol, plus i dont want her to worry either. tricky.